I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 113 - 113: 112: Communication with Alien

Chapter 113 - 113: 112: Communication with Alien

Civilizations (Thank you to the leader of the Rebel Group Army for the reward, +5 bonus updates)

Translator: 549690339

Du Gang was at the epicenter of the explosion, his body sinking more than five hundred meters into the ground.

When the fireball burst open at a temperature as high as six thousand degrees Celsius, he thought his eyes would go blind.

But they didn’t, even in the midst of the flames. He could clearly see everything happening around him.

This included Nalan Yanran escaping back to her spaceship after unleashing a meteor explosion, as well as the two aircraft, one large and one small, taking off.

At this moment, he was holding the Ancient God’s spear, pointing it at the hundred-meter spaceship onto which Nalan Yanran had boarded.

To shoot or not to shoot?

He hesitated a little. Just one of them could fight him to this extent. If more came, not only would he be unable to withstand, but Earth wouldn’t be able either.

The next second, he made up his mind!


Nalan Hongwen had been killed by him, his mother would certainly be relentless in seeking revenge. So instead of dwelling on it, he might as well kill her first!

With that thought in mind, Du Gang did not hesitate any longer. He raised the spear of the Ancient God, adjusting its length to 2000 meters, just barely within the range of the flames.

Then he pointed it at the hundred-meter spaceship where Nalan Yanran was and launched it instantly.

“Beep beep beep!”

“Someone is attacking the ship!” Nalan Yanran’s spaceship, which is a two-star E-class vessel, detected the spear of the Ancient God the moment it was launched.

“Rotate, jump!” Without needing an order, the pilot of the ship performed a short-range warp.


By a hair’s breadth, the hundred-meter spaceship disappeared right before the spear of the Ancient God could hit it, reappearing in outer space in the next second.

“Sir, what do we do?” A Purple Rank soldier asked.

Nalan Yanran glared at Earth and said, “Go to the moon, get the other spaceship, and return to Nalan Star System!”

The Alpha Centauri System, as seen from Earth, is known as the Nalan Star System to them.

Being able to emerge from billions of people, her determination is not low. She knows that she alone can’t kill Du Gang. Moreover, the people of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association are here. She might as well retreat first, then plot later!

The Purple Rank soldiers had long been terrified. Upon hearing her words, they quickly activated the spaceship and flew towards the moon at top speed.

There were no obstacles in the sky. With Du Gang’s sharp eyesight, he can easily see the spaceship that appeared a thousand kilometers away in the interstellar space.

“Alas, we let them escape!”

He sighed, regardless of his current strength, he was incapable of flight, naturally, he could not pursue them.

Although the Spear of the Ancient God could penetrate the atmosphere and was at this moment flying towards the ionosphere, its speed had slowed down and there was no hope of hitting the enemy.

Shaking his head, he summoned back the Spear of the Ancient God. Only then did he look up at the kilometer-long spaceship still hovering more than ten thousand meters high in the sky.

“Bloody hell!”

In the spaceship, Pang Ze was stunned by the sight of the disappearing two kilometers long spear.

“Is he a native?”

If he weren’t a Meteorite Level Fourth Rank strongman from the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association, he would want to turn tail and run this very moment.

Not just him, all the other Purple Rank fighters were trembling in fear too.

“Boss… do we really need to go down?”

The Purple Rank fighters were scared!

If the giant below launched a surprise attack, they might not be able to dodge it due to the proximity. They would be doomed as it takes time for the brain to react!

At that time, Pang Ze could survive, but they wouldn’t!

Pang Ze did not give them a hard time. These people were his personal soldiers, he couldn’t afford to sacrifice them randomly.

He smiled and said, “You guys just stay here, I’ll go down in a small vessel.”

He could tell that the giant below was powerful and had a strong offensive capability, but he was not a high-ranking being!

From the powerful punch he threw, but without harming Nalan Yanran, it was clear that his power level did not reach the Meteorite Level.

Even though his destructiveness might surpass a Meteorite Level being, only a Meteorite Level being could harm another Meteorite Level being!

All due to the force field!

The force field is something more advanced!

In his view, if Du Gang were a kilometer-long river, then the force field would be a diamond. The river might be strong, but the diamond is so hard that he can’t break it.

That was his confidence as a Meteorite Level being!

After Pang Ze boarded the small vessel, he didn’t rush down. Instead, he paused and asked, “Did you find out how many giants are there in the world?” “Boss, as far as we can tell, there’s only this one below! ”

Obviously, they couldn’t detect the giant in the depths of the ground, ten thousand meters below, with their limited detectors.

After all, they were not a professional probing spaceship and didn’t need to penetrate the rock.

Pang Ze breathe a sigh of relief, afraid that the planet would be full of giants, which would be terrifying, but fortunately not!

He got on the small vessel and said, “In case of emergency, you guys warp first, go to the cosmic space, call for help, then figure out a way to rescue me up…” Although he was confident, he still issued this order just in case.

“Understood!” The Purple Rank fighters, relieved that they were not put in harm’s way, quickly agreed.

“Open the outer hatch!”

The next moment, the hull beneath the small spacecraft cracked open instantaneously, released it, and then reunited.

And Pang Ze piloted the small spaceship alone, flying it to a point one kilometer away from Du Gang and hovered parallel to his eyes.

“Don’t attack!”

Pang Ze opened the glass cover of the small vessel, stood on the ship, waved his hand and shouted:

“I am from the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association, I am here to protect you….”

“Cosmic Civilization Protection Association?”

Du Gang murmured, but with his giant stature, even his whisper was like roaring thunder.

Pang Ze, enduring the pain in his ears from the massive sound waves, continued to speak, “I mean no harm, we are a group specially for protecting primitive civilizations….”

“I came here because someone violated the rules and invaded your planet. I am here to stop her….”

Although Du Gang could not ascertain the authenticity of his words, the alien had shown goodwill, so he had no reason to casually ruin it. After all, he had no idea how many aliens exist beyond the universe, so it’s best to communicate if Since in his humanoid state, he still retained the defense force of the giant form, he readily transformed back into his human form.

Barely visible in the distance, Pang Ze watched as Du Gang transformed back into a human sized figure, and he was astounded!

“He can actually shrink!”

“Damn it!”

The first thing that came to his mind was the number of humans on this planet.

If all of them could transform like the giant in front of him, it would be terrifying….

“For God’s sake, Have I come to a planet harboring an ancient species?!” With that thought, he piloted his spaceship to Du Gang’s location.

At this moment, the ground was still burning, and heavy smoke was constantly produced.

Looking at Du Gang, clad in blood red armor and of normal human size, Pang Ze tried to look friendly and gave a very ugly smile. “Shall we talk in a different place?”

He is rough in appearance, has a scar across his eye and when he smiles, he looks like he could eat someone alive – terrifying enough to scare away children.

Du Gang nodded and said, “Sure!”

Then, he very consciously jumped on the spaceship and took the co-pilot’s seat.

The spaceship was quite small, with only two seats – one for the pilot, and the other for the co-pilot.

After Du Gang boarded the spaceship, Pang Ze closed the transparent oval glass cover and quickly took off, changed the oxygen in a relatively fresh air.

He then said with a smile, “This is a small spacecraft, with limited oxygen reserves and endurance. It is generally used within the planet!”

The spaceship was incredibly fast, surpassing the speed of any fighter jet on Earth, and quickly arrived at Honeymoon City. The city was still intact, without any signs of damage.

Pang Ze parked the spaceship on the rooftop of a beautiful building. He turned to Du Gang and said, “Let me introduce myself, my name is Pang Ze, a member of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association…”

“Wait a minute!”

Before he could finish, Du Gang interrupted him, furrowing his brows, “Why does the language you speak sound the same as mine?”

Earlier when he was with Nalan Yanran, he was too focused on the battle to pay attention to this detail.

Now, calm down, he recalled that these aliens were speaking Chinese!

Pang Ze laughed, “Actually, it’s quite normal, the language you speak is a phonetic language. The connection between words, meanings, and things is very close. It’s the language that primitive humans found the easiest to understand and create!”

“You can say that your language is not much different from ours and is a universal language in the universe!”

“After all, most civilizations have undergone the primitive era and have all come from that period….”

Seeing his bewildered expression, Pang Ze added, “What I’m saying is true. At least half of the civilizations in the universe speak the same language as you guys do, although there might be some variations in accents!”

He went on, “But, speaking the universal language as fluently as you do…l suspect, have there ever been people from other planets who have fallen here? Did they leave behind the standard universal language for you guys to learn?”

Then he shook his head and laughed, “It doesn’t matter, it’s not important… What’s your name?”

“My name is Du Gang…”

After quickly introducing themselves, Pang Ze spoke up again, “So, you should now believe in our Cosmic Civilization Protection Association, right?”

Unexpectedly, Du Gang still shook his head, “Frankly, I don’t understand the purpose of your association?”

According to the Dark Forest theory, once a civilization is discovered, it is inevitably attacked by other civilizations.

The main reason is that the two sides cannot determine whether the other is a benevolent civilization!

He didn’t believe that they are actually so kind-hearted as to protect the development of other civilizations instead of destroying or enslaving them? “Are you referring to the Dark Forest Law?” Pang Ze smiles knowingly, hitting the nail on the head.

Du Gang said in surprise, “You know this law?”

Pang Ze was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and laughed, “Du Gang, no offense, but who do you think came from beyond the stars, you or

What he meant was, how could he not know something even you know about?!

Du Gang nodded and asked, “Since you know the Dark Forest Law, then what is the purpose of the existence of the Cosmic Civilization Association? Is it logical?”

“Existence is reason!”

Pang Ze laughed and said, “The Dark Forest law does exist!”

“Many years ago, maybe a billion years, or maybe ten billion years…a long time ago, the law that prevailed in the universe was the Dark Forest Law…”

‘Every civilization is both a hunter and prey, once exposed, it will be shot in the dark by other civilizations…”

“All civilizations are theoretically completely hostile, only one can live, and there is no coexistence…

“Have you ever considered the existence of a civilization that is invincible in a certain region?”

“A civilization that has become invincible in a certain area, finds that its own civilization has reached a bottleneck in its development…”

“The universe they can dominate is only so large. Many resources are wasted.

Many rare items stolen from other civilizations, disappear after a single use…”

“With their own strength, they could not fully explore the entire universe, ultimately, the most powerful civilization, established the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association, to allow other civilizations to develop…”

Du Gang frowned. This story had many loopholes and did not seem very reliable.

Pang Ze saw his doubt, and helplessly said, “You are very smart, okay, okay, I will be honest, I don’t know whether this part is true or not, but it is the most feasible and widely circulated guess. Only this can explain the purpose of the existence of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association and clarify the reasons for the coexistence of other civilizations…”

Du Gang asked doubtfully, “Aren’t you one of the Cosmic Civilization

Protection Association?”

“Don’t tell me, you think I am some big shot in the Cosmic Civilization Association?”

Pang Ze laughed, “I’m nothing. The Cosmic Civilization Protection Association I belong to is just a branch in this wasteland region. I guess, even the president of our local branch, doesn’t know about the initial conditions of the association’s establishment!”

“Let’s put it this way, the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association is responsible for protecting newly born civilizations. When these primitive civilizations reach the first level civilization standards, we will appear to provide help to these newly developed civilizations, of course, some compensation will be required…”

“Do you understand now, we are opening up new markets. Primitive civilizations are potential markets. We need to cultivate them and make them our clients!”

Du Gang found this more believable because it hinted at a self-interested motive.

After all, apart from parents, who doesn’t have a self-interest? Who’s willing to protect you without any benefits involved?

“Are we a primitive civilization?

“Yes, you are considered a primitive civilization!”

Du Gang frowned and said, “I don’t understand. If you intend to develop new customers, why didn’t you appear and support us when we became intelligent, so that we could become your potential customers sooner?

Pang Ze laughed and said, “This point is mentioned in the manual of the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association. There is an example where a civilization was supported after the emergence of intelligent beings as per your suggestion…”

“But the result was that once that civilization became a cosmic civilization, they became very aggressive. Emotion often outweighed reason, leading them to do things that were detrimental to others but themselves!”

“What does this mean? This means that they are not fully developed and they would frequently gamble their entire race for certain reasons. A civilization like this, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits!”

“From our perspective, only war can promote the development of a primitive civilization. Once a civilization naturally develops from a primitive state to a

first-level civilization, their brains are truly mature…”

No one would be happy to be told that their brain is immature.

Du Gang was a little bit irritable but unable to refute.

Those who lag behind will get beaten. When you are weak, any voice is powerless, frail, meaningless!

In the eyes of aliens, Earth is backward enough to be called a primitive civilization!

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