I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 182 - The Same Arrogance

Chapter 182 - The Same Arrogance

Anne, who had only slept for thirty minutes, woke up in surprise when she heard a very loud noise next to her bed. It was clear that several nurses were talking to other nurses. Some medical terms were heard clearly when the medics were treating patients who had just been brought into the ER. Anne, who could not go anywhere, was only a good listener for almost twenty minutes during the minor surgery.


"Candice, where is my daughter? Where is my daughter, Candice?" Monica Skyriver asked in panic when she just entered the emergency room.

"Shhh, don't be too loud, Madam, this is the emergency room, you know what the emergency room means," answered a black nurse who quickly responded to Monica's words.

Felix, who was next to his wife seemed annoyed with the answer of the nurse next to him, he wanted to lash on the nurse roughly, as he did to the security guard. When he managed to grab the collar of the nurse's uniform, Felix prepared to lift it, but the nurse who turned out to be a black belt holder of karate immediately turned things around. She then hit Felix's hand which was gripping the collar of her shirt so Felix staggered and released his grip instantly. She wasn't done yet, the nurse also pushed Felix hard enough that he was pushed back and finally went out of the emergency room.

"Ahh how dare you, you lowly nurse, to do such a thing to me! You are a lowly human, an illegal immigrant who doesn't deserve to be in England. You'd better go back to your home in Africa," Felix Skyriver cursed arrogantly.

Being scolded like that by a man who had just been rude to her made the nurse angry, but because she was currently in the hospital and on duty, the nurse could only restrain herself from getting emotional.

"I'm just doing my job, sir, there's a minor surgery going on inside by the doctors and nurses to help a young girl who has quite a few lacerations to her head. If you and your wife keep screaming like that, I'm worried the surgery will be disrupted and will actually put the patient's life in danger. Therefore, it is better for you to stay outside waiting for the results to be finished, than for you to make a fuss inside like that. I could have acted decisively by expelling you from this hospital, but because I appreciate you as the family of the patient we are helping, please cooperate," said the black nurse firmly.


"Never mind honey, be patient. Just follow the words of this nurse, Candice is inside, Dear. We'll follow the advice of this nurse," Monica whispered quietly, trying to calm her husband who was very emotional.

"Okay, okay. Because my wife said so, I relented and followed your words. You better go inside and do your job. If something bad happens to my child, then don't blame me if I make you suffer," said Felix Skyriver, threatening the nurse who was still standing in front of him.

"We will do our best, sir, just pray that there are no problems. Then if you'll excuse me," answered the black nurse, who was scolded by Felix, patiently as she closed the emergency room door and rejoined the doctor and her colleagues.

After the nurse re-entered the emergency room, Monica and Felix Skyriver then sat on the chairs in front of the emergency room. The husband and wife looked very uneasy while waiting for the medical officers who were trying to save their child's life. Felix himself was still very upset when he remembered the events that had just happened in the hospital lobby, where he met Aaron Sean Connery, his former future son-in-law, who was considered increasingly arrogant. Since his daughter had a relationship with Aaron five years ago Felix doesn't like Aaron. Felix thought that Aaron didn't want to help his business, when in fact Aaron had helped a lot. He became the biggest contributor of funds to Felix's family estate, which at that time was almost bankrupt, but Felix did not consider it a help. That was why he asked Candice to end her relationship with Aaron who was considered unwilling to help him, but because Candice still needed Aaron to make her a supermodel, Candice finally refused her father's request. Finally, a manager from a well-known modeling agency in America recruited Candice. The man said that he would make the Candice's career shone even more if she went with him to America. Candice, who at that time was very popular, immediately accepted the offer from that person without thinking twice and without asking for an opinion from Aaron, who was already her fiancé. So, Candice just left with the man from America after leaving a message to her manager to convey her apologies to Aaron.

Felix Skyriver, who was famous for being a gold-digger, also supported his daughter to become a more famous model in America. Therefore, he was very happy when his daughter decided to go to America and left Aaron. After learning that Candice left him, Aaron then withdrew all the funds he gave to the Skyriver family's wineries. Knowing that the funds invested by Aaron were withdrawn, Felix was furious. At that time, he even came to the city to Aaron's office to ask for an explanation from him, but at that time Aaron was not in the office because he was having a meeting with a client in Spain. There was only Daniel at that time, who met him and explained that what Aaron was doing was according to company policy, and that was the company was free to withdraw funds from co-workers if it was deemed unprofitable. That was why Felix currently hated and held a grudge against Aaron, who he considered to have deceived him.

Not long after, the emergency room door opened, then a male nurse came out and invited Monica and Felix to come in to see Candice's condition. Without saying thank you, the husband and wife went straight inside to see the condition of their only daughter. When the curtains were opened, Monica screamed when she saw Candice's beautiful hair had been cut in several parts, because the medics had to sew Candice's head which was torn by the glass shards.

"Why is my daughter like this, Doctor?" Felix asked stuttering, when he saw Candice had multiple stitches on her head and forehead.

"According to the information we got from the person who brought this lady to the hospital, this lady had attempted suicide by ramming herself into the glass cabinet. And as you can see, your daughter's condition is not so good because she had to get some stitches on her head and neck. Her forehead was hit by a shard of glass that she hit. However, we should be grateful that the shards of glass only tore her scalp and did not penetrate her skull. Your daughter only needs to be treated for a few days in this hospital, sir, and does not need to be treated in the ICU, because we are already sew all the wounds on her head. Earlier, I ordered several nurses to find a treatment room for your daughter. She needs to be treated for a few days in the hospital so that she can get better supervision from the doctors," answered a female doctor in a friendly manner.

"Yes, Doc, do all the best for her, whatever the cost, I will pay as long as my daughter can recover as usual, Doc," said Monica quickly, holding the doctor's hand in front of her husband.

"We will do our job to the best of our ability so you don't have to worry. Now, since our job is done, we will invite you both to see your daughter's condition before being transferred to the treatment room. Currently, she is still asleep due to the influence of anesthesia so she can't communicate. I hope you both can stay calm during her stay. In this emergency room, there are many other patients who are receiving treatment. So please maintain order," the doctor replied back with a smile at Felix. She sarcastically mocked Felix.

"Yes, Doctor, we will calm down, thank you again for the help," said Monica sincerely.

After saying that, the doctor left the emergency room with her assistants, including the black nurse who had had an argument with Felix.

"Aaron Sean Connery, wait for my revenge. Don't call me Felix Skyriver if I can't make you regret it," Felix said with a vengeance.

"Why does our daughter have to be like this, Dear, her fate is so bad," Monica sobbed softly while crying in Felix's arms.

"Calm down, Dear, our daughter will definitely recover and return to her health soon. After that, she can definitely continue her career as she wants and you take it easy, I will make Aaron pay dearly for what happened to our daughter," Felix replied with full of vengeance.

"I trust you, my dear," Monica said quietly.

Anne, who heard all the conversations of the people next to her bed seemed to be silent, when she heard the person was cursing Aaron. She was actually very curious, but because her foot hurt, Anne could only listen.

Meanwhile, in the hospital parking area, a fairly luxurious car stopped in the hospital parking area. The driver of the car looked surprised when he saw a Honda Civic car he knew very well in the patient parking area. Without thinking, he then took out his cell phone and took a photo of the Honda Civic and immediately sent it to someone with a caption, "Looks like your girl is in trouble."

to be continued

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