I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 281 - The First Meeting

Chapter 281 - The First Meeting

Just like the previous week, Anne went straight to work on various jobs that were waiting to be checked. Usually Monday was the busiest day for her. That was why she immediately opened her laptop and got to work, even though she still had an hour to go. When Anne had finished checking some videos, Edward, who had just arrived, went straight into her room with two cups of Anne's favorite coffee.

"For you, Anne," Edward said quietly as he placed a cup of coffee on Anne's table.

"Thanks Edward, you are my hero. Oh yes, please check your email immediately, I just sent you some files. Please correct them first, then give them to me."

Edward drank the coffee in his hand slowly, "I just came, Anne, and you already talked about work. Relax, Anne, we still have a lot of time. Besides, it's still very early to get to work," he said sarcastically to Anne.

"The sooner it's finished, the better, Edward. After all, we have a lot of other work to finish. Do you really want to work late because your work isn't finished? Remember Jack, overtime is a disgrace from a worker who is unable to manage his work time properly," replied Anne flatly without taking her eyes off the laptop.

Edward laughed out loud at Anne's words. He then sat down on the chair in front of Anne's desk casually.




Edward gently tapped on Anne's desk and said, "Excuse me, Miss, aren't you the one who used to work late a while ago? Then how come you said that?"

Anne lifted her face slowly and stared at Edward without blinking.

"Isn't that right, Miss?" Edward asked again mockingly.

"I worked overtime? When?" asked Anne in confusion.

"Why don't you realize what you're doing, Anne? Every morning before working hour starts, you must have started right away, even though other employees are still busy filling their stomachs or relaxing for a while before they start working. But you don't. Just like now, for example. Working hours will start in about 25 minutes, but you are already busy with your laptop. What do you call this if not overtime, Miss?" Edward answered at length with a smile so that his rows of white teeth were clearly visible.

Anne's face turned red when she heard Edward's words. She didn't realize that all this time she had made a mistake that she really wanted to avoid.

"I just want to finish everything on time, Edward, I don't want to linger in the office. That's why every day I choose to come earlier to start work faster too, so I don't have to stay in the office until late in the evening," said Anne slowly, both her eyes were glazed over involuntarily. Anne didn't want to be a witness to Steffi and Leon's indecent acts like that time again.

"You're not wrong, Anne, what you're doing is right. But if you want to see how much you can manage your time at work, you better start working at the appointed hour, because then you'll know what your real skills are. You also have to mingle with the other staff, Anne, even though we are part-time workers here, but we must be able to adjust and make good friends with everyone, so that later when we are out of this office, when we meet them out there, we can still catch up with them," Edward said again.

"How can I mingle with the other staff and talk to them when the discussion is about their household, Edward, while I'm still single. Joining them makes me feel like an alien on a different planet," replied Anne curtly.

Edward laughed out loud hearing Anne's words. He forgot that the staff, who often came early, were actually married women, while the single staff would arrive when working hours were almost starting. Anne finally left her job and talked to Edward about other things that were not work-related.

"I already miss college," said Anne quietly as soon as Edward mentioned Professor Gilbert, who had just had a third child.

"Me too, but just enjoy what we're doing, Anne," Edward said shortly.

Anne sipped the coffee previously brought by Edward. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, shouldn't there be other students joining us huh?"

"Yeah, looks like they're starting to come in today. They're going into my division, Anne," Edward answered flatly.

"To your division? Who will join us here?" asked Anne again.

"Isabel and Gabriella, I don't know why, I'm also confused about why the two girls had to join. And the strange thing is that Gabriella is in the same department as you, then why did she have to enter my division? I really don't understand Professor Gilbert's decision. Last night when I was about to ask this, Professor Gilbert suddenly called his wife. As a result, our conversation has not been finished."

"Seriously? Gabriella is going into the music division? How come?"

Edward shrugged his shoulders and hands at the same time. He was confused and didn't know what to say at this point,? because Professor Gilbert hadn't talked much to him last night. As they were too busy talking, they didn't realize that work hours had started. Edward then left Anne's room to go to his own room. His steps seemed unsteady because he remembered that there were two college friends who would join him as his subordinates. Edward didn't really like Isabel and Ella. Both girls were the type of girls who couldn't work and only take advantage of their family names and physical appearance. That was why Edward was a little uninspired today, but he was happy that the two girls had entered his division, because then they wouldn't bother Anne.

As Edward said before, not long after, a woman from the human resource department with Isabel and Gabriella, who looked very flashy this morning. Anne, who had just come out of her room, almost dropped the files in her hand when she saw the striking makeup of her two college friends. .

"Okay, you two come with me, I will take you to your room," said the HR staff to Isabel and Gabriela gently.

"Alright, we... Anne!!" Isabel screamed in surprise when she saw Anne standing not far from where she was.

The HR staff named Priscilla, smiled when she heard Isabel's words. "Oh yes, you must know Anne too, right? She holds an important part in this office. Later your work will also be related to her, so I hope you can work well together, isn't that right, Anne?"

Anne nodded her head slowly in response to the words of the HR staff, who was now very friendly, unlike when she met her for the first time. She then continued her steps towards Isabel and Gabriella who looked very surprised to see her leave a room that had Head Illustration written on the door.

"Welcome, hopefully we can work well together," said Anne friendly to the two college colleagues with a smile.

Isabel and Gabriella did not respond to Anne's greetings. They even ignored Anne's hand which was already in front of their faces, making it Priscilla uncomfortable with Anne. Anne narrowed one eye when she realized that currently the two college friends were ignoring her. Anne slowly moved her hand and landed on Isabel's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter who your family is or how much money you have, in this office we are the same. We are both workers and have to follow the applicable regulations, so I hope you can adjust soon," whispered Anne quietly right beside Isabel, who was also heard by Gabriella. After saying that, Anne then continued to go to the editor section.

Isabel and Gabriella's faces turned red when they heard Anne's words. They were very upset because Anne had a high position in Ganke Inc. Production. Priscilla, who smiled at Anne's words, finally invited the two girls to go to Edward's room, the boss for the two beautiful girls.

Time passed very quickly. Anne was busy correcting the video with the editors and Edward in the meeting room that they didn't realize that Leon, the CEO, had arrived at the office. Leon had come earlier today because he had an important schedule to meet with two important people who had successfully joined his company. That was why he was currently standing around the meeting room, giving instructions to an office boy to immediately tidy up the meeting room as soon as Anne and the others finished the meeting.

Right after Anne and the others left the meeting room, suddenly the elevator rang and a man who Anne knew very well walked in.

"Welcome, Mr Aaron Connery, welcome to Ganke Inc. Production." Leon shouted very loudly when he greeted Aaron. He was even seen jogging towards the front of the elevator.

When Leon was almost there and was about to extend his hand to Aaron, suddenly another elevator rang and out came a man with dark glasses who had a fine beard along with his assistant and personal secretary.

"Wow, you're welcome too, Mr. Jack Muller. Welcome to Ganke Inc. Production." Leon's voice sounded very loud again when he welcomed the second guest who was currently removing his glasses.

From the front of the meeting room, Anne froze when she saw two men she knew very well facing Leon.


Some of the files in Anne's hands fell because suddenly Anne's hands felt weak.

"Anne, are you okay?" Edward asked in surprise.


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