I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 220 - Jack’s Promises

Chapter 220 - Jack’s Promises

Anne was sitting prettily in Jack's car. She was furious at Linda and Paul for deliberately leaving herself alone with Jack. Earlier, when Jack invited Linda and Paul to his house, the couple quickly rejected Jack's invitation. They reasoned that they wanted to go somewhere, when in fact Linda and Paul did it on purpose to give Anne and Jack some time together.


"Hmm, what's wrong?"

"Just go back to my apartment. I'm not comfortable in my work clothes. I want to go home and take a shower, Jack," said Anne full of hope. She spoke as softly as possible so as not to offend Jack.

"Do you want to take a bath? You can do that at my house, Anne. Didn't you leave a few pieces of your clothes at my house that time? So I think you can wear those clothes to change," Jack answered quietly as he continued to drive his car carefully because it was snowing more and more.

"Please, Honey..."


Jack immediately stepped on the brakes of his car spontaneously when he heard Anne's last words. His face immediately turned red, even though it was not as red as Anne's face now.

"What did you call me, Anne?"

"I'm not a reporter, no rebroadcast," said Anne casually, looking out the window avoiding eye contact with Jack.


"Let's go back to my apartment, I have a lot of things I want to talk to you about what I went through on my first day working at Ganke Inc. Production," said Anne quickly interrupting Jack's words.

Jack's face immediately changed when he heard Anne's words. Every time he heard Anne mentioned Leon, he was always annoyed. Even though Anne had been divorced for a very long time from Leon, he was still red and jealous. There was one thing that had been bothering him all this time. But until now he didn't want to ask Anne directly, he hoped one day he could find out directly without having to ask her.

Jack then slowly stepped on the gas pedal again down the slightly slippery road due to the snow, to Anne's apartment. All the way to the apartment there was no conversation between the two of them. Finally, Anne opened her mouth when the car that Jack was driving reached the parking area of ??her apartment in the basement. Since it was snowing quite heavily, Anne had asked Jack to park her car in the basement to avoid unwanted things.

"Tea or ..."

"Coffee, no sugar, please!" said Jack briefly interrupting Anne's words when they reached Anne's warm apartment.

Anne pursed her lips. "Well, you sit on the sofa, coffee, no sugar, I will make one in a moment."

"Two minutes, you have only two minutes in the pantry, Anne. After that you have to sit with me and tell me what you went through today in that damn lion's company." Jack answered her quickly.

Anne did not answer Jack's words anymore. She chose to focus on making coffee for Jack. Two minutes later, the coffee that Jack had asked for was on the table. Anne herself was taking a shower. She kept saying that she wasn't comfortable wearing her work clothes. That was why Jack let her take a shower. Although he really couldn't wait to hear Anne's story about her first day working at Leon's company, the only person he had hated so much for the past two years.

Fifteen minutes later, Anne was sitting beside Jack. She came out of the bathroom with a change of clothes on. The smell of vanilla immediately wafted into Jack's sharp nose. Anne's favorite perfume for years was very familiar to his nose.

"Don't make me wait too long, Anne, you know that I don't like waiting at all," said Jack quietly, looking at Anne who was putting the snacks on the table without blinking.


"Anne ..."

"Do you want to hear me or not?" asked Anne curtly, cutting Jack's words in a rising voice.

Jack was forced to remain silent. His great curiosity at the moment made him have to be patient with Anne. After making sure that Jack sat quietly, Anne then began to tell her about what she had been through today at the Ganke Inc. Production office. As long as Anne told her story, Jack did not take her eyes off Anne. He looked at Anne with a sharp gaze.

"That bastard lion!! He's so cunning," Jack cursed angrily, clenching his fists.

"Never mind, it doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't go beyond his limits, I'll be fine. After all, it's at the office. Leon won't be able to dare mess with me, you just calm down. I can take care of myself well," replied Anne slowly, trying to calm Jack down.

Jack, who was looking down, then lifted his face slowly and looked at Anne without blinking. "I can still trust you, but not the lion."

"Relax, Jack, I'm fine. After all, it's only for three months. For three months, I will work well in that office for the sake of the good name of the campus. The campus has a high expectation from me, Jack." Anne again spoke softly in response to Jack's words. She didn't want Jack to ruin the plan she had carefully arranged for Leon and Steffi.

"What a lousy campus! How dare they do this by using their students for its personal gain? They should work alone and let their students find jobs in companies they feel are suitable and want to recruit them, not by forcing them. It imposes a huge responsibility on first semester students and if they really want to provide internship opportunities like this to students, they should choose a student whose level is higher than you. I'm sure there are many other students who have more experience than you or Edward," Jack said in annoyance. Discussing UAL campus that had recommended Anne to Leon's company made him emotional. He could never comprehend that first semester students were charged with a very heavy task by the campus, while there were still many other students who had higher grades and more experiences than Anne, even though Anne was an outstanding student.

Anne thinned her lips when she heard Jack getting angry like that, but Anne's smile disappeared instantly when Jack suddenly pushed her to lie down on the sofa.

"Jack, what are you doing?" asked Anne frantically.

"Marry me as soon as possible, Anne. I'd be crazy to let you around that damn lion all the time." Jack expressed his desire to marry Anne again. His eyes were glaring at Anne's who was underneath him.

"I'm not ready, Jack, give me some time. I don't want to fail a second time. I don't want to be a widow again. Being in a religious court makes me barely breathe," answered Anne honestly. "I want to achieve my goals, Jack, there are still many things I want to do. I want to return my mother's rights that have been stolen from her for years," she added.

Jack immediately froze hearing Anne's words. He slowly released his grip on Anne's arms and helped Anne sit up properly.

"Return your mother's rights? What do you mean, Anne?" asked Jack confused.

"It's a long story, Jack. I don't want to open old wounds that hurt me. What I definitely want is to return what was stolen from my mother, I want to make my mother rest in heaven," replied Anne quietly.

Sensing Anne's sad aura, Jack then grabbed Anne's chin and lifted her slowly. "Okay, I won't bring up what hurts you. What is certain is that now and then I promise you to take care of you and I will not let anyone hurt you again," he said softly right in Anne's ear.

Anne closed her eyes as she was being treated like that by Jack. A warm feeling welled up in her heart right now. A feeling she had never felt in her entire life.

* * *

Meanwhile, in a luxury housing estate in Switzerland, Sophia Higgins just got out of her car. Her love affair with Esteban Shevchenko had failed a few months ago. She now intended to start all over again from scratch with Jack, her rich ex-boyfriend.

"I'm coming, Jacky, your lover is home. I will make you happy, my dear Jacky, wait for me to come to London, Dear." Sophia mumbled softly in front of the photo of Jack that was mounted majestically in the living room of Jack's mansion that she was currently visiting.


Don't Forget to read my another novel "His Soul"

Thank you

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