I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 137: Don't Make Me Collect Your Corpses

Chapter 137: Don't Make Me Collect Your Corpses

"Zhang Jue! Don't you want to know who really tried to kill you? The person who pushed you into SCP-053 was not me at all!" This sentence from Dr. Li was like a thunderbolt that made everyone freeze.

Although his words were brief, there was no doubt that the amount of information contained within a short sentence was really sensitive. Knowing Zhang Jue's presence and didn't know the reason behind it, Morales felt a bad chill.

After Dr. Li said this, he closed his mouth. Zhang Jue looked at him. A scene that had happened before was replaying before his eyes.

A few months ago, he had just arrived in this world and had formed a bond with Dr. Li because of the provocation during the interrogation. After that, the experiment to execute SCP-682 failed, and he re-contained SCP-682 with the help of Shirley.

It was then that someone pushed him to Shirley. It was then that he learned he had immunity to the anomalous effects of SCP, which led to this subsequent series of developments. At the time, he did not see who pushed him toward Shirley, but he figured to beat him up because the only one who had the motivation to do this was Dr. Li.

He didn't partake in the interrogation against Dr. Li. In retrospect, the reason why Site Director Yang Wenbai did not immediately dispose of Dr. Li but only took him in custody was probably because of the lack of evidence.

Thinking about it at this point, this matter is actually full of flaws. There was a lot of unpleasantness between the two. It did not develop to the point of anyone's death.

As a spy for the Chaos Insurgency, Dr. Li should not have done such a thing. It was only when Zhang Jue was attracted by his own abilities and later confirmed that Dr. Li was a Chaos Insurgency that he didn't think much of it, only thinking that those people were unbelievably crazy.

At this moment, when Dr. Li shouted those words, Zhang Jue understood what he meant almost instantly. He looked at Dr. Li. Time seemed to freeze.

The captain gave an order to his team member, who dropped the tape, swung the gun in his hand, and smashed it into the back of Dr. Li's head. In the nick of time, Zhang Jue held his hand.

"Stop." He said calmly.

The captain looked at Zhang Jue, "Advisor Zhang, I don't care what kind of grudge you have with him. Please don't get in the way of our work."

Zhang Jue turned his head and ignored him. He just kept staring at Dr. Li. The captain gestured to another personnel. They stepped forward again and tried to attack Dr. Li. This time, Zhang Jue finally spoke.

"I said stop, didn't you hear me?"

The captain said, "Advisor Zhang if you get in our way again. Don't blame me if I were forced to take measures on you."

Zhang Jue lifted his head and looked him straight in the eye, "How?"

The captain lifted the gun in his hand and pointed it at Zhang Jue. Immediately afterward, all the personnel raised the guns in their hands and pointed at Zhang Jue. Just like when he was in the town of Chlamydia at that time.

"Like this." The captain said.

Seeing that the situation was about to escalate, Morales hurriedly rounded up the situation, "We are all colleagues, don't be like this. Let's settle this properly. Advisor Zhang, what exactly do you want?" Zhang Jue's eyes had not left Dr. Li from the beginning to the end.

"I just want to ask him a few questions."

"Impossible." The captain immediately said, "No one is allowed to communicate privately with D-Class personnel without the approval of their superiors."

"What if I don't need one?"

"Then we'll have to ask if the gun in our hands agrees with your decision."

The captain's lines were corny, but the threat was real. A dozen submachine guns were pointed at Zhang Jue, and they didn't hesitate as long as he dared to make any moves.

Morales quietly pulled Zhang Jue, "Advisor Zhang, this security personnel are just doing their job. They didn't mean to make things difficult for you. How about this, we let them go first. Then I'll write a request for you to meet the D-Class Supervisor. How about that?"

Zhang Jue shook his head slightly. Not to mention whether or not Dr. Li would still survive the next experiment, and even if he did, given O5-5's attitude toward him. There was no way she would agree, and she might even immediately transfer, interrogate, or simply execute Dr. Li.

After Dr. Li said that, his life would not be his own. Zhang Jue knew that Morales was indeed doing this for his own good. But from now on, he could not let Dr. Li take a step out of his sight.

Zhang Jue patted Morales' shoulder, "Sorry about that."

Seeming to know that Zhang Jue was about to make a move, that captain was instinctively alert. Morales was dumbfounded, wondering why Zhang Jue had said such a thing.

However, he felt the sweat on his body gradually dripping. It was as if a pair of eyes were watching him from behind. Immediately after, he fell into boundless darkness, and an unprecedented sense of fear enveloped him instantly.

There was silence all around, and he could even hear his own heartbeat. A strong force drove him to turn his head. Morales simply did not dare to move, as if the slightest defiance of the will from the force would be mercilessly torn apart his body.

I don't know how long it took for him to recover from that state. In front of his eyes was the blue sky. He sat down on the ground, panting heavily. His back was full of cold sweat.

Where is this place? What had just happened?

Looking at the security personnel who had fallen to the ground, Morales was confused for a moment before finally reacting and then looking at Zhang Jue in horror.

It must have been this Advisor Zhang who had used an ability just now. He had knocked down the entire security personnel squad in a flash.

Zhang Jue smiled at him. Then looked over to the captain. That captain was the only one still standing, his willpower was stronger than the others, but his excessive fear still made his hands tremble slightly, not daring to shoot at Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue came in front of Dr. Li.

"Don't lie. Tell me the truth, and I'll guarantee your safety."

Dr. Li's hoarse voice, "I do not need to lie to you now."

Zhang Jue lifted Dr. Li's collar and was about to drag him away when suddenly, a team of MTFs surrounded them. Apparently, the commotion here had alerted the security system. If Zhang Jue didn't have his SCP employee ID on him, he would have been greeted with a round of fire.

"Blume, what's going on?" The captain of that MTF squad asked.

The security captain pointed at Zhang Jue and Dr. Li in his hand, "That Advisor Zhang tried to take a D-Class personnel."

The MTF captain looked at Zhang Jue, "Advisor Zhang, I need a reasonable explanation."

Zhang Jue didn't bother to talk nonsense with them. He was just about to make a move when Bellamy also came over from a distance.

"Stop it! Do you all want to die?"

Bellamy was a close friend of the current in-charge O5 Council member, and almost everyone inside Site-19 knew him. Seeing him step forward, the security captain sighed in relief. He just wanted to go up and explain the situation to Bellamy but found that the words were actually addressed to them.

Bellamy walked quickly to the crowd and used his own body to separate the two sides.

He faced Zhang Jue, "Advisor Zhang, they are all the Foundation's elites. Don't make some stupid actions."

Zhang Jue shrugged and lifted Dr. Li in his hand, "I just want to take him away."

Bellamy looked at the miserable Dr. Li, who was injured all over and weighed the pros and cons. After a minute, he turned to the security captain and said, "Let him take the man, and I'll make the report about it."

The security captain looked up, "Lord Bellamy-"

Bellamy stared into his eyes, "Shut it if you don't want to die."

Zhang Jue walked away with Dr. Li. Everyone looked at Bellamy, expecting him to give an explanation. But Bellamy gave them a disgusted look, "If you can't kill him in seconds, you'd better stay away from him before I come to collect your corpses."

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