I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 243 - Carrying Out The Plan

Chapter 243 - Carrying Out The Plan

When Anne arrived at the office, she got a surprise that she never could have imagined, where at this time Steffi was standing in front of her office with a lunch box for Leon.

"Oh, so you are the owner of this room, Miss Marianne," said Steffi provoking Anne, who had just arrived with Edward.

"Anne, you can just call me Anne, Mrs. Ganke," replied Anne, trying to calm down with a friendly smile. Anne had expected to meet Steffi like this sooner or later.

With a fake smile, Steffi said, "Oh, so you prefer to be called Anne instead of your full name. Okay, I'll call you Anne, but you don't intend to use the name Ganke after your name, do you?"


Anne's face blushed instantly when she mentioned Leon's last name. Some female staff who were around the office immediately whispered.

"Don't be angry, Miss Anne, I'm just joking haha. Don't take them to heart, Miss Anne. After all, it's impossible for you to try to take my position as Mrs. Ganke, right? After all, it's impossible for a woman as beautiful as you to take another woman's happiness," said Steffi softly, laughing heartily, while covering her mouth and walked away, leaving Anne, towards Leon's room. Her eyes narrowed in satisfaction when she saw some female staff heard what she just said to Anne.

Anne, who was still standing with Edward, was still speechless. She felt uncomfortable with Steffi's previous words. Even though it was just a joke, but Anne felt offended. Edward who could feel Anne's change in attitude, immediately turned to the staffs, who were whispering about Anne after Steffi said about her using Ganke's name behind her name.

"Sorry Mr. Edward, we didn't mean to talk about Anne. We just..."

"You know it was just a joke from Mrs. Ganke to Anne, then why are you still talking about it? If I still hear you guys talking about this then don't blame me if I ask Mr. Leon to fire you. We will see who Mr. Leon will choose. Anne and I are important in this film project or you useless people who can only gossip," Edward rebuked loudly with his hands on his hips. Edward was annoyed at them, who was still talking about Anne about what Steffi had said earlier.

The female staffs fell silent for a moment. Their faces were as white as paper with sweat dripping from their foreheads hearing Edward's words. Because they knew what positions Edward and Anne were holding in the company.

"Come on, Edward, don't be so loud, lest Mr. Leon hears you, it's not good, Edward," whispered Anne softly, trying to calm Edward.

"Leave it be, Anne, it seems that the boss has to know that his employees are gossipy people; people who can't tell the difference between joking and being serious, even though it was clear that Mrs. Steffi was just joking. This is why these women are talking bad things about you. Isn't that very disrespectful? What if someone believes what they were gossiping? Your good name will be tarnished, Anne, because they think that you really want to be Mrs. Ganke like Mrs. Steffi's joke earlier," Edward replied in irritation while glancing at about ten female staffs who had previously talking about Anne, making assumptions about Steffi's very ambiguous remarks.

Anne smiled and looked at the female staffs who were looking down because of Edwards words and said "Leave it alone, it was just a joke anyway. Don't take it to heart, Edward. I'm sure educated people will know that what Mrs. Ganke said was just a joke."

"You heard what Anne just said, I won't forgive anyone who dares to mention that joke again. Because if I'm still listening then don't blame me if you guys will lose your job, do you understand?" Edward asked in a quite harsh voice on the female staffs in front of him.

"We understand, sorry Anne. We will not discuss it again. Once again, we apologize for making you uncomfortable." The ten female staff answered in unison.

"Never mind, let's just forget about it. You guys just go back to work again," replied Anne with a smile.

Hearing Anne's words made the female staffs dare to lift their heads. Not long after that, they immediately returned to their respective desks to continue their work after previously gathered to discuss Steffi's very provocative words. Seeing the female staffs return to their respective desks, Edward just smiled faintly. He still didn't understand why women liked to gossip so much.

"Are you all right, Anne?" Edward asked quietly.

"Uh uh, thank you Edward for defending me like you just did. I'm sure the staffs won't dare to gossip anymore," replied Anne quickly with a smile.

"It's good that they stop gossiping because otherwise I will report this to Mr. Leon. After all, I still can't understand why Mr. Leon's wife spoke like that to you, Anne. Her words were really provoking, Anne, and to be honest, I was very uncomfortable to hear her. If I'm not beside you and I heard that from other people, maybe I'd be thinking badly about you," Edward whispered softly. His eyes darted towards Leon's closed door.

Anne took a deep breath. "Well, it's just a joke, it can't be helped. We better go to work now. Remember our motto, Edward, the sooner we work, the better." Anne's smile widened as she spoke, covering her inner annoyance.

Shortly afterward, Edward escorted Anne to her desk. After making sure that Anne was in her room, Edward went and walked towards his room. As he walked to his room, Edward's eyes stared intently at the ten staffs he had previously scolded.

After Edward left, Anne clenched her fists tightly. Steffi's words earlier really made her uncomfortable.

"I know you must say that on purpose, Steffi. You deliberately mention Leon's last name to show that you are Mrs. Ganke," Anne muttered quietly. Her eyes reddened to suppress the anger that welled up in her chest.

Meanwhile, in Leon's room, Steffi was laughing heartily. She was very satisfied to be able to corner Anne like before. Even though she only uttered a few sentences but it already made Anne unable to answer her words.

"This is just the beginning, Marianne, I'm going to make you uncomfortable in my husband's office. If I can't kick you out of this office, I'll have to make you quit like you did when I entered your relationship. After all, it wasn't entirely my fault, you, Marianne, was also guilty. Why were you luckier than me? So don't blame me if I want to have what was yours. After all, you don't really deserve what you have. The proof was Leon chose me over you, and now I will make you feel like you felt before. I will make you go away from Leon's life forever, because you don't deserve to be with him, even though you have changed now and are not as old as before, but believe me, Leon will not be able to turn away from me. Because I am 100 times more beautiful and interesting than you are, Marianne," said Steffi confidently, while tidying up the blouse she was wearing at the moment. The blouse that she was wearing has a low cut, so that half of her breasts could be seen clearly. Moreover, she also wore a push bra to lift her breasts. "I'm beautiful and sexy. I'm also good at serving Leon in bed. No one can replace my position, because from the start I was the one who was destined to be Mrs. Ganke," she said again, praising herself as she looked at herself in the mirror she just took out from her bag.

Meanwhile, Leon, who was in the editor's room, didn't know what Steffi was doing. He had arrived at the office since morning and didn't even know that his wife had come to the office and caused trouble with Anne.

"Okay, I like all of this. Continue your work, send it to Anne so she can check it first," Leon said softly as he patted the shoulder of an editor sitting across from him.

"Okay sir, I will send it to Anne," replied the editor quickly. Even though Anne was still much younger than all the staffs at Ganke Inc. Production, they called Anne by her name. This happened because Anne refused to be called with any frills. So both male and female staffs called her by her name.

Leon smiled with satisfaction when he heard the words of the editor whose work he had just corrected. Soon, Leon left the editor's room. The staffs' working hours had already started, he was sure that Anne had arrived. That was why he wanted to meet Anne to just say good morning to her. But just as he was about to leave the editor's room, Leon stopped when he saw Steffi came out of his room and walked closer to him now.

"Surprise!" Steffi said guiltily as she lifted the box of food she was carrying higher.

Steffi spoke as if nothing had happened between her and Leon, even though they had been fighting a lot for the past few days. She walked with full of enthusiasm, while laughing out loud.

"I brought food for you, Dear. I know you must be hungry. Let's eat first, I haven't eaten either," Steffi said loudly and spoiled when she was already clinging to Leon's arms.

"Yeah, let's eat. Let's just go into my room," Leon answered flatly. He kept his attitude in front of the employees.

Steffi excitedly walked hand in hand with Leon into his room, a triumphant smile growing on her face.

"This is just the beginning, Marianne, let's see what I'd do next," Steffi said in her heart, glancing at Anne, who was in the pantry. Steffi was sure Anne must have heard what she said earlier when she invited Leon to eat together


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