I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 345 - Down Into The Street

Chapter 345 - Down Into The Street?

The morning sun burst in through the window blinds of Alan Knight Clarke's large and luxurious bedroom. After feeling a little pain in his heart after the opening ceremony of his family's new company, Alan went home and went straight to bed.

"It's morning, apparently," Alan muttered quietly when he realized the day had changed.

Alan slowly got up from the super soft bed made of goose feathers. He then walked to the balcony of his room to enjoy the cool air and drink a glass of water as his mandatory routine every morning. After standing for a long time on the balcony, Alan then continued his activities towards the bathroom. Because it was still early enough to go to work, Alan chose to soak in the bathtub longer while carrying the messages that came into his cell phone.

"Cassie, you're acting too much, Cassie," Alan said quietly as he read about fifty messages Cassie sent.

Alan immediately deleted all the messages and planned to enjoy his morning ritual, but when he was about to put down his cell phone down, suddenly a news appeared on Alan's smart phone screen. News about him had again become an easy target for journalists and had now become headlines on various paid and free news platforms.

"You brainless humans, how can they make news like this?" said Alan angrily when he read the news that he was sick again and had not fully recovered from the accident that happened to him 2 years ago.

"If only I didn't live at home with Grandpa, maybe Grandpa was already panicked when he read this news," added Alan again, full of emotion. He had to cancel his intention to soak longer in the bathtub.

Alan then got up from the bathtub and immediately rinsed quickly. He couldn't wait to slap the reporters by appearing in public so they would be ashamed of the news they had published. Usually, it would take Alan thirty minutes every morning to shower, but this time it only took ten minutes. Within ten minutes, Alan had even finished wearing his clothes. Without waiting long, Alan then rushed out of his big room with his smart phone in his hand. The servants who were carrying out their duties, immediately bowed their heads and saluted him, as he walked down the stairs to the dining table where his grandfather was.

"These reporters really are always looking for trouble," Alan cursed loudly as he almost got to the dinner table.

Mr. David Clarke, who was enjoying his breakfast, immediately turned to his beloved grandson. "Just ignore it as usual, it's their job. So you don't have to think about it, the most important thing is that we all know the truth."

Hearing the words of his grandfather, Alan's emotions lessened slightly. "Ah, people like them don't deserve to be ignored, Grandpa, because the more they are ignored, the more insolent they become."

"The taller the tree, the stronger the wind that blows, Alan. So you don't have to be surprised. After all, the facts don't match the news they publish, do they? So just ignore it, because the more you respond to the reporters, the more they will want to chase you. When you are annoyed with such false information they make, then they will have a new loophole to extract other information from you. Therefore, if there are journalists who publish news like that, just ignore them, pretend you don't read it," said Mr. David Clarke at length.

"Ah, Grandpa, you're always like that," said Alan annoyed.

Mr. David Clarke smiled when he saw his grandson was annoyed. He then turned to Luis, and gave him a code. Luis, who understood the signal given by the master, immediately asked the other servants to serve Alan his breakfast. Not long after that, the maids immediately served breakfast for Alan. The best piece of lamb chop was immediately served on Alan's plate along with an omelet, and some boiled vegetables and peas. The aroma of grilled asparagus beside the lamb was very appetizing, Alan immediately enjoyed his breakfast voraciously and made Mr. David Clarke smile.

"Oh right, Grandpa, I'm going to meet some suppliers out of town today, so I might be home late," said Alan suddenly with his mouth full of food.


The knife that Mr. David Clarke was holding fell on the plate and made a very loud sound.


"W-what did you say, Alan?" asked David Clarke, stuttering.

"Which one?" Alan asked confused.

"Your last words," replied Mr. David Clarke quietly.

"Oh, is it about my plan to go out of town?" Alan said quickly without guilt.

Mr. David Clarke nodded his head slowly in response to Alan's question. His two vulnerable eyes showing great concern at the moment and Alan didn't notice it.

Alan then explained in detail about his plans for today with Nicholas, his trusted assistant, He spoke excitedly because he couldn't wait to go out of town to visit one of the raw material suppliers.

"Don't go, Alan, let other people go. I will ask one of the managers to go out of town, you stay in the office," said Mr. David Clarke quickly when he finished speaking.

"Why can't I go, Grandpa?" Alan asked in confusion.

"There's no reason, it's just that you're better off staying in the office to take care of bigger things than going to a supplier who is out of town like that, because that job isn't done by a leader. That's the job of a responsible field manager," answered Mr. David Clarke firmly.

Alan was silent for a while after hearing his grandfather's words. Soon, his smile broke and he obeyed the orders given by his grandfather and returned to focus on the food that was in front of him.

Nicholas, who was not far from Luis, checked his cell phone which suddenly rang because Mr. David Clarke gave him a message. In that message, Mr. David asked Nicholas to find out the person who had wanted Alan to go out of town. Without being ordered twice, Nicholas checked his cell phone again to find the email received by Alan. Even though he was only a personal assistant, but Nicholas had access to read all of Alan's messages.


"Anne, come on, today we'll start working, Anne," said Linda repeatedly to Anne who was setting up her new camera after her favorite camera was broken.

"Be patient, Linda, I have to make sure this camera can work properly," replied Anne flatly without taking her focus away from the camera in her hand.

Linda, who was standing by the window, couldn't stay calm, because at the moment, all of their college friends had started to leave the hotel where they were staying to start working. Meanwhile, Anne was still busy with her new camera for almost an hour.


"Okay, I'm done, let's go," Anne shouted loudly, cutting off Linda's words.

"Ah, you really are something. Come on, come on," said Linda hopefully.

Anne looked at Linda with a smile. Then she wrapped her new camera around her neck. Anne had vowed to take good care of her new camera this time, because the new camera cost twice as much as her old broken one. And Anne had to buy the camera, because she had no other choice. Anne had never bought anything that cost more than $5000, because for her, there were still many things that could be bought with that much money. That was why when she bought a camera for $5000, Anne seemed hesitant. However, because the camera was for her work, Anne inevitably had to buy it with her own personal money, even though Linda wanted to pay for it, but Anne firmly refused. Anne knew what Linda's finances were like, which was why she bought the new camera with her own money.

"Let's go hunting!!!!" Linda shouted excitedly when she was outside the hotel.

Anne smiled. She recalled the moment she saw the figure of Jack passing in front of her.

"Give me strength to forget him, Lord, make things easy for me while I'm in this city. Amen." Anne prayed silently as she gently patted her chest and began to walk towards the path where Linda had walked first.


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