I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 337 - [Bonus ]Trying To Let Go

Chapter 337 - [Bonus ]Trying To Let Go

The UAL students who just finished their final semester exams got two weeks off, but because the fashion designer department got an assignment from Professor Gilbert, they couldn't enjoy the long holiday at the end of the semester.

"It's so annoying, why do we have to do homework during school holidays like this," Linda grumbled softly to Anne when Professor Gilbert.

"Don't be so loud, the professor will hear you," whispered Anne quietly.

"Ah, so be it! After all, it's not just me who protested, Anne," answered Linda with annoyance, pointing at another student who was grumbling just like her.

Anne only smiled faintly at Linda's words. She knew that Linda was very upset. Because Professor Gilbert always gave them assignments during college holidays, which meant that they wouldn't be able to enjoy vacations normally like other college students.

"Okay, because I have explained everything, after this I will give the names of students who will carry out the assignments," said Professor Gilbert in a loud voice while showing the paper in his hand into the air.

The students sitting in their chairs were silent and no one responded to the lecturer's words, until finally Gabriella, who was looking for attention, got up from her chair and took the paper from Professor Gilbert's hand. Soon Gabriella distributed the papers to the other students, including Anne, who was sitting in the back row with Linda.


"Yes, you are going to Luxembourg," Professor Gilbert answered loudly.

Some students who heard the name Luxembourg immediately screamed hysterically, even though they had lived in a developed country that was very great in Europe, but when they heard the name Luxembourg was mentioned as one of their destinations in doing their holiday assignments this time, they were very excited.

"You childish," Linda hissed irritated when she saw Gabriella and her friends were very excited about going to Luxembourg.

"Just leave them be, Linda, don't ruin their happiness," said Anne quietly as she put her laptop in her bag. Since Jack was declared dead two years ago, Anne's attitude had returned to being very cold.

"It's not like that, Anne, they're always like this. Don't you remember last semester's vacation when we went to Paris? They weren't doing their assignments, all they did were just having fun taking pictures at almost all Paris' landmarks," answered Linda curtly, trying to remind Anne about what by Gabriella and her friends had done in the past.

Anne just smiled without speaking at Linda's words. She knew that Gabriella had never really done her homework when she was abroad. Every time they got a semester break assignment given by Professor Gilbert to conduct research in countries that have been previously determined by the campus, they must submit a report when classes started again. As students from the fashion designer department, they were asked to do research in various parts of the country as a comparison by going directly to the field, that was why every semester break they must travel abroad for almost four weeks.

As in previous years, Anne and Linda were always in the same group. Therefore, she did not experience any difficulties at all when she was about to make preparations to go to Luxembourg, even though Linda was upset to have to go abroad again but she was a little calm because she was with Anne again. Unbeknownst to Anne, Linda had actually gone to Professor Gilbert to protest because she was almost separated from Anne during her college holiday. She had even threatened Professor Gilbert that she would stop studying if she wasn't placed in the same group with Anne. Because of that, in the end she was always in the same group as Anne when doing research abroad. Linda, who was used to being with Anne, didn't want to join other people anymore. After all, she knew that Anne really needed her. As the person who Anne trusted the most, Linda felt that she had a great responsibility to Anne. That was why she didn't want to be separated from Anne.

"Linda, I want to go to..."

"Please Anne, not again!!" said Linda quickly cutting Anne's words.

"But I want to say goodbye to him, Linda," said Anne quietly, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"Anne." Linda took Anne's hand and gripped it tightly. "Don't you believe that Jack is still alive? Then why do you have to do this? If you come to the English Channel to say goodbye to Jack before leaving for foreign countries like you did last semester, you would just as well think he's dead, don't you think so, Anne?"

Anne's lips trembled violently at Linda's words. She was speechless when Linda mentioned her beliefs all this time.

"Yes...but Linda, I..."

"I know how heavy this must be, Anne, trust that God has a very beautiful plan for you. Jack has left us for 2 years, Anne, even everyone close to Jack has left your life shortly after Jack was declared missing in the English Channel. Then why do you keep remembering him like this, Anne? It's like you're torturing yourself. You're still young and very beautiful Anne. There are still a lot of established men out there waiting in line to get you, so please forget all that has passed. I know it is not easy, but believe me when you try, you will definitely get through this. Life goes on, Anne, you can't be like this, you deserve to be happy and move on with your life." Linda immediately cut Anne's words quickly, trying to wake Anne up.

"But I, Jack... we have..."

"No Anne, it's not a marriage. A valid marriage is when it is attended by several witnesses and blessed by the priest, but all you do with Jack was just make a vow, Anne. Indeed you both did that at a church, but it can't be called an official wedding. Do you have a marriage certificate? Do you have a wedding ring? Suppose you tell someone else about this, you will be laughed at, Anne," said Linda quickly again.

Anne was silent, she couldn't say anything. Although Linda often said the same sentence but she still felt that she still had a great bond with Jack. The guilt caused by her last fight with Jack made Anne regret to this day.

"You have the right to be happy, Anne, let Jack go. Jack is gone, dear, I'm sure he must be happy in a better place now. And I'm sure he will be sad if he knows that you continue to mourn him like this," added Linda again.

"I don't know, Linda, I'm confused too. I really want to believe what everyone says that Jack is dead, but my little heart keeps telling me that he's still alive. I don't know on what basis that I have such beliefs, but I really believe it, Linda. The more I try to erase Jack's memories from my mind, the stronger that belief grows inside of me. I also don't know and I'm very confused about how that conviction emerged, Linda," Anne answered softly with tears already flowing.

Linda smiled wryly at Anne's words. She slowly grabbed Anne's body and hugged her tightly. "I know you love him very much, Anne, but believe me, when you have let him go, then God will help you heal all your pain."

"I want to forget him, Linda, I want to let him go... I really do, sob."


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