I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 325 - Ericks Conjecture

Chapter 325 - Erick's Conjecture?

As Erick guessed earlier, Johnny and Edmund, who were Jack's ex-family, had came. The father and son came to Muller Finance International in London and made a mess. The father and son shouted to be allowed to see Jack. But because they thought they were rude, the security guards forbade them to go any further into Jack's room.

"I'm his uncle, you guys are really rude! The next time I see Jack, I'll make sure you get fired, remember that!" Johnny cursed emotionally to the security guards, who were still putting up a posse to keep them from going any further.

"Yes, I am Edmund. I am the deputy director for the parent company in Switzerland, I can assure you that all of you will be fired. You'll see," added Edmund, not wanting to lose. He was very annoyed that they were banned from entering.

"Quickly disperse, let us in. We want to meet with Jackson, we have important things to do," said Johnny again.

"What important thing do you have to tell Mr. Muller to come all the way to London, Mr Iglesias?"

Suddenly, a loud voice came from behind the security guards who made a posse. Johnny and Edmund, who knew the voice very well, smiled sarcastically. Moreover, the person who spoke called Johnny's last name, which he had just used after he was banned from using the name Muller again after losing in court, as it was proven that he did not have any relationship with Jackson Patrick Muller, the only heir to the name Muller in Switzerland, who led the largest funding company in that beautiful country. And as Johnny and Edmund suspected, Erick appeared from behind the posse of well-built men that had kept the father and son from entering.

"You don't seem to have changed, Erick. You're still as arrogant as you used to be when you were in Switzerland," Edmund said sarcastically to Erick who was standing in front of him.

"Nothing has changed from me, I'm still the same as I used to, and still serve Mr. Muller," Erick answered slowly, a little sarcastically to Edmund, who had still claimed to be a Muller to many people.

Edmund, who knew where Erick was talking, immediately clenched his fists and was about to throw it at Erick's face, but Johnny, the father, stopped him.

"You still has a sharp tongue, Erick. No wonder you feel at home beside Jack. Never mind, because we have come all the way from Switzerland, we will just go straight to the point, let us go in and meet Jack. I have important things to talk to him about," said Johnny, trying to act smart and wise to win Erick's heart.

"Meet with Mr. Jack. What do you need? Just tell me, I will convey it directly to Mr. Muller later on," Erick asked quietly without changing his facial expression.

Edmund's anger could not be contained anymore. With a quick movement, he approached Erick and immediately grabbed Erick's collar so that the security officers came forward trying to stop what Edmund was doing. But Erick quickly raised one hand up, signaling the men not to interfere.

"You still haven't changed, Edmund, you're still emotional and arrogant. No wonder you got rid of from the company," Erick said sarcastically, insinuating Edmund's dismissal from the top ranks of Muller Finance International in Switzerland.

"Bastard, don't call me Edmund if I can't finish you Erick!!" Edmund screamed full of emotion right in front of Erick's face, his fists that had been clenched since earlier flew straight up into the air, trying to hit Erick's face, but again, his father stopped him and pulled him away from Eric.

"Dad, why did you stop me? Let me beat him up! People like him should be removed so they don't get arrogant," protested Edmund to his father.

"Don't look for trouble, Edmund, you know what our goal is, right? So it's better to hold your emotions, we have to meet Jackson first," said Johnny softly to his son who was mad.

Edmund's anger immediately dimmed when his father calmed him down. He calmed down and tried to ignore Erick who was trying to provoke his emotions.

"Forgive? my son, Erick, Edmund is still childish. But believe me he's not as imagined. Edmund is just too excited to see his brother Jack. They haven't seen each other for a long time, so it's only natural that Edmund is a little too much," said Johnny, slowly trying to melt the situation.

Erick just smiled at Johnny's words. "It's okay, sir, this might also be my fault for not welcoming the two of you to this company."

Johnny smiled at Erick's words. He stepped closer to Erick and immediately wrapped his arms around Erick's shoulders. "You're a good boy, Eric. I know that," Johnny whispered softly to Erick. The blue eyed man was trying to seduce Erick to meet Jack.

"Don't praise me too much sir, I'm not what you say. Oh yes, Edmund said he wanted to meet Mr. Muller. Is there really something important you want to convey to my master?" Erick asked to the point. He did mention Jack with his last name so that Johnny and Edmund realize that they were not a Muller as they often told many people about their true family identity. As far as Erick knew, Johnny and Edmund still tried to use the name Muller whenever they wanted to approach or collaborate with other entrepreneurs, because everyone who heard Muller's name would certainly not think twice if invited to meet.

The smile on Johnny's face slowly disappeared when he heard Erick's words. He now understood why his son was very upset with the young man he was embracing. However, because he had a big goal in coming to London, finally Johnny tried to cover up his annoyance and tried to be patient.

"As an uncle who lived in the same house with Jack when he was a child, of course there is no reason for me wanting to see him. Besides, I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind to meet us both," said Johnny softly.

Erick smiled. He then grabbed Johnny's hand which was still leaning on his shoulder. "Sorry sir, I am an employee here. I am just a worker who has to obey the rules made by my boss and my boss is Mr. Muller, so I have to obey the rules he made. And regarding my previous attitude to Edmund is the same as to you. I must ask what is your interest in coming to this office, since Mr. Muller is currently not in the office, he is having personal matters that cannot be left behind. So I must ask both of you directly about your intentions and purposes here so that I can confirm to Mr Muller."

"Fuck!!! You should have told us that earlier, you bastard! Don't make small talk like that. You're really looking for trouble with me, Erick! Wait for the time you'll definitely cry tears of blood. Just you wait!!" Edmund cursed full of emotion when he knew Jack wasn't in the office. "Let's go, Dad, I'm so sick of seeing this man's face," added Edmund again taking his father away from Erick.

Johnny was actually also angry when he heard Erick's words about Jack's absence in the office at this time, but because he knew getting angry would not solve the problem, Johnny finally restrained himself. He didn't want to make it difficult for himself if he had to fight with Erick right now in front of everyone, while he had not yet achieved the goal he wanted.

Seeing Edmund walked straight to the elevator, Johnny followed his son after briefly saying goodbye to Erick. Finally, the father and son disappeared from Erick's sight, who now looked not very happy. He was sure the father and son had other goals in coming to London. Without thinking twice, Erick took out his cell phone and sent a message to Jack to tell him what had just happened at the office. Although Jack had told him not to disturb him for one day, Erick did not heed the warning from his master. Erick believed that the arrival of Edmund and Johnny Iglesias had a big purpose, so Jack had to know about this big issue.


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