I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 293 - Symphony Of Life

Chapter 293 - Symphony Of Life?

Anne was still silent when Jack talked at length to Erick and Alice about the plans for the press conference for Sophia which would be held tonight. Jack wanted to immediately make Sophia admit that the song she claimed to have been composed by her was actually belonged to Anne. He wanted to solve all of Anne's problems as soon as possible to be free from the Higgins family.

"I want all the reporters to cover last night's event and make sure that Sophia will speak the truth and say that the song that belongs to ..."

Jack immediately stopped what he was saying when he felt Anne's hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Anne?" Jack asked quietly, his sharp eyes turned soft as he spoke to Anne.

"I don't want Selma to mention my mother's name or my name, I just want her to admit that the song isn't hers, Jack," said Anne quietly as she lowered her face to the floor.

Jack raised his eyebrows at Anne's words. "Why is it like that, Anne? Let everyone know that the song belongs to your mother, Anne, and you as her child is the rightful heir to the ownership of the song. After Sophia admits everything, you can get royalties for the song if the song is patented as a creation of your mother, Anne."

Anne lifted her head and looked at Jack with an indescribable look. "That song is a song that my mother remembers with someone I don't know who. Obviously my mother only plays that song without my father's presence, and I have also promised her not to play that song in front of many people even though the song is very beautiful. I don't know what the secret behind that song is, but my mom didn't want it to be played in public. That's why I want Selma to admit that it's not hers and will stop playing it forever. I want the memories my mom in that song stays a secret, Jack."

Hearing Anne's words made everyone in the place silent, including Jack, who was standing right in front of Anne.

"You can do that, can't you, Jack?" asked Anne again.

"But it will be difficult, Anne, once Sophia admits that it is not a song by hers, people will definitely be curious about the original creator of the song," answered Jack slowly. He felt that Anne's request was a bit difficult this time.

"Then just say that the songwriter's name is Ariella," said Anne briefly.

"Ariella? Isn't that your last name?" Jack asked confusedly.

Anne shook her head slowly. "I have two last names that confuse me, because my father changed his name which automatically changed my last name. That's why I prefer to just use the name Marianne or Marianne Ariella. It's a name that my mother likes, that's why I want you to mention Ariella as the creator of the song."

Even though he was still confused about the reason that Anne said, Jack couldn't help but nod his head as a sign of approval to Anne's request. He then turned to Erick, who gave an answer with a small nod from Erick.

"I'll do whatever you want, so you can rest easy now, Anne. I'll make sure Sophia can't use that song again forever," said Jack, quietly promising Anne, who he hugged back.

Anne smiled at Jack's words. She then closed her eyes in Jack's arms. Jack also tightened his arms around Anne's body. He was happy because he could help Anne. Because the press conference was still long enough, Jack invited Anne to take a break and let everyone work, preparing a live press conference on Sophia's social media account, which would be covered by all the reporters that Erick had contacted. Actually, to destroy Sophia's name, it was a small problem for Jack, but because Anne only wanted Sophia to make a statement about the copyright to the song that was stolen by Sophia, Jack couldn't help but follow the procedure that Erick made.

Meanwhile, Sophia, who had just finished being made up by a make-up artist hired by Jack, was seen sitting on the sofa where she was going to make a statement directly on her social media account. She looked very annoyed at the moment because she couldn't run away from Jack's plan. The reason was that at this time, his father and mother were still held by Jack, which inevitably made her must obey Jack's will to hold a press conference regarding the ownership of the Symphony of Life song that made her a great pianist many years ago. When Sophia was sitting silently, suddenly the door nearby opened and Jack and Erick entered.

"Jack, please don't be like this. If you do this, I will be destroyed. Jack, the career I have built for years will..."


Jack threw a pile of paper at Sophia suddenly which made Sophia startle and run away for fear that the papers might hurt her beautiful face. For Sophia, her face was her most valuable asset besides her body.

"Read that paper, you will conduct a press conference by reading that paper. You must do my bidding Sophia and don't try to cheat again. Remember that your father and mother are still in my power. They will die in the most terrible way if you don't do my orders. Not only that, I will also make you suffer if you dare to cheat. I will sell you to the largest prostitute organization in the Middle East and you will not be able to get out of that place, because once you enter that place, then you will continue to languish there as their sexual gratification and you will also not be able to kill yourself, because you will continue to be watched by those people. So the conclusion is that for the rest of your life, you will continue to be the gratification of the desires of the men in that place. It's easy for me to do that, Sophia, and no one will be able to help you if I act," said Jack, quietly threatening Sophia.

Sophia's hands trembled when she heard Jack's words. She had heard of the barbaric mob in the Middle East, sex-hungry men who will not be satisfied with just one woman, crazy men who do not hesitate to share women for mutual satisfaction. Seeing Sophia's fear, Jack smiled. He was happy that he had succeeded in scaring Sophia. Even though he wouldn't be able to do that because he wasn't a heartless lecherous person who would sell a woman to a sex-crazed man, Jack deliberately said that to threaten Sophia.

"A-after all this, you're going to let us go, right?" asked Sophia, stuttering.

"Of course, I'm not someone who doesn't keep my promise, Sophia. After you do what I tell you, I will release you all and help you return to Switzerland, to continue your life from scratch because I'll take back all the facilities that my father and mother gave you," Jack answered flatly without guilt.

Sophia's eyes widened. "You can't do that Jack, my aunt and uncle had given everything to me as a gift for our first engagement. So you can't take them away, I won't allow that to happen, Jack!!!" screamed Sophia panicked. She didn't want all the luxury that she had in Switzerland taken away by Jack.

"You're not in a position to bargain with me, Sophia, you should be thankful that I didn't throw you out on the street after all that you've done to me all these years. Now you better memorize the text so that at the press conference you will look natural as usual. When you act in front of reporters, remember, I don't want any mistakes. So don't disappoint me or you will end up in the Middle East like I said before."

After saying that, Jack then walked away from the room with Erick, leaving Sophia alone with a laptop that was ready to broadcast live through Sophia's social media account. Sophia then chose to do what Jack ordered. Thirty minutes later, Sophia did what Jack told her to do, she did everything that was written on the paper that Jack had given her earlier.

From the second floor, Anne sat alone in the room watching the live broadcast that Sophia was doing. Her tears slowly rolled down when Sophia mentioned Ariella's name as the composer of the Symphony of Life song.

"Mom, I've succeeded, Mom. Your song has returned to you, sorry that it took this long. Hope you rest in peace, Mom," Anne sobbed softly while clutching her chest tightly. From behind the door, Jack heard what Anne said and he chose to give her some time alone.


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