I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 140 - 140: 139: Destroy the Tuoba Star System!

Chapter 140 - 140: 139: Destroy the Tuoba Star System!

Translator: 549690339

“Du Gang, the Tuoba family possesses twenty-four star systems in total, with over two hundred planets to their name. Which one should we go to first?”

“Which is their main inhabited planet?”

“Tuoba Xing!”

“Let’s go there!”

“We can’t, their planet has a resonance shield…”

Baralala quickly replied, “The closest we can get to Tuoba Xing is the edge of its star system, which is a billion kilometers away!”

“Will we be pursued if our spaceship only travels by flight?” Baralala proudly stated, “Ancient God is a Star C-class spaceship!”

“Understood ! ”

Du Gang nodded, “Then let’s head to the Tuoba star system!”

With that, the spaceship vanished again, this time reappearing directly in the Tuoba star system.

Upon arrival, the Ancient God did not leap again but flew in the direction of Tuoba Xing

“Report, there were no fluctuations in the space node, they did not leap!”

“Chase them down!”


Tuoba Hong suddenly shouted.

Hong Chong glared at him, looking as if he would not hesitate to devour him if he didn’t explain.

Tuoba Hong swallowed, quickly adding, “This is my Tuoba star system, and their escape route leads to a shielded area where leaping isn’t possible…” “What I mean is, we can send people to leap in front of them and intercept!”

Upon hearing this, Hong Chong nodded, “Proceed as you suggested. You all proceed to other spaceships and chase them from the front…”

After finishing his sentence, he immediately opened the cabin door and ejected everyone on board the satellite-level ship.

He remained on the ten-thousand meter-level spaceship and continued the pursuit.

Tuoba Hong did not hesitate, quickly contacting the nearest planet to deactivate their core area shield.

Next, several thousand-meter-level spaceships instantly appeared on the first planet.

Then, they encircled the central location based on the escape route provided by the ten-thousand -meter-level ship tracking the Ancient God. “Du Gang, they’ve leapt in front of us, near the first planet ahead…’

The detector onboard Ancient God was high -end. The Tuoba family’s spaceships could only guess their position based on their escape route, but the device onboard Ancient God had the entire star system covered.

“Avoid them..

Du Gang suddenly faltered, “Hold on, can you see who is on each of their spaceships?”

“Yes, I can!”

As Baralala was saying this, he handed Du Gang a monocle and said, “One of the Ancient God’s main functions is to detect relics, which is partly based on energy levels. I can infer the rank of the enemies onboard the ships based on their energy…”

“Also, this is a battle power detector. It’s a tech from the center of the universe, not yet available in the Milky Way…”

Du Gang tried on the glasses, and immediately, numerous pieces of information appeared on the lens.

On one point, it stated: [Distance: 1525200]

[Rank: Satellite Level]

There were four such points in their escape direction.

He turned around and saw a notably bright point flashing right behind them.

[Distance: 521542]

[Rank: Planet Level]

At the same time, he noticed numerous Meteorite-level fighters onboard these spaceships.

However, there were no Meteorite-level or Purple-level soldiers.

Du Gang realized that the enemy, knowing he couldn’t kill Meteorite-level or higher foes, had deliberately avoided bringing fighters of those levels.

He had now mastered the first level of the Ancient God Technique, so he could kill Meteorite -level fighters.

“Given the circumstances, let’s collect some interests!”

Du Gang said, “Try to isolate one spaceship and make it drift away from the others, for at least three seconds!”

“Alright, leave it to me!

With a “whoosh!” the Ancient God quickly took off in a tilted direction.

In transit, it kept adjusting its position.

It swerved left and then right, causing the enemy’s formation to fall into disarray.

Soon, Baralala finished the calculation and said, “Done. In five seconds, a ship carrying a satellite-level fighter and dozens of meteorite-level fighters will brush past us…”

Standing at the door of the cabin, Du Gang watched the countdown on the big screen, readying himself.


Two One


Fittingly, just as Baralala shouted ‘leap’ at the last second of the countdown, Du Gang was thrown out of the spaceship.


In an instant, a ten-thousand-meter giant emerged in the cosmos.

At the same time, a five-thousand-meter long spaceship was passing by.

“Strike through the mountain!”

With a roar, Du Gang exerted the Power of the Ancient God and threw a punch at the incoming spaceship.


With that punch, the high-speed spaceship slowed down for a moment. At first glance, there was no significant damage to the ship.

But inside, the dozens of Meteorite-level soldiers, once leisurely seated, now found themselves dealing with a forceful punch. Their faces ballooned in shock, and in the next second, unable to bear the invisible mass force, exploded into pieces.

Simultaneously, Du Gang, without even looking at his handiwork, contracted and fit right into the Ancient God as it flew past, opening the cabin door and pulling him in.

“Spectacular job! ”

Barabara stood at the doorway, using his robot body, to high-five with Du Gang.

At this moment, the ship’s speed dropped drastically, and the satellite-level power holder onboard was shocked to discover that all his crew members were dead.

“Boss, the Ancient God jumped out of the spaceship and killed our

Meteorite-level team members!”

“Stop him, wait for me to get there…”

Before Hong Chong could finish his sentence, his subordinate quickly reported: “He’s gone!”

“Trash, go after him!”

After successfully killing dozens of Meteorite-level power holders, Du Gang sneered, “Head to the planet ahead and give me two more seconds of time!”


This time, the Ancient God ship directly left the other spaceships behind, flying straight towards the outermost, first planet of the Tuoba family.

Tuoba Hong, who was trailing behind, watched the Ancient God ship’s course and had a bad premonition.

He suspected that the Ancient God was seeking revenge upon their Tuoba family…

Just as this conjecture arose, in the distance, a startling spear appeared once again, flying directly toward the distant planet.

Du Gang, on the other hand, seemed to disregard the spear and sat directly on the spaceship and left.

“Damn it!”

Tuoba Hong cursed. If he couldn’t guess why the Ancient God came to their Tuoba Star System at this point, he would be a real fool.

On the other side, Hong Chong became extremely excited when he saw the Spear of the Ancient God flying toward the planet, and shouted, “Chase after the divine artifact!”

At this time, he ordered others to pursue Du Gang, and he went to pursue the divine artifact himself.

In this manner, he pursued the Spear of the Ancient God as it plunged into the planet.

This planet joined the same fate as Moka Star.

“Open the door!”

Seeing the Spear of the Ancient God right before his eyes, he could no longer hold back, and instantly jumped off the ship, flying directly towards it.

With excitement on his face, he reached out towards the Spear of the Ancient God.

Just as he was about to touch it, suddenly, the giant spear over ten thousand meters long in front of him vanished instantly.

“Where’s the divine artifact?!”

Hong Chong roared like an enraged gorilla!

Finally, he released his anger by pounding a palm towards this planet, whose ecosystem was already suffering extreme destruction.


Suddenly, a small portion of the planet before his eyes was blasted off.

The whole planet was set flying a few hundred thousand meters back instantly.

As a result, all forms of life on the planet died in that instant!

Seeing Hong Chong’s actions, Tuoba Hong frowned.

At this moment, his son Tuoba Yu shouted angrily, “That’s my Tuoba family’s planet, how dare he…”


Before he could finish speaking, Tuoba Hong slapped him.

He scolded fiercely, “Shut up, do you want to die?!”

Hong Chong was currently in a rage. If he found out what his son had just said, it would undoubtedly lead to his son’s death!

Hearing this, Tuoba Yu was shocked and after registering the situation, he immediately shut his mouth.

Soon, Hong Chong’s angry voice was transmitted from the spaceship again.

“Tuoba Hong, I want you to mobilize all of your family’s spaceships to intercepted him!”

Hearing this, Tuoba Hong’s body shivered. He hesitated for two seconds, before replying: “Yes!”

He had no choice!

Either let Hong Chong successfully get the Ancient God, or let his Tuoba family bear the brunt of Hong Chong’s wrath.

On one hand, there’s a chance to stop the Ancient God; on the other, his entire Tuoba family would be obliterated in Hong Chong’s fury.

He could only agree…

With Tuoba Hong’s order, the entire Tuoba Star System boiled over.

Countless ships, launched from various planets of the Tuoba Star System, flew into the universe.

Additionally, the planets where the other twenty-three star systems under the Tuoba family resided, also started moving in that instant.

When Hong Chong mentioned all the Tuoba family’s spaceships, he could not hold back.

If he only utilized the spaceships from the Tuoba Star System and Hong Chong found out later, the consequences would be severe!

“Du Gang, all the Tuoba family’s spaceships have taken off!”

Upon hearing this, Du Gang sneered, “Go to the nearest planet next. Today, I’m going to sterilize the Tuoba family!”

As they approached the second planet, they encountered an increasing number of spaceships.

Although the rank of these spaceships wasn’t high, their quantity was huge. Every spaceship was continuously firing energy cannons towards their spaceship.

Originally, with the hardness of the Ancient God’s ship, it could withstand these damages, but even the smallest interference would slow their flight. Therefore, Barabara chose the most optimal evasion route. However, their speed was still affected somewhat.

“Barabara, if I go out, can you figure out a way to steady my form?”

Looking at these annoying spaceships, Du Gang thought about getting rid of them. If they didn’t get rid of them, they would be immobilized when there were more ships behind them!

Although the Ancient God Shop was a one-star C-level ship, it wasn’t equipped with any weapons, which made them feel helpless in this situation.

Especially since they were still within the resonance node shield range and could not perform a space jump!

“A Rank One Ancient God is equivalent to a Meteorite-level entity, you can opt to transform into a 10-meter giant. There is a clamp at the bottom of the Ancient God ship that can secure your feet!”

Reminded by Barabara, Du Gang’s eyes lit up, he remembered that his Ancient God Technique was only at the first layer. If it weren’t for the fact that power would increase tremendously after transforming, opting for a 10-meter giant would still allow him to utilize Ancient God power. The only drawback was that it wouldn’t have as much power as a 10,000-meter entity!

“Alright, let’s do it that way. I’m prepared to jump out, be ready to grab me!”

Soon, Du Gang arrived at the bottom of the spaceship. The moment the hatch opened, he jumped out and transformed into a 10-meter giant.

The next second, two metal claws extended from the side wings at the bottom of the spaceship, grabbing Du Gang’s legs perfectly.

Then, the spaceship spun around instantly, giving Du Gang the feeling that he was upright.

However, in outer space, there were no such perceptions of up and down.

This time, he looked at the spaceships in the distance that were still shooting at them, sneered, raised the Ancient God power quickly, and struck a spaceship a hundred kilometers away.

The anticipated explosion didn’t happen, and the one-star E-level spaceship was still intact.


Du Gang slapped his forehead, suddenly realizing that his physical size had decreased, and his strength was naturally reduced at the same time. Although the power of the Ancient God he summoned remained the same, the attack range was certainly shortened as his strength decreased.

Inside the spaceship, Barara noticed Du Gang’s situation and quickly approached the other spaceship. At the same time, he communicated with Du Gang through the headset.

“Du Gang, don’t stop! Find the farthest position you can reach at the moment!”


Upon hearing this, Du Gang started to hurl consecutive hand strikes, each imprinted with the invisible power of the Ancient God.

At last, at a distance of 10 kilometers from the farthest one-star E-level spaceship, it worked.

He observed through his combat power detection glasses that the life forms inside the spaceship had disappeared.

Simultaneously, Barara’s voice rang out through the headphones.

“Du Gang, your longest attack range is 11522 meters. Look through the glasses, and once the distance comes within ten thousand meters, attack those spaceships. I’ll create the conditions for you…”

“Understood ! ”

Du Gang shouted loudly and quickly punched at a spaceship that had entered within ten thousand meters.


Another spaceship paused in motion, all its occupants dying.

At the rear, Tuoba Hong no longer had the heart to pursue the Ancient God.

Although the spaceship he was in was still chasing hard. But his full attention was on the condition of his own fleet. “Report, Star Tanha T-1-34 has lost contact…”

“Report, Star Tanha T-1-22 is no longer contactable…”

Within a minute, a total of ten one-star spaceships belonging to Star Tanha had gone missing!

“Report, we’ve found Star Tanha T-1-15, but cannot receive any response.

Boarding in progress…”

“Report, all members of Star Tanha T-1-15 are dead…”

“The cause of death appears to be a heavy punch…”

Since Du Gang’s size had reduced, his strength had correspondingly weakened and he could no longer smash people directly.

But killing people with a distant strike also served his purpose.

In this way, Tuoba Hong clenched his teeth and constantly heard about the loss of his family members.

You see, only Purple Level warriors and above could pilot spaceships, and their family had never trained lower-level warriors to board spaceships.

Therefore, these dead crew members were all Purple Level and above warriors, even if they did not make space jumps and pursued just by flying.

Up ahead, Du Gang kept bombing along the way, brutally killing dozens of spaceship passengers before finally reaching Star Tanha.

“Barara, how’s the trajectory calculation?”

“Du Gang, listen to my countdown, three, two, one!”

With the end of the countdown, the spacecraft’s two robot claws retracted instantly, and the spacecraft flew out in an instant.

Simultaneously, Du Gang transformed into a giant ten thousand meters tall, holding a spear of the Ancient God and aimed it at Star Tanha, throwing it with all his might.

Like before, after hurling the Ancient God’s spear, he quickly shrank in size.

And Barara, commanding the Ancient God spaceship, scooped him up into the ship the moment he shrunk.

When the Ancient God left, Star Tanha burst into its own fireworks at that moment.

Note that after Du Gang threw the Ancient God’s spear, he didn’t just ignore it; instead, he kept chanting “enlarge” over and over. It’s not hard to imagine what ultimately happened to the planet.

The Tuoba family could grow due to the development of tens of hundreds of thousands of years and their large population base.

The larger the population, the more talented people there are, and the greater the probability of producing strong people!

Although Du Gang’s current actions did not cause any damage to people like Tuoba Hong, they destroyed the foundation of the Tuoba family!

Tuoba Hong watched another destroyed planet and relayed an order to the third planet. “The Meiguxing fleet, listen up. All ships are to form an arc-shaped spherical formation. Do not act alone and give the enemy the chance to strike individually. Once the enemy appears within the shooting range, open fire immediately!”

Hearing this, hundreds of ships, located far at Meiguxing retreated and stopped on the same plane, forming a large arc array, calmly waiting for Du Gang’s arrival.

On the Ancient God.

The moment the Meiguxing formation was established, Barara immediately transmitted the detected image back.

“Du Gang, you can’t kill these ships individually. Shall we bypass and go for the planets?”

Du Gang shook his head with a smile. “A hundred spaceships, one hundred meters long, combined is just a ten thousand meters… can you evade their attack and get closer?”

Barara instantly understood his meaning and excitedly replied, “No problem, just watch me!”

In a short while, the Ancient God had thrown off the trailing ships behind and reached the vicinity of Meiguxing. They could already see the wall-like large spaceship array ahead.

Just right! The combined fleet was a giant ship with a height of ten thousand meters and a width of four thousand meters.

Upon entering the shooting range, Barara, without hesitation, directly manipulated the Ancient God to charge in rapidly.

This time, it was the Meiguxing fleet’s turn to be dumbfounded- who dares to charge in?

“Open fire!”

With a roar, the muzzles of the entire fleet lit up and shot towards the Ancient God.

The next scene left everyone in the fleet dumbstruck.

They watched as the Ancient God, like a butterfly in a cluster of flowers, flitted up and down, dodging all attack perfectly. Each dodge was near perfect- just scraping by the attacks.

It was certain that if the spaceship was slightly slower, it would be hit by the fire. But it was this edge-of-the-knife move that made people marvel.

“Either their spaceship has a very awesome operator, or it has a very advanced intelligence system!”

At this moment, these fleet members, completely unaware of what they were facing, still had the mind to discuss the situation of the enemy’s ship.

Thus, the Ancient God kept dodging and soon arrived in front of the ten thousand meter fleet wall.

“Open the energy shield!”

Instantly, one hundred spaceships opened their energy shields at the same time.


The next second, hundreds of energy shields integrated as one, forming a giant energy shield.


Du Gang snorted coldly and quickly exited the Ancient God.


The next second, the giant, ten thousand-meter-tall figure appeared!

This time, using gravity, he flew straight towards the ten-thousand-meter energy shield, simultaneously adorning his body with the ancient god’s power.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

The moment the giant energy shield came into contact with Du Gang, it began to crack, followed by intense explosions.

Not just the energy shield, all the spaceships that came into contact with Du Gang exploded instantly.

In a short second, Du Gang passed through the giant energy shield.

The dozens of spaceships underneath the energy shield also exploded into pieces when he broke through.

Only a few ships hiding in the corners managed to miraculously survive.

Du Gang didn’t have time to deal with the remnants. After destroying the ships, he quickly shrank and once again boarded the Ancient God to leave.

Meanwhile, the spaceship carrying Tuoba Hong and others finally reached the Meigu Star, but all they saw were tens of spaceships exploding.

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Hong felt that it would have been better if they had tried to intercept them separately as before.

At least in the previous strategy, while people died, their spaceships were intact.

But now, both men and ships were wiped out!

What followed was a scene that frightened Tuoba Hong.

Near Meigu Star, the giant appeared again, followed by the terrifying lance.

Then, the lance flew towards Meigu Star, the giant disappeared, and the enemy warship fled…

What was left behind was a completely ravaged Meigu Star.

What made him feel worse was the constant swearing from Hong Chong on the communicator.

The dead were his clansmen, yet why was Hong Chong so worked up?

“Useless fools, can’t you even stop them for three seconds?”

Hong Chong was about to explode from anger; just three seconds were enough for the ship he was on to reach the enemy warship.

By then, he would have been able to personally destroy the enemy ship and stop their advance.

Hearing this, Tuoba Hong fell silent.

After a full three seconds, he finally issued the next order.

“Hongyuan Star, Gongdan Star, Saiga Star…”

He named seven stars in a row, then finished his command, “All your fleets, assemble in front of Hongyuan Star. Form a spherical arc formation and intercept the enemy!”

After some tracking, he seemed to discern a pattern.

When his own ships tried to intercept on their own, they couldn’t even see the taillights of the five large ships, let alone the Ancient God.

However, when they used the spherical arc formation, they were able to tail the Ancient God.

Therefore, he understood. Despite the heavy losses, the spherical arc formation still had some effect!

If he wanted to minimize the losses, he had to sacrifice those six stars!

Then, Du Gang witnessed something that left him astonished.

Consecutive six stars had no ships to deter them, allowing him to comfortably destroy six stars.

“They’ve all gathered on the Hongyuan star, trying to block us for a little longer!”

Unfortunately, Barabara, a top-level intelligence, had already analyzed the enemy’s strategy.

Du Gang frowned and asked, “What should we do?”

Barabara laughed, “Relax, the Ancient God can actually go even faster. I’ve just been leading the ships behind us on a wild goose chase.”

“While you were destroying these six stars, I secretly increased the pace. As long as you can finish off Hongyuan Star within five seconds, we will still be safe!”

“Five seconds?”

Du Gang laughed “That’s ton long Three seconds would he enough for me!”

The screen showed Hongyuan Star with almost a thousand warships gathered. This time the sizes varied, and they formed a wall composed of hundreds of ships.

Tuoba Hong no longer hoped for their survival, only wishing that they could delay the enemy for a few more seconds—at least giving Hong Chong a chance to strike.

Outside Hongyuan Star, a thousand warships had been waiting for a while.

The Ancient God, too, had arrived on the scene.


Upon the enemy’s command, tens of thousands of cannons lit up at the same time among the thousand warships. Countless beams of light illuminated the entire space, carrying an endless stream of power, roaring towards the Ancient God.

Surprisingly, the Ancient God did not dodge, but instead increased its speed; it swooshed nearer.

Just when people were about to ridicule it for having a death wish, a man jumped out from the Ancient God, and the giant figure appeared again!

“One second!”

Du Gang boldly advanced amidst tens of thousands of cannon fires, charging straight in and counting the time himself.

Meanwhile, The Ancient God, under the control of Barabara, trailed behind Du Gang.

“Two seconds!”

This time, after he finished counting, he had already broken through the fleet’s defenses.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Three walls were shattered consecutively, and countless warships exploded.

“Three seconds!”

This time, Du Gang blew through the remaining seven walls in an unbroken streak.

“Ancient God’s Lance!”

In the fourth second, Du Gang summoned the Ancient God’s Lance. By the time the fifth second ticked, the lance was flying towards Hongyuan Star, and Du Gang himself began to shrink rapidly.


Just as he had shrunk to the size of the cabin door, Barabara, who was piloting the Ancient God, scooped him up and brought him inside.

“Let’s go!”

Under Tuoba Hong’s furious gaze, the Ancient God disappeared instantly, accelerating once again towards the final star, Tuoba Star.

This time, he was truly at a loss.

“Tuoba Star, do you copy…”

Before he could figure out what to do, Tuoba Star was obliterated.

Meanwhile, a member of his fleet yelled, “Chief, the resonance shield has disappeared….”

The next second, they reached Tuoba Star, only to sense the spatial flux left by the enemy ship’s warp jump..

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