I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 207 - Love Is Understanding

Chapter 207 - Love Is Understanding

Along the way to the apartment, Anne did not utter a word after she said she was willing to marry Jack, while Jack who was very happy as he continued to smile. He was very happy to finally be able to conquer Anne, whose heart was very difficult for him to win, even though he had to force Anne a little to accept it. But for Jack, this was enough. At least, his relationship with Anne had gone a step further.



Anne's face immediately flushed red when her empty stomach rumbled.

"Are you hungry, Anne?" asked Jack quickly.

"I only had breakfast." Anne answered briefly with a face that was hot with embarrassment.

"Sheesh silly girl!!!" said Jack in annoyance. Without another word, Jack then turned the steering wheel towards the restaurant he had passed before.

Because the road was quite slippery, as a result when Jack turned his car quickly, there was a loud and deafening screeching sound as the car tires collided with the asphalt. Anne even screamed loudly because she thought the car she was riding would roll over on the asphalt.

"Relax Anne, I'm not that careless," said Jack quietly, trying to calm Anne who was still holding her seat belt firmly while closing her eyes.


Anne hit Jack's arm pretty hard.


"You're crazy, Jack! Do you think this is the race circuit? You can endanger other people's lives, Jack!" Anne screamed loudly after she hit Jack's arm.

Jack widened his smile. "Relax, Anne. Look, is there anyone else on the street? There is none, so don't worry. I'm not a careless person, Anne, don't worry," he said casually without guilt.

"But still, Jack, what you did just now was very dangerous," said Anne indignantly.

"I'm willing to go through any obstacle for you, Anne. The little things are nothing, Anne. Whose fault is it that you haven't had lunch?" answered Jack quickly.



Anne's heart, that had calmed, pounded when she heard the last words of Jack.

"So you were..."

"Yes, it was for your sake, it's the only fastest way we can get to the restaurant. I don't want you to starve," said Jack, quickly cutting Anne's words.

Anne's anger went away instantly. She didn't expect Jack to do something like that to her. "Still, that was very dangerous, Jack."

"I already told you, Anne, I will do anything for you even if I have to go through the storm." Jack replied to Anne's words again.

"Yeah, but that was... Jack, looks like we're being followed by the police, Jack," Anne screamed in surprise when she realized that a police car had been following them from behind. At first, Anne thought the police car was just passing by. But when she saw the police car flashed twice, Anne finally realized that the police car was following them.

Jack immediately looked at his rearview mirror and smiled when he saw the police car that was following him. Instead of stopping the car, Jack actually contacted Erick who was still in the office and asked him to come to where he was now.

"Let's stop, Jack, I don't want to be arrested by the police," Anne whined repeatedly, asking Jack to stop the car.

"Wait a minute, Anne, I have to find a comfortable place to stop first," Jack answered slowly as he started to pull his car to a stop near a park not far from where they were now.

Not long after, the car that Jack was driving finally stopped near the park. Jack just got out of the car after sending his location to Erick who he had asked to come.

"You just stay inside, it's cold outside." Jack whispered softly, holding Anne's hand which was about to unbuckle her seatbelt.

"But, Jack, I..."

"Shhh... just obey me, Anne, I can take care of the police. You take it easy," said Jack again, cutting Anne's words.

Anne finally followed Jack's order. She remained in the car and let Jack got out to meet the police officers who had just stopped behind Jack's car. From inside the car, Anne could not hear what the policemen were saying to Jack. She could only see Jack's body gestures that looked like he was explaining something to two policemen who were looking at Jack's business card, until the time that Anne nodded her head slowly when Jack pointed at her smilingly from inside the car. Not long after that, Jack got back into the car after Erick arrived.

"That's Erick?" asked Anne, surprised that Erik actually came after being called by Jack.

"Yes, that's him," replied Jack shortly.

"Then what about the police?" asked Anne again a little panicked when she saw Jack fastened his seat belt on his body.

"There is Erick who will take care of it. After all, my business with the police is finished, Anne." Jack answered lightly without any guilt.

"But, Jack..."

"Never mind, Anne, don't worry about it. Erick is fine. After all there is nothing wrong with the two policemen. Erick is just giving a little explanation in place of me as we have to go to the restaurant to eat. I don't want you to get sick because you're eating too late, Anne," said Jack, flatly cutting Anne's words. After saying that, Jack then stepped on the gas pedal in his car and immediately left Erick and the two policemen to go to the restaurant.

Anne, who felt sorry for Erick, was seen repeatedly looking back to make sure Erick was not arrested by the police, until finally she looked back to the front after she couldn't see Erick.

Ten minutes later, the car driven by Jack finally arrived at a fairly luxurious restaurant. Because Jack drove an expensive car, he immediately got a VIP parking area reserved for customers who brought their expensive cars.

Anne felt a little strange at the valet who directed Jack's car to a VIP parking area, because in front of them there was an SUV that was parked on the side of the road and it was not as easily accessible as the parking area that Jack was currently using. And of course the parking area didn't have a protective roof so that the snow directly hit the cars parked in that area.

"This is called a privilege, Anne, because from the beginning this restaurant was devoted to those who have quite a lot of money. So you don't have to be surprised when you see a car that doesn't get special treatment like us," said Jack slowly as he unbuckled his seat belt. Apparently, since earlier, Jack had noticed Anne's look of confusion.

"But we can't measure a person's wealth by his car alone, Jack." Anne tried to break Jack's opinion.

"I know, but that's not how it is with the people at this restaurant, Anne. Look at the guests in this restaurant. They all usually wear very neat clothes and expensive accessories, so it's no wonder that the restaurant has made such a policy," replied Jack again, trying to explain to Anne.

Anne shook her head slowly. She didn't expect to find a restaurant that was so discriminatory like this, even though according to her, a person's wealth was not judged by wealth alone.

Jack smiled seeing Anne silent. He then approached Anne who was still silent and didn't unbuckle her seat belt. Without a word, Jack took off the seat belt that was still attached to Anne's body and it surprised Anne.

"Don't pay attention to other people when I'm beside you, Anne, I don't like that. I'm jealous, Anne," said Jack quietly.

"Jealous? Why do you have to be jealous? Come on down, I know good food near this restaurant. I don't like eating in a very discriminatory place like this," replied Anne stuttering. Anne then pushed Jack away and opened Jack's car door.

Jack raised an eyebrow when he heard Anne's words saying that she didn't want to eat at the restaurant they were currently going to. Because he didn't want to lose track of Anne who had gotten out of his car, Jack got out of the car and followed Anne, who had walked past a row of fancy restaurants.

Anne's footsteps stopped right in front of a pizzeria that stood between the row of expensive restaurants.


"Yes, pizza. I'd rather eat pizza than eat in a restaurant like before. Okay, come on in." Anne quickly answered Jack's words with a big smile. Because Jack was still standing in front of the restaurant, Anne finally took a stand. She immediately grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him into the pizza restaurant which was pretty quiet.

Jack's confused face disappeared instantly when Anne took the initiative to hold his hand first. "Since you have brought me in, I will never let you go again, Anne," said Jack slowly as he stepped into the pizza restaurant.


Don't forget to read my another novel " His Soul"

Thank you...

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