I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 381 - Back In England

Chapter 381 - Back In England

"Fuck...married, how can I marry a woman who mentions another man's name while making love to me? There's no way that would happen, I wouldn't be able to marry her. There are still many women out there waiting to be my bedmates," Alan thought full of emotion while riding his motorbike on the highway to his private villa.

Alan was very upset with his grandfather, who asked him to marry Anne. His desire to force Anne to return to the villa instantly disappeared.

Meanwhile, Mr. David Clarke still looked sad when he heard the refusal of his grandson. Even though he was very sure that his grandson wanted to marry Anne, seeing from the way he broke through the security defense prepared by Luis.

"Calm down, sir, don't despair. Give the young master a little time.. I'm sure he's just shocked. Later on, after he calms down, he will definitely change his mind," said Luis quietly calming the master.

"But you heard it yourself what my grandson said before, Luis. He firmly rejected Anne. I actually thought he would immediately agree. I can't understand why Alan refused."

Luis only smiled wryly at the words of the master. No more words were spoken from the lips of the two men. Each was lost in their respective thoughts. They both chose to enjoy the breeze that hit their faces in the garden, unlike what happened in Anne's room. Doctor Caitlyn was still busy calming Anne, who was hysterical again. Meeting Alan again had shook her to the core, especially when Alan said he wanted to take her back to the villa.

"I beg you, Doc, please help me. Help me get out of this place, I want to go home. My friends must be worried because I disappeared. I also have to go back to school, Doctor... please help me get out of this place. I'm afraid that monster will come again," Anne whined over and over again in a hoarse voice from crying for more than 20 minutes.

"Anne ... listen to me carefully. Even though Alan is very annoying, but he is a grandson who is very obedient to his grandfather. As long as Mr. David Clarke is by your side, Alan will not be able to do anything, believe me," said Doctor Caitlyn gently, while wiping the remaining tears from Anne's face.

"But it sure won't last long. The monster will definitely fight with his grandfather. You saw how he spoke to Mr. David, he will definitely come again and sob...he will definitely ... sob..."

Anne couldn't finish her words from crying. Seeing Alan again made her really messed up. The trauma and memory of the pain she felt that night came back, as if it had just happened. And Doctor Caitlyn could understand that, As a rape victim, it was not easy to live a normal life again. Moreover, if the chastity that was protected and guarded for years was forcibly taken away, of course it would make anyone crazy. It was the same as how Anne was feeling right now. Luckily, she had Doctor Caitlyn, who was willing to accompany her when she was really down like this.

* * *

< London, England >

The plane carrying the UAL students finally arrived in the land of Queen Elizabeth. The students looked very tired. But they were happy because they have successfully completed the task well.

Linda and Vincent walked together towards the lobby. Vincent was still talking to Linda, even though on the plane they were chatting non-stop.

"Stop, look my lover has come. Now we separate here," said Linda quickly cutting Vincent's words.

"Lover? Haven't you guys already..."

"It's the same, Vincent, Paul is my husband, my co-worker, my friend, my best friend and my lover. I'm going now, be careful, Vincent, see you later, bye!" answered Linda half screaming as she ran towards Paul, who was already spreading his arms to welcome the return of the idol of his heart.

"I miss you, Paul, I miss you so much," Linda said honestly when she managed to hug Paul.

Paul kissed the top of Linda's head lovingly. "I miss you too. During the past four weeks, I've been tormented so much, Linda, and I'm sure you don't know how pathetic I am, alone in our room."


Linda's face immediately turned red when she heard Paul's words. She understood what Paul was talking about at the moment. Linda quickly let go of her lover's arms and playfully set a distance between them.

"Why? Why did you let go of my arms? Don't you miss me, Linda?" Paul asked in confusion.

Linda's heart was pounding hearing Paul's words. She couldn't bear to actually do that to Paul. However, because she intended to surprise her lover, Linda finally continued her acting.

"I'm tired, let's go home. We'll just talk at home," answered Linda, pretending to be busy checking the suitcase in the trolley she had just pushed.

"Honey, what are you doing? You've changed. Did you found someone else while in Luxembourg for over a month?" Paul asked again.

"What are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense. Let's go home."

Paul was stunned to hear Linda's words. She wasn't usually that cold to him. Paul really wanted to approach Linda and ask what was wrong, but he held himself back because there were so many people at the airport. Paul carefully put his lover's suitcase in the back seat and opened the door for her. Again, he had to endure disappointment because Linda apparently refused to sit in the front seat. Linda preferred to sit beside her suitcase in the backseat. Finally, along the way, there was no conversation between Linda and Paul. Paul even forgot to ask where the boss was, because Linda's attitude had changed drastically, whereas before that Linda had hugged him, but after that she turned into a stranger that Paul didn't know, she didn't want to be hugged and kissed like the usual when she just got back from abroad. Even though Paul had been looking forward to today's meeting for 4 weeks, but what he hoped for did not match reality.

When they arrived at the apartment, Linda immediately got out of the car. She didn't wait for Paul to unload her suitcase. Paul could only take a deep breath and try to be patient. He was trying to think positive and thought that Linda was tired. Without much protest, Paul walked with Linda's favorite suitcase to the elevator, where Linda had gone up to their room first.

"Surprise!!!" Linda screamed loudly when Paul entered their modest apartment with a donut with a candle on it, smiling broadly.


"Happy birthday, Paul, I'm sorry I wasn't by your side this year and this surprise isn't too late, is it?" Linda said excitedly, interrupting Paul's words.

Paul, who was very sad, immediately went crazy. He quickly closed the door and went straight to Linda and carried her straight to the bed. Not being able to touch her for four weeks made him look like a chicken that had lost its mother, and now he couldn't hold himself back any longer. Not long after, there was the sound of moans of pleasure from both Linda and Paul, as they expressed their longing for each other. It was the most beautiful birthday present for Paul, who had faithfully waiting for the return of his lover.


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