I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 356 - The Hotel

Chapter 356 - The Hotel?

The effect of the thief being caught as he tried to steal the belongings of the UAL students, they were currently having a sudden meeting through a video call with Professor Gilbert who was in London. They felt unsafe in the hotel where they were staying at the time, so the students tried to ask Professor Gilbert to find a new place to stay. The students were very sure that the criminal who had been caught had other accomplices and they were likely to come back. That was why they asked the professor to move to a new place of stay, especially since they would stay in Luxembourg for quite some time to complete their final project this semester.

When he received this bad news, Professor Gilbert didn't believe it right away. He checked with the hotel management first, and after getting valid confirmation from them, Professor Gilbert promised to find a new place to live for his students.

"I will discuss this matter with the vice-chancellor's office. For sure, for the sake of each of you, it's better not to leave your passport at the hotel. Even though the criminal has been caught, but as you know that criminal might not be doing this crime alone. Therefore, carry your valuable items temporarily or leave them to someone you can trust while you are working and doing research," said Professor Gilbert quietly, trying to calm the students down.

"We know, sir, but more importantly we have to make sure where we will be staying for the next few weeks, sir."

"That's right, sir. Moreover, the criminal is very skillful. We are sure he must have other companions, and as long as his other friends have not been caught, we still feel anxious about staying in this hotel. Even though the hotel management has guaranteed that such crime will not happen again, but we have lost out trust, sir, so please find us a new place to stay, or if the campus can't find one, please let us find our own place to stay," said Gabriella loudly, trying to cover her fear of the incident that happened today. "Moreover, I saw the CCTV footage showing how the dreadlocked man tried to break down Anne's bedroom door."

"We are really uncomfortable to stay in this hotel, sir. We're afraid that suddenly the criminals came at night while we were sleeping. I really can't imagine if that really happened."

"Me too... Me too."

"Yes, we are all afraid, sir."

The frightened students immediately insisted to Professor Gilbert to find them a new place to stay. Gabriella commented that they were really restless after seeing the CCTV footage of how the criminal began to act, starting from his surveillance for the last few days in front of their respective rooms, to the time the criminal was seen following Anne from the restaurant until she took the elevator.

"I fully understand your fears. For sure, at the moment you must all calm down and don't panic. I will try to get you to move from the hotel immediately, but wait for all the processes to be completed, because the campus has already paid for your four-week stay there, so please be patient a little longer," Professor Gilbert replied hopefully.

"Okay sir, we will be patient here. But in two days, if we haven't got a new place to stay, then don't blame us if we file a protest to the campus," Gabriella replied back with a little threat.

Professor Gilbert tried to be patient with his students who insisted to move to a new hotel. He couldn't blame the frightened girls. As a man, he understood the fear experienced by his students who were mostly women. Soon, their conversation was cut off after Professor Gilbert promised to find them a new hotel. The reason was that they couldn't return to England at the moment, because their task had not been completed, so inevitably they had to stay in Luxembourg.

Anne and Linda seemed to be the calm ones. They both even sat in the back seats without saying a word, even though Anne was clearly the target of the evil man.

"Come on, Linda, let's go up. My head still hurts." Anne whispered softly to Linda.

"Your head still hurts?"

"Yes," answered Anne curtly.

"Let's go to the hospital, okay?" Linda immediately took the initiative to take Anne to the hospital when she realized how pale Anne's face was now.

"I just need some rest, Linda, after that it will be fine. You don't have to worry," said Anne slowly, refusing Linda's invitation to go to the hospital.

"But, Anne..."

Linda couldn't finish her words when Anne put one finger to her lips. Because she didn't want Anne's pain to get worse, Linda finally complied to Anne's wish to return to their room to rest. Once in the room, Linda quickly helped Anne to lie down comfortably. She also put an anti-fever compress on Anne's forehead because Anne's body temperature was very hot.

"Next time it's raining, find a shelter, Anne," Linda grumbled in annoyance.

"Yeah I know," said Anne quietly. She didn't say what had happened to Linda. Because Anne was sure that Linda would be mad at her.

"You're just like a child. You carried an umbrella, and yet you still catch a cold. Well, now you sleep so your headache goes away, I'll talk to Paul outside. I miss him," said Linda chuckling shamelessly, showing her affection with Paul to Anne.

"You bastard. Get away from me. I don't want to hear you guys making out on the phone," said Anne in a raised voice pretending to be angry.

Linda just stuck out her tongue in response to Anne's words. She then rushed out of the room to the balcony at the end of the hall, leaving Anne alone in the room so she could rest well. Shortly after Linda left, Anne then closed her eyes slowly. Her head was currently felt like it was being stabbed with hundreds of needles. It was so painful and it felt like she was seeing millions of stars spinning around. She finally fell asleep after being unable to bear the pain in her head.

* * *

< Clarke Residence >

Alan, who was ready to leave, was suddenly detained by his grandfather who was talking to his men.

"Are you sure this party was arranged by Roger?" asked Mr. David Clarke in surprise.

"That's right, sir, Roger Douglas is one of the people who took care of this party. He seems to have started to meddle in the world of event organizers like this, sir," answered a man with jet black hair to his master's question.

Mr. David Clarke clenched his jaw. Even though he was old, his eyes were still as sharp as when he was young.

"Thanks for the information, Philip, you may leave now," said Mr. David Clarke quietly, asking his men to leave because he wanted to have a serious talk with his grandson who had been standing silently for a while.

The man who was called Philip nodded his head slowly, and quietly left the place. Soon, Alan walked over to his grandfather.

"Shouldn't we go?" Alan asked flatly.

"As long as Grandpa hasn't been able to get proof that Roger is the one who caused the accident to you two years ago, I'm sure he has bad intentions towards you. That's why you should keep your distance from him," replied Mr. David Clarke in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'm not going. Then I'll go with Nick somewhere then," Alan said excitedly.

Mr. David Clarke raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"

"A hotel." Alan answered briefly and densely to his grandfather's question.


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