I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 27: Seeing Dr. Li Again

Chapter 27: Seeing Dr. Li Again

Ever since Zhang Jue had left, Yang Xue had been in a dazed state of mind. All that remained in her mind was the smile Zhang Jue had left behind. Zhang Jue's arrival had brought a huge change to her life. She had thought that the rest of her life would be nothing but those cold anomalies, ending up like her father, giving her life for the Foundation.

It was Zhang Jue who changed all that. After meeting Zhang Jue, she had more smiles than the previous twenty years of life combined. Although sometimes it was a hopelessly bitter smile, she finally felt, for the first time, that this might be the first genuine smile in her life.

But then Zhang Jue was gone, alone to face that horrible monster.

SCP-106. She had read up on it. It was an anomaly that even the Foundation couldn't contain. She believed in Zhang Jue, and in her opinion, there was nothing that Zhang Jue couldn't solve. But there was always a small shadow in her heart that she didn't dare to touch - what if, what if Zhang Jue didn't come back, how would she live her life herself?

Perhaps that question was rhetorical. If Zhang Jue had died at the hands of SCP-106 and failed to stop the enemy after the nuclear explosion, all of Site-14 would be a speck of dust in history, and no one would remember them.

She thought this and then heard footsteps. By definition, the SCP-106 containment room was made of special materials so that she couldn't have heard any sound from outside, but she just did.

"Tap, tap, tap" The step can be heard by her, and it seems to be getting closer and closer towards her.

Who could it be at this time? Zhang Jue? But only five minutes had passed since he left.

An enemy? The odds are that it's the enemy.

Yang Xue shivers down to her feet. She was a doctor certified by the SCP Foundation, and before Zhang Jue had arrived, she had been able to hold her own. Even the O5 Council had praised her. She couldn't just give up.

Yang Xue picked up the Colt that Zhang Jue had left for her. It was loaded and aimed at the door. The sound of a mechanical transmission came from outside the door - the man was opening it.

"Creak" With the sound of the door opening, a figure appeared in the doorway.

Yang Xue's heart had almost jumped into her throat. Just when she was about to pull the trigger. A familiar voice rang out.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dr. Yang, not that I'm complaining about it, your posture of holding the gun is not even right, does the Foundation even have a basic combat training - of course, this is indeed sexier, but what are you going to do if the enemies are as tough as me." Although it was Zhang Jue's typical trash talk, for Yang Xue, it was music to her ear.

Tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. She jumped towards the location of the voice and jumped into his arms at once, hugging him tightly, like a goose returning to its nest.

"Woah, Careful there, Madame Beauty, you've bumped the great savior here-"

The two walked down the corridor. Yang Xue still couldn't detach herself from that strange emotion. It was clear that she had just done something she couldn't have imagined before, but when faced with Zhang Jue, she didn't know what to do. She looked at Zhang Jue several times, wanting to say something but chose to not to.

Zhang Jue said, "If there's anything you want to say, hurry up and say it while there's still time, we will arrive at the containment room for SCP-2950 soon. So say what you want to say before you it's too late."

Yang Xue was about to speak, but she was stopped by Zhang Jue again. Zhang Jue stretched out his hand and made a gesture to their side. Yang Xue followed his finger and looked to the side of the corridor, where the door to the storage room was hidden, and their hand passed through the doorway to the next floor.

Cautiously, both of them arrived at the door of the storage room. Zhang Jue reached out and pulled the door open. A dozen corpses were lying horizontally and vertically inside the storage room, judging from the clothing style. They are the security members of this site.

All of them, without exception, had horrified expressions on their faces, as if they had been killed with a single strike. Seeing so many colleagues die here, Yang Xue couldn't help but want to cry.

However, Zhang Jue put his index finger to her mouth to stop Yang Xue- the bodies of the security personnel had been placed here, and the enemy was likely to be nearby. Yang Xue bit her lips, almost oozing blood, tears slipping from the corners of her eyes, but no sound was made. Zhang Jue patted her shoulder.


The two of them continued on their way. According to the map, ahead of them and through the corner was the SCP-2950 containment room. Zhang Jue stopped and glanced at Yang Xue. Yang Xue shook her head; her eyes were determined. Zhang Jue shrugged his shoulders.

Just then, a gunshot came from ahead - the sound of a pistol firing point-blank. The sound came from SCP-2950's containment room.

Zhang Jue pulled Yang Xue quickly close to the wall. The two of them moved slowly and finally arrived at the door of the containment room. Zhang Jue cautiously peeked through the door.

Inside the room, two men were facing each other - a man in a gray trench coat and bowler hat was pointing a gun at the head of another man in a black suit. Heh, infernal affairs, Zhang Jue thought in his mind.

The man in the trench coat was holding his bowler hat in one hand and his gun in the other, in an exquisite pose. Despite being pointed at the head with a gun, the man in the gray suit showed a smile on his face, not the slightest bit of fear.

By intuition alone, Zhang Jue knew that those two are not the kind of people easy to deal with. Next to them was a man in a prison uniform, wanting to cry but doesn't have the guts to do so, and looked frustrated.

Zhang Jue carefully identified the prisoner and found that this person was Dr. Li, who had tried to harm Zhang Jue before! No wonder the enemy had defeated all of the Foundation's security personnel so quickly, this leech!

The situation is a bit complicated. But, not far from Zhang Jue's speculation, this containment breach was indeed artificially caused, and there was more than one intruder that came to Site-14. Zhang Jue squinted and looked around, only to see SCP-2950, the chair in the center of the containment room, still sitting nicely in the anomalous item containment locker.

It was not a wasted trip. Yang Xue could not see the situation inside, pulled his sleeve, Zhang Jue gave her an OK gesture, Yang Xue was relieved.

While the two were making eye contact, the trench coat man suddenly laughed and said, "The two outside the door, since you are already here, please show yourself. It would be bad if I had to greet you with a bullet."

Yang Xue was shocked down through her heart. On the other hand, Zhang Jue shrugged. The enemy seemed stronger than he had imagined. The thought of sitting back and watching as both of them fought each other had to be put down.

Zhang Jue patted Yang Xue's hand, signaling her not to be nervous, then stood up and walked into the containment room. Yang Xue was still a little scared, but seeing Zhang Jue's eyes, her heart inexplicably settled down.

Zhang Jue stepped into the door. When Dr. Li saw that it was them, his eyes widened in anger.

"Mr. Samuel, it's because of him that my infiltration plan had failed. You must not let them get away with this!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Jue laughed out loud and rubbed his wrist: "You're a gay man who loves fitness and dislikes shower that only knows how to stab people in the back, and you still want to be beaten up? Don't worry, after I'm finished taking care of them. I'll come and have a 'friendly' chat with you."

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