I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 176 - Annes Trick

Chapter 176 - Anne's Trick

Finally, the day the students had been waiting for had arrived. The first semester final exams began. The students had arrived earlier than the schedule had been set. The campus atmosphere suddenly became calmer because all the students were busy with their respective notes to reassure themselves, including Linda, who had been busy with her notebook, while Anne chose to listen to music from Mozart through her earphones. She was the only student who didn't study.

"Anne, are you sure about your memorization?" Linda asked quietly.

"Yes. After all, we've been studying non-stop for the past two days, Linda. I can't study anymore, my brain capacity is no longer able to accommodate more memorization," said Anne quietly as she removed the earphones that were attached to her ears.

"You annoying smart girl," said Linda sharply.

Anne just smiled silently upon hearing Linda's words. Not long after, the bell rang loudly, echoing throughout the campus. The students were getting ready. They stored their belongings on a table outside where there was already an officer on duty. None of the students were allowed to bring their cell phones and other communication devices, even though it was only a final exam, but the security system on campus was very strict, so that no students can cheat.

After Professor Gilbert entered, the students entered one by one and went to their respective seats. Anne sat far from Linda because their seating system used an alphabetical system, which meant that Linda was in the front row, while Anne was in the back row. Not long after, Professor Gilbert's assistant began to explain the course of the computer-based exam again.

"This exam is divided into three sessions. As soon as the first session of the exam is finished, it will be continued with the second session and so on until the exam is over. And remember, once you have selected and clicked OK, the answer will immediately entered the system, so please confirm again whether your answer is correct, because the system will not repeat the answer. Do you understand here?" asked Professor Gilbert loudly after speaking at length.

"Understood, Professor," answered all the students in unison, including Anne, who was impatient.

"If you understand, then we can start right away 'now'," said Professor Gilbert quietly with a rising voice when he said the word 'now'. The students immediately opened the tablet pens in front of each of them.

Because the pen tablets had been checked individually, none of the students got into trouble, all of them seemed to focus on reading the questions that appeared on the tablet, which was guided by Professor Gilbert directly from his seat. With such an exam, it was impossible for students to cheat because of the fast questions that appear on the tablet screen, so that they inevitably had to focus on their respective tablets. Because if they missed one question, they would miss many more questions afterwards, and this would destroy their grades. Therefore, the students chose to focus on their own tablets.

After an hour and a half had passed, Professor Gilbert finished distributing the questions from his tablet which was directly connected to the students' tablets.

"Okay, my course exams have ended here. I am very satisfied with your hard work, I hope you can finish today's exams smoothly," said Professor Gilbert slowly as he stood staring at the students in front of him.

"Thank you, Professor." All the students answered in unison to what Professor Gilbert said.

Not long after, the professor left the class and the students were asked to leave the class because the assistant of Professor Simon would prepare the class before the exam started in fifteen minutes. The students who had left the class chose to stay around the class. They didn't want to go far from class because they didn't want to miss the exam, so they still chose to rest around the class before the exam started again. And it was not just the fashion designer majors who weren't going anywhere, students from other majors were also seen around their respective classes.

When break time was over, they then went back into the classroom as soon as Professor Simon entered. Professor Simon's exam used the same system as Professor Gilbert's exam, which was computer-based. Because it had been previously explained by Professor Gilbert, Professor Simon did not explain the rules of the exam this time. The students were immediately asked to work on the questions that were immediately removed from the system he led. The students were again busy with their respective tablets. They worked seriously on every question that appeared on the tablet screen.

"Well, our exam is over. I'm very satisfied with your order. Hopefully the scores are in line with all of your expectations. Okay then, I'll end our exam today and have a good day," said Professor Simon loudly, ending the second exam today for the fashion designer class.

"Good afternoon, Professor," answered all the students in unison.

As soon as Professor Simon left, two of his assistants tidied up the tablets that were on each student's desk. They both put the tablets back to use for the exam tomorrow morning.


Linda, who had been silent for a while, sat down on the grass right where Anne was drinking from her water bottle.

"Don't be like this, Linda, you're being exaggerated," said Anne quietly as she handed a water bottle to Linda, who was already lying on the grass and laid her head on Anne's lap.

"It's not an exaggeration, Anne, I almost fainted from those crazy exams today," answered Linda quickly as she turned away the bottle of water that Anne had given her.

"Why do you have to faint? Isn't the exam over and today we only have two course exams. So don't exaggerate like this," said Anne again.

"It's easy for a smart student like you, but it's difficult for a student with a limited brain capacity like me, Anne," Linda snarled curtly as she got up from the grass and sat up straight next to Anne.

"Everyone is smart if they want to learn. Nothing is difficult when we want to try, Linda. That's why you should pay attention to the lessons instead of playing with your cell phone," said Anne while pinching Linda's nose in exasperation, because Linda was often busy playing her cell phone during class.

Gabriella, who accidentally heard Anne's words, felt offended. Without thinking, she immediately approached Anne and Linda and threw the bottle of drink she was holding at Anne and Linda so that the water in the bottle splashed out and hit Anne's clothes and Linda's feet.

"Watch your words, Marianne! Just because you're smart, you can't just talk like that!!!" Gabriella shouted loudly with her hands on her hips right in front of Anne's eyes.

"Hey, Ella! What are you talking about? Why are you looking for trouble?!!" Linda shouted no less loudly as she got up quickly and approached Gabriella fearlessly.

"I'm not the one looking for trouble, but your friend here did! What did she mean when she say that? Whether I play on my cell phone or do my make up or eat in class, it's none of her business, so it's better not to interfere," Gabriella answered emotionally.

"Well, we didn't talk about you earlier. Hello, is it very important for Anne and I to talk about an insignificant girl like you? Anne and I were joking since earlier so don't act that you're so famous, Ella. After all, did Anne say your name? I want to focus more in class. And that has nothing to do with you, so don't get me wrong, Miss Ella. Don't think that because you're a rich kid, we're afraid of you? Oh, that's not the way to do it, Miss, if you want to compete with Anne, you better compete in a healthy way, right? Like this," said Linda at length, staring intently at Gabriella's eyes.


Gabriella, who almost slapped Linda, couldn't continue her action because her hand was already held by Anne. She even gripped Ella's hand so tightly that Ella grimaced in pain.

"Don't ever think that everyone is lower than you, Ella. After all, what Linda said was true. We both didn't talk about anyone, I was just joking with Linda, so you don't have to get offended like that. I also don't care what you do in class, so I don't want you to be angry like that. It's not good for your health if you continue to be angry, Ella. Look at your face, you have started to have fine lines. Don't you realize it?" said Anne quietly as she continued to stare at Gabriella without blinking. This was the first time Anne had dared to speak like this to Gabriella, who had been making fun of Anne a lot behind her back or openly.


Gabriella's face paled instantly when Anne said that she had fine lines. She quickly pulled her hand from Anne's grip and immediately grabbed the mirror that was in the bag.

Without speaking, Gabriella ran leaving Anne and Linda, followed by her girls. She was still holding her face.

"Linda, don't use your emotions against someone like that, find out her weakness and use it to attack her," said Anne quietly with a triumphant smile as she continued to stare at Gabriella, who continued to run towards the car park.

"W-what do you mean, Anne?" Linda asked confused with a stutter.

"Think about it yourself," replied Anne quietly, as she walked away towards the cafeteria to eat.

Linda, who was annoyed at being given a riddle by Anne, followed behind her while continuing to ask what Anne had said earlier.

to be continued

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