I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 223 - The Unmistakable Feeling

Chapter 223 - The Unmistakable Feeling

The day that Jack had been waiting for in the past few days finally arrived. He had been very excited ever since he woke up. If he won the tender this time, he would be able to make Muller Finance International's presence stronger in London. Not only that, but he could also focus on Anne after making his company more successful and stable.

"Good morning, Sir," said Erick with a big smile when Jack arrived at the dining table.

"You've prepared everything, right, Erick?" Jack asked softly as he reached for his coffee cup on the table.

"Everything is ready, Sir, I prepared everything very well," Alice, who had just arrived, immediately answered Jack's question.

Seeing Alice arrive on time made Jack smile. But Erick didn't feel the same. He was annoyed at Alice who suddenly joined the conversation. Erick didn't like it when his chance to answer Jack's questions was taken from him.

Soon, the three of them had a final briefing before heading off to the office of Matthew Moretz, the richest man in England. He was the man Jack had been eyeing for the past few days. Not wanting to delay too long, Jack finally asked Erick and Alice to go. Although the appointed meeting time was still a few hours, Jack chose to leave early so that he could prevent any unpredictable things on the road. In Jack's principle, it was better to wait for people than to be waited on, especially if he wanted to meet an important person like this time.

Jack's tense smile faded as his fingers scrolled his cell phone in the car. He was smiling as he read Anne's message. Anne said that last night she fell asleep so she didn't reply to his messages and that she was currently on her way to Leon's office by bus. She had to take a bus because her car was currently being used by Linda who was heading to her hometown with Paul.

She wanted to introduce Paul to her parents. It seemed that Linda wanted to have a serious relationship with Paul since she brought him to meet her whole family. Therefore, Anne gave in and let Linda use her car to go home. Anne couldn't bear to let Linda take public transportation to her hometown during a season like this.

"You are such an angel, Anne. I didn't pick the wrong woman to love," Jack mumbled softly as he read a message from Anne about how she let Linda take her car home with Paul.

Alice and Erick, who heard Jack's words, could only be silent and looked at each other. They didn't want to ruin their boss' mood and chose to focus on the file they were reading. After a nearly forty-five-minute trip, Jack and his best people arrived at Matthew Moretz's office. But just as he stepped into the office of the richest man in England, Jack suddenly felt something strange, a feeling he knew very well. Since he didn't want to make other people feel nervous and uncomfortable, Jack finally tried to hide his feelings. He kept telling himself that everything would be fine, even when Jack actually had a bad feeling about this meeting. As a businessman, he knew his instincts well, he had master this for years. He had a feeling that something would go wrong this time.

They were greeted by a beautiful woman who guided them to the meeting room on the twelfth floor once they entered Matthew Moretz's office building. Matthew Moretz currently had a meeting with his client on the thirteenth floor so they had to wait a bit. They were directed to go to the twelfth floor of the main meeting room in the eighteen-floor office. When they were in the elevator, Jack increasingly felt uneasy. His feelings also grew stronger at this point. However, he didn't want to disappoint his team so he tried to keep it down while saying to himself that it was going to be okay.

"Please wait here. Mr. Matthew will be here soon. I have previously informed Mr. Matthew of your arrival," said the beautiful receptionist politely.

"Thanks for the help, Miss," Alice replied kindly.

Not long after that, the receptionist left Jack and his team to go back to her desk on the first floor. Erick and Alice began to prepare everything. The two of them had another short briefing with other team members regarding the meeting which will start in a few seconds. Erick wanted to make sure there were no mistakes in this meeting.

"Everything is ready, Sir," Erick said quietly to Jack, who had been silent for a long time.

"Okay, Erick, thank you," replied Jack briefly without showing any expressions.

Erick, who had known Jack for a long time, felt something strange. "Is everything all right, Sir?"

"I don't know, Erick, I don't want to say anything for now. What I can say is that you should give the best presentation in front of Matthew Moretz," Jack answered slowly.

"I understand, Sir," said Erick briefly.

Not long after that, there was the sound of footsteps approaching the meeting room, Erick got ready as well as Jack who immediately stood up. And sure enough, as soon as Jack woke up, the meeting room door opened from the outside and Matthew Moretz walked in with some of his men.

"I'm Jackson Muller, sorry to make you wait," Matthew Moretz immediately greeted Jack in a friendly manner by extending his hand.

Jack was ready to grab the hand of the richest man in England quickly and said, "No problem, Sir, we didn't wait long. I just wanted to say thank you for sparing some time to meet us."

"You are such a hardworking young man, Mr. Muller, I have heard a lot about you. Your company in Switzerland has an outstanding reputation and I was quite surprised to learn that you opened your office in London, what a great progress," said Matthew Moretz honestly, praising Jack who had such a big name in his country, Switzerland.

"I feel very honored to receive the compliments from you, Sir. It is a great honor for me to meet someone as great as you, Mr. Moretz," replied Jack politely.

"You are also down to earth, Mr. Muller, I really like young people like you who want to get out of their comfort zone and spread their wings elsewhere. It's such an amazing thing to witness," said Matthew Moretz again.

After making small talk, the meeting finally started. Erick began to make a presentation in front of Matthew Moretz with his team. When he finished his presentation seriously, the meeting room door suddenly opened from the outside and a man entered the room. Jack was very familiar with this man.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Uncle, I didn't know there was a meeting here."

"Aaron, I thought you couldn't make it today," said Matthew Moretz with a big smile on his face when he saw Aaron standing with his assistant named Daniel in front of the door.

To be continued

Don't forget to read my another novel "His Soul"

Thank You

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