I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 225 - A Confession

Chapter 225 - A Confession ?

Anne, who was still talking to Jack through the phone, tried to follow the instructions he gave. Without saying much, Anne stepped into the underground parking area where Jack was. Because Jack had told her where the car was, Anne had no trouble finding it. In a short time, she had managed to find Jack's car with the engine still running. Anne slowly got into Jack's car.

"Jack!!! Are you okay?"

Anne waved her hand at Jack who was holding her shoulders as soon as she got into the car. Anne almost screamed loudly if Jack didn't stop and stare at her silently.

"Jack, let me go. My shoulder hurts," said Anne quietly, trying to let herself go from Jack's grip that was holding her shoulders tightly.

Jack, who was daydreaming at the thought of fucking Anne, didn't hear what Anne said to him. His consciousness finally got back when Anne pinched his thigh hard.

"Ouch… it hurts Anne, what are you doing?" Jack screamed in pain.

"I should be the one asking you that, why are you suddenly holding my shoulders tightly like earlier," replied Anne curtly.


Jack's heart was beating very fast at Anne's question, his eyes suddenly changed. He then hugged Anne tightly. "Marry me, Anne, as soon as possible," he said softly as he wrapped his arms around Anne's body.

"We've discussed this many times, Jack. Do you somehow forget about it?" Asked Anne quietly, she was trying to remind Jack about their conversation before.

"I remember it… it's just that I was afraid I couldn't control myself, Anne. I was afraid I would lose it and I would hurt you," Jack tried to give Anne a reasonable explanation for wanting to get married quickly.

Anne felt something was wrong with Jack, his attitude looked strange. Anne noticed it from the moment Jack suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders when she got into the car moments ago. Anne slowly tried to free herself from Jack and pushed him away from her body.

"What happened?"

"Nothing… Anne, everything is fine."

"I'm not a kid, Jack. We've known each other for a long time. So don't ever say things like that as if I wouldn't know, I know something has happened, right?" Anne told him at length, she was trying to figure out what had happened.

Jack took a deep breath and he sat in an upright position leaning on his chair facing forward where so many cars were parked in front of him. Seeing Jack's very strange attitude made Anne even surer that something had happened to him. Anne chose to be patient and wait for an explanation from Jack. Anne didn't want to ask more because she knew Jack was deep in his thoughts.

"Today I have an important meeting with the richest man in England, his name is Matthew Moretz. I've been making arrangements with Mr. Matthew Moretz for the last two months and they've confirmed that everything was fine this morning. That was why I was so excited to meet him at his luxurious office in the downtown area today. My team and I have been preparing materials for today's meeting since a month ago when his secretary confirmed the schedule for today's meeting.

That was also the reason why I was very serious about this meeting and had high hopes. But during the meeting and when I tried to give a presentation, Aaron Sean Connery suddenly came into our meeting room. Turned out, he has a close relationship with Mr. Matthew Moretz. Aaron Sean Connery even called Mr. Matthew Moretz 'uncle'. He barged into the meeting room without feeling guilty at all.

I'm sure he knew that there was an important meeting in that room between me and Mr. Matthew Moretz. I remembered there were two women who were guarding the room well but he just walked in and immediately called Mr. Matthew Moretz. After Aaron entered the meeting, the atmosphere suddenly changed. I got very confused even when I was previously excited to explain the work program of Muller Finance International to Mr. Matthew Moretz. I lost my concentration, Anne.

I'm sure Mr. Matthew Moretz also knew that I was not concentrating well after that incident. That was why Mr. Matthew Moretz finally decided to delay his decision in joining Muller Finance International, even though from the start he was very excited to join my company. Muller Finance International has managed to become the largest finance company that has grown very well in the last few months in London, which is why I dared to offer a partnership with Mr. Matthew Moretz. But since Aaron Sean Connery appeared out of nowhere, everything was a mess. He shattered my dream of creating a stable and well-developed company like the Swiss holding company.

Now, I have to find another client to strengthen my company's presence in England, Anne. If that happens, it means I can't focus on you because my attention will be divided between you and the company I want to expand. Even though last night I was absolutely sure that I would make Mr. Matthew Moretz accepted my offer and if that happens then my future plans will go well including my plan to marry you in the near future," said Jack at length without pause, his eyes flashing every time he mentioned Aaron Sean Connery.

Anne pursed her lips at Jack's words. "Don't blame people for the failures that we have to face, Jack. You also don't know what Aaron's intention was in disrupting your meeting earlier. Maybe he really didn't know that there was a meeting in the room, so he went straight in and called for Mr. Matthew Moretz who turned out to be his uncle. I'm not trying to defend Aaron, I'm just positioning myself as a neutral party between you guys. As a stranger who wasn't there, I thought logically like most people. Think positively about everything. Who knows Mr. Matthew Moretz still wants to read your proposal first and that was probably why he didn't give an answer today.

There is no way we can perfectly guess something, or what will happen in the future, or even read people's minds, am I right? It is possible that Mr. Matthew Moretz wants to read your proposal carefully before making any decision to join your company. Before he rejects your offer officially, you shouldn't give up, Jack. Aren't you the kind of person who always stays optimistic no matter what? But why are you like this now? This is not the Jack I know," said Anne quietly while trying to calm Jack.

Hearing Anne's words made Jack pause for a long time, he tried to digest the words that Anne had just said.

"You have to remember Jack, not all our plans will go smoothly according to our will. Likewise with marriage, if Leon hadn't dumped me in the past, maybe I wouldn't have met you, right? So you have to believe that everything happens for a reason, there is always a useful lesson for us. Don't you always say that to me? Then why are you acting like this?" Added Anne again, still trying to convince Jack.

"I want my company to stabilize quickly, Anne. If my company could grow well, I can fully focus on you. I can start planning for our marriage properly. You do know that I don't want to wait any longer to marry you. I really can't..."

Anne immediately put a finger to Jack's lips. "Please, don't talk like that, didn't I often tell you that I don't want to fail twice? So, about the marriage, I don't want to rush it, Jack. Did you already forget about that?"

Jack grabbed Anne's hand and kissed it slowly, Anne's heart beat very fast after being treated like that. When Anne was about to pull her hand, Jack suddenly got up from his chair and approached Anne. His face was very close to Anne's face. Even his nose could touch Anne's nose too because he was too close to Anne.

"Please… Jack..."

"Shh... I didn't do anything, Anne. You don't have to be afraid of me," Jack whispered softly, as he spoke his warm breath landed on Anne's neck and finally made all the hairs on Anne's body stand, especially since they were so close to each other like that.


"I feel like I'm being tortured, Anne. Don't you know that? I'm tormented by this situation, I'd love to marry you as soon as possible," Jack interrupted Anne quickly as he planted a kiss on Anne's slender and white neck.

To be continued

Don't forget to read my another novel "His Soul"

Thank you

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