I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 331 - Mysterious Man

Chapter 331 - Mysterious Man

After viewing the CCTV footage in the control room on the cruise ship, Anne sat silently on the sofa with tears in her eyes as she clearly saw how Jack fell in the cold sea.

"For a normal man who fell in the cold sea, the chances of him surviving are very small." A young policeman whispered softly to his friend after seeing clearly how Jack fell into the sea.

"Hush! Watch your words, there are many people here. Don't let yourself get into trouble," said the co-worker quickly. He tried to stop his friend from talking nonsense because at the moment they were behind Anne.

"This lady seems to have a special relationship with Mr. Muller, so keep your voice down," he added, pointing at Anne.

The first policeman immediately shut his mouth tightly when he realized his mistake. It wasn't long before the two policemen went away from Anne's side for fear that Anne would recognize them. Although Anne did not shed tears profusely, but the expression of sadness was very evident on her face, she looked like a dazed person at this time.

"It's been almost seven hours of searching and the results are still nothing. How long are we going to look for the victim, sir?" A young officer asked his commander quietly. He felt sorry for his men who were still circling the ocean where Jack fell.

"Wait, we still have to continue the search. After all, it's still very early to finish this search, James," replied a man who was quite old in tactfully answering the question of his subordinate.

"But my men are cold, sir, being outside in this weather is very risky. Especially now that we are on the water, I don't want my men to be the next victim, sir," said the young officer named James quickly. He was annoyed because he had just got a report that his men who were trying to find Jack on a small boat almost fell into hypothermia after patrolling for more than 5 hours in today's cold air.

The wise senior officer looked doubtful. He was at a loss as to what to do. Because the search in the cold air at this time over the sea was indeed very risky, especially since Jack had been down for a long time and the people on the ship only found out about Jack's fall thirty minutes later. The senior officer who became the head of search operations for Jackson Patrick Muller was confused. He could not sacrifice his men in this impossible mission. Therefore, he was silent for a long time and accidentally looked at Anne who was sitting on the sofa silently, he squinted his eyes as he looked at Anne who seemed so down.

"Let me coordinate with the SAR team as well, we can't decide something as important as this one-sidedly, James. You know that, don't you?"

The young police officer named James stared at his boss named Cody without blinking. "I understand sir, but as a commander I can't possibly sacrifice my men. That's why I'm telling you all this."

"I know, you are a good boss, James. Now you watch your men, don't fall victim again," said Cody quietly.

"Yes sir!!!" James answered loudly while saluting his boss. Not long after, he left the room running. As he walked through the door he sneered at Anne, who he thought was too much.

After James left, Cody then approached Erick, who was talking to Mr. Kevin Cormier outside the room. He spoke seriously about what James had just complained to him. Hearing the police officer's words, Erick fell to his knees. He couldn't believe that the search for his master would be stopped. Likewise, Mr. Kevin Cormier immediately closed his eyes. He felt very sorry for inviting Jack to a dinner that was actually not very important.

"But calm down, sir, until the end of the search deadline, I will ask my subordinates to maximize their work even more. Let's just pray that Mr. Muller will be found soon," Cody said quietly, as he ended his words trying to calm Erick and Kevin.

"I beg you, sir, please don't stop the search. You all must have found my boss, sir, please sir, don't stop the search," Erick asked softly with a face that was already full of tears. This was the first time in Erick's life that he was crying. Having been with Jack for decades had brought him so close to his master that he was truly lost.

"We will do our job to the fullest sir, hopefully Mr. Muller will be found soon," said Cody quietly. Because there was still a lot of work to be done, the senior police officer finally left Erick and Mr. Kevin Cormier to continue his other duties.

Shortly after Cody left, Erick's cries sounded loud enough. He really didn't expect that his meeting with Jack a few hours ago would be their last. Alice, who had been busy receiving calls from Muller Finance International colleagues who were shocked to see the news of Jack's fall from the cruise ship, finally burst into tears. Being asked many times by many people about her boss had made Alice's heart shattered and sad. Mr. Kevin Cormier patted Erick's shoulder trying to calm Erick. While everyone was showing sadness because of Jack's disappearance last night, Anne was the only person who turned quiet. After being hysterical when she heard the news for the first time, now Anne did not show any emotions. She just stared at the monitor screen which was already dark, the place where she saw Jack was walking towards the edge of the ship and until he finally fell into the sea.

All the sounds that had previously escaped Anne's lips were now gone, as if a hot iron had caught her throat and made her speechless. Only her eyes couldn't hide how devastated she was right now. Anne didn't think that her fight last night with Jack would be the last fight in her life with Jack, whose whereabouts was now unknown. And now all the mass media, both print and electronic, would announce that Jackson Patrick Muller was declared dead, but Anne still had faith that Jack was still alive.

"You promised me, Jack, you wouldn't dump me. You promised, Jack, keep your promise... I-I need you. How can I continue my life without you, Jack? How can I survive in this cruel world?" said Anne in her heart with her hands clutching her chest which was now very painful.

Meanwhile, in a black car that was on the dock, a man with black glasses with blond hair gripped his hand tightly when he saw the news on his cell phone. The news about what had just happened had shocked the business world, when Jackson Patrick Muller was declared dead because he fell from a cruise ship while attending a dinner party with other great businessmen.

"How could I be wrong? I'm absolutely sure that the man is him. But why is that man now named Jackson Patrick Muller...? Ah shit!!! It's in vain that I dirty my hands," hissed the man with sunglasses full of disappointment.

* * *

< Ganke Inc. Production >

Leon, who was working seriously, was surprised by Wayne Scott who reported the news that was currently spreading. He immediately laughed out loud when he read the news on Wayne's smart phone.

"Good hahaha...! An arrogant person like you deserves to die, rot in the ocean, Jack. Now no one can stop me from getting Marianne back, hahahaha... thank you, God, thank you..."


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