I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 235 - Even More Captivated

Chapter 235 - Even More Captivated

Since there were more works to be done, Anne decided to leave early. She chose to arrive earlier than have to work late. Likewise with Edward, he also chose to follow Anne's way, which he had done the last two days.

"Anne." Edward, who had just arrived, immediately called out to Anne loudly.

Anne, who almost pressed the elevator button, immediately stopped her movement. She spontaneously turned to the source of the sound and smiled when she saw the owner of the voice.

"Don't run, or you'll fall, Edward," said Anne softly to Edward who was now in front of her, panting.

"It's very cold outside, Anne, that's why I chose to go straight to the office looking for warmth," Edward lied. He hid the real reason to Anne that the reason he ran from outside was because of Anne. He wanted to be able to spend as much time with Anne as possible.

"Come on. Let's go up, I made a sandwich this morning. Do you want some?" asked Anne quietly, lifting her lunch box higher.

"Of course I do, Anne, come on up. I'm already hungry," Edward answered quickly with a wide smile on his face when he found out that Anne had also made some sandwiches for him.

Because no other staff had came besides the cleaning service and a few editors who had been working overtime, the office atmosphere was still quiet. Anne decided to eat in the pantry. She didn't want to make people spread malicious gossip about her if she was alone with Edward in her office room this early in the morning, Edward, who had been enjoying Anne's food for the past two days, looked voraciously eating the two sandwiches that Anne had made for him.

Thirty minutes passed quickly for Edward, even though he felt like only a few minutes ago he had entered the pantry and sat opposite Anne, enjoying their breakfast together. However, because the other staff had started arriving, Anne invited Edward to go straight to work, even though her working hour only started in forty-five minutes. Other staff, who had just arrived, also enjoyed relaxing time by talking to each other, about how difficult it was for them to go to the office with the weather being quite extreme. However, Anne chose to go straight to work. She did not want to waste any more time. The arrival of other staff for Anne was a sign that she had to start working. Because Anne had already entered her room, Edward couldn't help but do the same, even though he still wanted to chat with Anne.

Leon, who was still in a cold war with his wife, was also seen coming to the office early. He was really fed up with Steffi, who could only demand that he buy luxury goods. Even though that was not really the goal of Leon marrying Steffi, Leon just wanted her to serve him well as a wife at home. But it turned out that the reality was far from Leon's expectations. What Steffi did was in contrast to Leon's expectations, what Steffi did was actually spending her time outside the house with her socialite friends doing vain activities.

Even though they had a charity event every month, but actually it was not 100% charity event. Because when the event took place, they actually competed with each other to show off their best clothes, jewelry, and bags for the event and this had been the case for two years that Steffi held the title of Mrs. Ganke. Actually, what Steffi did was not a big problem for Leon. The things that Steffi bought were still easily paid for by Leon. But as time goes on, Leon was fed up with his wife's increasingly uncontrollable lifestyle, especially since they moved to England. In fact, he wanted Steffi not to overdo things like that, considering he was an entrepreneur who had just started a business in England from the ground up. Although he was a successful businessman and very famous in Germany, Leon wanted to make his image good in the eyes of the British public by not doing things that were detrimental. He was actually very excited to open new jobs for young people in the city of London. That was why he didn't want Steffi to live her glamorous lifestyle like that, especially since Leon met the humble Anne. He always compared Anne and Steffi, even though Anne didn't wear expensive clothes, for some reason Leon preferred to see how Anne looked compared to his wife, who was overly dressed every time she came to the office. That was why when he had a fight with Steffi, this time Leon didn't want to apologize to Steffi first like he did before, he chose to ignore Steffi and purposely left for the office earlier.


The intercom phone on Anne's table rang loud enough and made Anne, who was focusing her work, surprised.

"Yes, sir," replied Anne politely after she received the call from Leon.

"Come to my room, bring your laptop. We have important things to discuss now, Anne." Leon's voice was heavy as he spoke to Anne.

"Yes sir, I understand," said Anne quietly.

After Leon hung up the phone, Anne started to get ready. She tidied some raw sketches that she hadn't perfected into a file because she didn't want the drawings to be lost. Without suspicions, Anne took her laptop into Leon's room. She was now able to act professionally with Leon. For her, what she was currently doing was purely a matter of work that was usually done by other workers.

"Excuse me, Sir." said Anne kindly as she had just stepped into Leon's room.

"Come in and have a seat, Anne. I need to talk about some of the video clips the editor just sent me. As a character visual stylist, you should see them first before I assure them to continue with the rest." Leon got straight to the point on his purpose of calling Anne.

"Yes, Sir," replied Anne curtly as she sat across from Leon.

After Anne sat down, Leon then played some of the video clips that would be in the film's scene. He actually felt pretty good about the work of the editors. However, he needed Anne's opinion as one of the important people in working on this film project. He didn't want to just decide without coordinating with his subordinates first. Leon was a very perfectionist entrepreneur. He was very detailed in every job he did. Previously, Leon had also sent the video to Edward to ask Edward's opinion about the audio in the video clip that the editors had just done and because Edward only needed to listen to the video, Leon didn't ask him to come to his room as it was now with Anne, because it was for audio checks, and it needed to be done in a special room and couldn't be done elsewhere.

"I think all the pieces of this video are good enough, it just needs to have some color play to some of the faces of the main characters, so they don't make a big difference from the supporting cast. Because the main character in this film is a black boy from Africa, so we have to make him as close to reality as possible. So I think maybe the faces of the main players are made darker than some of these supporting players, in order to give a more realistic impression," said Anne quietly as soon as she watched the four videos that Leon had just played.

"Bravo, I like your opinion, Anne. But all in all, there is no problem, right?" Leon asked again seriously.

"Overall this is very good, Sir, we can tell the editors to do the rest by benchmarking a few pieces of this video. So we don't need to do part-by-part checks like this, because this will take a long time for the editors and slow down other processes, Sir," replied Anne quickly conveying her opinion.

Leon nodded his head slowly, he agreed with Anne's opinion. When Anne gave some more input, Leon suddenly smiled with a loving look at Anne. Every word that came from Anne's lips replayed in Leon's memory.

"You are absolutely perfect, Anne. With your presence by my side, it will be easier for me to achieve my wishes. I will make sure you come back to my side as soon as possible, Anne, my dear Marianne." Leon thought to himself. He was now very captivated by Anne's charm and intelligence.

To be Continued

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