I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 185 - "Bite Me"

Chapter 185 - "Bite Me"

Holding back his annoyance, Erick ended the call from Jack. He was already in the car and was preparing to go home when suddenly he had to cancel his intention because he got a new assignment from Jack to pick up some clothes and personal belongings of Anne in her apartment.

"Come on, Erick, I'm so tired. I really want to go home to sleep," Alice, the secretary, whined to Erick moments after Erick hung up the call from Jack.

"Delay your intention to sleep, we have a new task from Master to go to his girlfriend's apartment to get some of her things," Erick answered quickly while looking intently at Alice.

"What? Mr. Jack already has a girlfriend?" Alice screamed in disbelief.

"You could say that. It's better for you to fasten your seat belt, because I will drive the car at high speed to Miss Anne's apartment. The time that Mr. Jack has given us is only 30 minutes. If we pass the 30 minutes time, then your fate and mine will be in danger," said Erik slowly, suppressing his annoyance.

Hearing Erick's words made Alice immediately shut her mouth while holding on to the seat belt that was wrapped around her body. Not long after that, Erick drove his car to Anne's apartment whose address had been given by Jack, including information about Anne's unit, from the floor, the room number and the password to her room which of course had been asked to Anne.

After driving his car for almost 20 minutes Erick finally arrived at Anne's apartment. Because the time given by Jack was very short, Erick immediately got out of his car quickly with Alice to the tenth floor, where Anne's apartment unit was located.

"What things should we bring, Erick?" Alice asked breathlessly from running.

"Mr. Jack only asked for women's toiletries, a change of clothes and personal items. I don't understand what a woman's personal belongings are, so I can't tell you what you should bring. Alice. Only you are allowed to touch Miss Anne's belongings," said Erick quickly.

"Toiletries, change of clothes and personal items. I understand. Okay, then I'll take them. Oh right, where is the wardrobe?" Alice asked in confusion, because she had not seen a bed and wardrobe on the first floor.

"The wardrobe is on… ahh it's on the second floor, let's go up," Erick answered quickly as he walked towards the stairs that would take them to the second floor.

Alice, who already wanted to finish her work immediately, followed Erick's steps up the stairs to the second floor. When they arrived on the second floor, they were fascinated by the interior design of Anne's room. The soft pastel pink color plus some wall hangings and cute tumbler lights made Anne's room look very pleasant. Not to mention that the bed which was dominated by soft turquoise green really made the room look very comfortable.

"Surely Mr. Jack's girlfriend is a very neat person. Look at this room, it's so pleasant! Ah, if ??I have such a bedroom, I wouldn't want to sleep on the bed and ruined the atmosphere," said Alice, quietly admiring Anne's room.

"Well, keep your focus, Alice, quickly take the things I mentioned earlier. We don't have much time," Erick said in a high voice, breaking Alice's thoughts.

"If you want us to finish quickly, then help me! Don't just talk, Erick," Alice squeaked in annoyance as she slowly opened Anne's closet.

"I really want to help you, Alice, but I'm sorry, I can't do it because Master has threatened me to cut off both my hands if I dare to touch Miss Anne's personal belongings. So it's better for you to do everything yourself. I can't help you," said Erick quickly while showing his cell phone which contained a message from Jack forbidding him to touch Anne's personal belongings.

Alice was silent when she saw the message that was shown by Erick. Because she didn't want to make her master wait a long time, Alice finally accelerated her movement. She was really amazed at Anne, who had such a neat cupboard and room, because her own room was very messy and would only be tidy if it had been tidied up by her mother. It was a very contrasting scene with Anne's room which was very neat and fragrant. Being in Anne's room made Alice feel like a failure as a woman. Because Anne had arranged her clothes well, Alice had no trouble finding a change of clothes for Anne. It only took Alice two minutes to get a change of clothes for Anne. Because Anne didn't have sexy lingerie, Alice only took ordinary underwear and bunny-print pajamas, after putting the clothes for Anne into Alice's suitcase, then she moved on to Anne's dressing table. Since she was a woman, it wasn't difficult for her to take Anne's routine skincare equipment. After almost five minutes, the suitcase that Erick previously took from the side of the cupboard was now almost full.

"Okay the bedroom is done, now let's go down to the bathroom," Alice said quietly as she rolled up her sleeves.

"Ready, Miss, you just go down first. Let me carry this suitcase downstairs," Erick answered quickly.

Without a word, Alice then went down to the first floor carefully. Once she got to the first floor, she immediately walked to the bathroom to get Anne's toiletries. When Erick arrived on the first floor, Alice had finished carrying a small travel bag containing Anne's toiletries.

"Why do you have to bring toiletries like that? At the Master's house even the toiletries are far more complete than what you brought, Alice," asked Erick confused.

"Women usually prefer to use their own personal belongings when traveling or staying in other places including toiletries like this, because once a woman is comfortable with certain products, she will use that products and don't want to change them. We don't know whether other products are suitable for our skin or not, so it's better if we just bring these toiletries which are used by Mr. Jack's girlfriend so that we don't get into trouble," answered Alice quickly.

Erick nodded his head slowly in response to Alice's words, he now understood why a woman would take much longer to prepare to leave. It turned out that a woman had to take care of a lot of things if she wanted to go on a long trip, after putting a small see-through travel bag into the briefcase Alice's work was done. After making sure that nothing was missing, Erick then took Alice away from Anne's apartment, he now had to return home immediately so he wouldn't get into trouble. After turning off the lights and making sure no other electronic equipment was still connected to electricity, Erick then closed the door to Anne's apartment and walked with Alice to the elevator.

When he entered the elevator, Erick didn't realize that he passed Aaron, who had just come out of the other elevator, as he was focused on Anne's suitcase, which was now quite heavy.

* * *

Meanwhile, in Jack's new mansion, Anne was seen crying after her leg accidentally hit the sofa when she refused to be helped by Jack to go to the bathroom. The stabbing pain hit her leg again.

"So don't be stubborn, Anne, my intentions are good, I just want to help you," Jack saosd fiercely filled with emotion after closing his cell phone which he had just used to contact his personal doctor to come to his house immediately to check on Anne.

"It hurts, sob ..."

"Don't cry Anne, I can't think straight when you cry like that," said Jack, quickly cutting Anne's whimper.

Anne, who was really in pain, couldn't hold back her tears. Without fear of Jack who forbade her to cry, Anne then cried even louder.

Hearing Anne cry in pain made Jack's heart slowly hurt. He then sat on the sofa next to Anne and hugged her quickly. Jack let Anne's tears wet his expensive clothes.

"Hit me or bite me if that will ease the pain in your leg, Anne," he whispered softly to Anne, who was in his hug.

"Jack. It hurts! Boo hoo hoo ..."

"Yes, be patient, my doctor will come in five minutes," Jack answered softly, cutting Anne's groans of pain. He knew that Anne's leg must be very sore at this time. Because her left leg looked even more swollen and red after hitting the sofa a few minutes ago.

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