I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 349 - Im Not Gay

Chapter 349 - I'm Not Gay

Arriving at the office, Alan went straight up to the top floor where his room was located with Nicholas trailing behind.

"We still have thirty minutes left before the meeting with the jewelry designer, sir," Nicholas said softly, informing the schedule to Alan who was just sitting in his chair.

"Thanks for the info, Nick. Then I'll check some of the other documents before the meeting," Alan answered excitedly.

Nicholas smiled broadly. He was very pleased to see the spirit of the master's. "Well, if you'll excuse me, sir."

After saying goodbye, Nicholas then walked towards the door to get out of Alan's room and returned to his own private room, which was right next to Alan's room. After Nicholas left, Alan suddenly remembered the girl he had helped a while ago in front of the restaurant.

"That girl's eyes are so beautiful," said Alan subconsciously, his hands clenched into fists on the table.

Alan's memory replayed the memories that happened a few moments ago, where he swiftly helped the woman who suddenly almost fell in front of him. For some reason, Alan became uneasy after seeing the girl. This beautiful girl without make-up really made a special impression on Alan's heart. Alan slowly grabbed his cell phone and was pondering while tapping his fingers on the screen, before he finally put the wireless earphones in his ears.

"Send the CCTV footage about 30 minutes ago in front of your restaurant to me. I'll give you 5 minutes to do it." Alan was speaking in a firm voice to someone on the other end of the phone.

"Ready sir, I-I'll do it now."

Alan smiled at the words of the manager of the restaurant where he had visited a moment ago. Without another word, he turned off the call and immediately sat down seriously looking at his cell phone, waiting for the CCTV recording he requested. Around five minutes later, a message coming in, an anonymous number had sent a video. Alan immediately watched the video recording after connecting it to his laptop. His eyes were perfectly rounded seeing the video that was playing in front of him.



With emotion, Alan threw his laptop to the side so that ??the laptop shattered instantly when it collided with a hard wall. Right at that moment, the door to Alan's office opened from the outside and Nicholas came in with some documents in his hand, he looked shocked when he saw his master had thrown away his laptop.

"Everyone is waiting for you in the meeting room, sir," Nicholas said quietly to Alan, who looked angry, reminding him of his schedule.

"Okay." Alan answered curtly, then got up from his chair and walked towards the door.

Nicholas just sighed. He glanced at the laptop that had been smashed on the floor. Not wanting to make Alan even more upset, Nicholas hastened his footsteps to follow Alan to the meeting room which was not far from Alan's private room. As soon as the meeting room door was opened from the outside by Nicholas, a cold chill rushed into the room which was large enough to make the staff and clients who were going to make the presentation shudder. They could feel the great anger of Alan Knight Clarke. Realizing the change in the mood of his master, Nicholas finally acted quickly by starting the meeting and allowing the client who was going to make a presentation to start his work.

During the meeting, Alan's eyes did not leave the screen where several young jewelry designers were presenting, but his mind was not in the room. Alan still thinking about the beautiful girl he helped turned out to be a journalist. He still regretted his hasty action to find out about the girl through CCTV recordings to the restaurant owner. His sympathy for the girl immediately disappeared and turned into anger. Alan thought that the girl had violated his privacy because she had followed him while he was dining out. Alan did not really like journalists, because all this time those journalists always gave bad news about him. Starting from the accident two years ago, to several things related to his mental health, including his relationships with the girls around him. Alan felt his privacy was very disturbed by the news seekers.


"Our meeting ends here, I am very disappointed with your presentation. Aren't you the chosen designers? But why is the presentation that you give shows me absolutely nothing interesting," rebuked Alan curtly after cutting the presentation of one of the designers who were still speaking by banging the table loudly. "If this is your way of designing, I might look for another designer from overseas. You know the Clarke company jewelry exhibition will start in a few months, right? We don't have much time, if you guys are still giving a bad presentation like this, then how are we going to start the production of those jewels? Are you all willing to bear the company's losses if you postpone the scheduled exhibition?"

About ten people from the designer team who made the presentation fell silent. None of them dared to speak and raised their heads. Everyone looked down in fear, including a woman who was still standing in front. Alan's anger was so great that it was actually able to make all the creative people speechless. Nicholas, who had expected something like this to happen, sighed. He then touched Alan's arm and got up from his chair. When Nicholas was about to open his mouth, suddenly the sound of the door slamming loudly was heard because Alan had got up from his chair suddenly and immediately walked away from the meeting room with a very annoyed face.

"It's better for you to revise all of these presentations. Indeed, from the presentation you are giving, there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, I ask that within 1 x 24 hours, you revise everything and submit your revision results to me. I will correct it and submit it directly to Mr. Alan. Then our meeting ends here, everyone can go back to their respective work and don't forget what I asked for help," said Nicholas wisely with a smile. After saying that, Nicholas then rushed to follow Alan, who went to the balcony. It was Alan's favorite place to spend time when he's upset, because from the balcony, the view of almost a third of Luxembourg was clearly visible.

"Aarggghh! Fuck...!" Alan screamed loudly to vent all the annoyance in his heart.

Nicholas, who was walking towards the balcony, could only smile when he heard his master shouted. He was sure that something big had happened to his young master. What was certain was that his annoyance had nothing to do with the results of the presentations shown by the young designers. As the person who knew Alan best, Nicholas felt that there was a major change in Alan's attitude, especially after his master recovered from the car accident. One thing Nicholas could do was to keep his master quiet and not bother him until the young master was completely satisfied with venting his frustration. Only then would he approach him and talk to him.

"Damn journalist!" Alan cursed angrily. He was reminded of one of the articles published by one of the journalists who said that he was gay because he was not married when he already had everything and considered his relationship with beautiful women who had been close to him as a cover he used to hide his true sexual orientation.

"I still like women, assholes!" Alan snorted in annoyance.

From behind, Nicholas just smiled silently at the young master's words. He knew very well how angry his master was when articles that said he was gay appeared on several news platforms. Although, not long after, the news was taken down, Alan was very upset. He felt that his good name had been tarnished. That was why his hatred for journalists grew even greater.


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