I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 143 - Shocking Message

Chapter 143 - Shocking Message

In a fancy restaurant in a five-star hotel, Leon and Steffi could be seen sitting together at one of the tables. Tonight they were celebrating their anniversary. Although they had only been officially married for about six months, they had been together since Leon married Anne. That was why they wanted to celebrate the anniversary with something beautiful. Tonight Steffi looked pretty and elegant, the party outfit from Sherri Hills looked perfect against her body, not to mention the expensive jewelry around her neck, on her ears and fingers. With a look like this, Steffi looked very beautiful and elegant. So does Leon, who also looked handsome in his black suit. He, who never wore his wedding ring with Steffi, was seen wearing one tonight.

"I'm very happy tonight, Leon," said Steffi happily for the umpteenth time.

"Me too. You look very beautiful tonight, Steffi," Leon replied quickly as he took Steffi's hand and kissed it.

Steffi smiled emotionally when she saw what Leon was doing. She was really happy tonight because Leon treated her like a queen.

"I love you, Leon," said Steffi softly.

"Likewise, I love you too, Steffi. I'm sorry that lately I've been busy. You know our company is starting something big this time," Leon said again.

"I know, Leon, it's just that I'm afraid ..."

"Afraid of what?" Leon asked quickly.

"I don't know. I'm just afraid. One thing that still disturbs my peace is why did you have to open a new branch in London? Our company in Berlin is already very big, Leon. You should just focus there without having to start all over again from scratch in this place," Steffi replied softly in a hoarse voice.

Hearing his wife's words made Leon smile. He then grabbed Steffi's other hand and put them together and kissed it again.

"This is part of the business plan that I am currently working on, Steffi. I want to make our company even bigger. If I start it back in Berlin, people will already know and can expect that the animated film that I will publish will definitely explode like previous films, but if I start here in London, they would have given me another rating, Steffi. They would have appreciated my new work here in London and that gives me a different satisfaction as a businessman. You should support what I do, because, trust me, everything I do is for the good of all of us. It's for me, for you, and for our company. I want to make you happier and known to many people as Mrs. Ganke, dear Steffi," Leon said at length, telling her his true purpose.

"Leon, I ..."

"Calm down, Steffi. I'm not doing anything weird, we've gone through a bit of a hard time, but didn't we reach this stage safely? So I ask you not to think too far, the important thing is you are always there for me and support everything that I do," said Leon again, cutting off Steffi's words.

Both of Steffi's eyes filled with tears at Leon's words. She was really happy tonight when she heard him said all that. The feeling of tightness in her chest for the last few days just disappeared when Leon stated his real goal was to build a new company in England, her fear and worry about losing Leon immediately vanished.

While Leon was still holding Steffi's hand, two waiters came to bring some luxurious meal for Leon and Steffi. They deftly arranged the expensive food on the table. The beautiful candles in front of them made the atmosphere very romantic tonight, especially with the music that had been playing since twenty minutes ago when they just arrived.

The happy smile disappeared from Steffi's face. Her trust in Leon immediately returned one hundred percent. Whereas previously she was very afraid that Leon would forget about her because of Marianne's reappearance. But all of her fear and anxiety disappeared when Leon said that his purpose in doing all this was to make her more widely known as Mrs. Ganke.



Leon's cell phone that was on the table vibrated. Because it was placed face up, both Steffi and Leon could see who was calling him. It seemed that an anonymous number appeared. Leon, who always ignored any numbers like that, contacted him, just kept quiet. And so was Steffi, she knew her husband wouldn't care about strangers. Soon, the call stopped after the caller ended his call, but suddenly it rang again and it was very annoying. Leon looked really annoyed. He quickly reached for his cell phone to see who was calling him. When he was about to receive the incoming call, suddenly the caller turned off his call and made Leon annoyed because he felt he was being mocked.

"Honey, just ignore it. Maybe it's just a prank call. Rather than letting your mood ruined, you better switch off your cell phone, Honey," said Steffi quietly as she put the best piece of Wagyu beef into her mouth.

"I can't turn off my cell phone, Steffi, there are a lot of important people that I'm waiting for. The business partners I contacted in London will definitely call me back after I've submitted a cooperation proposal, that's why I can't turn off my cell phone," Leon replied quickly while staring at his cell phone which showed two missed calls from a strange number he did not know at all.

"I see, so it's been silent so as not to disturb us and everyone who is here," said Steffi again.

"Yes, Dear, I will turn off my cell phone tone so as not to disturb the others. I also don't want anyone to be disturbed because of me," Leon said quietly while trying to turn off the tone on his cell phone so that it wouldn't ring loudly and disturb many people who were enjoying their dinner at the restaurant.

Steffi smiled when she heard the affectionate call used by Leon. It was an honor for her to be called that by Leon, especially in a public place like this. She felt very loved by Leon.

Not long afterwards, Leon finally put his cell phone into his shirt pocket. He had turned off the sound from his cell phone and set it on vibrate mode, so that when someone called him he would still know. Seeing Leon put his cell phone into his shirt pocket made Steffi smiled. She was happy that Leon was more concerned with her than his business partners.

"Done! I've switched it to vibrating mode," Leon said quietly with a smile and grabbed the wine glass on the table.

"I love you, Leon." Steffi spoke softly with a smile.

"Love you too," said Leon briefly as he put his glass on the table again.

When he was about to reach for the knife and fork on the plate, Leon suddenly felt his cell phone vibrated again. Since he was very curious and disturbed, he planned to call back the person who was bothering him. He quickly grabbed the cell phone that was under his expensive jacket and was surprised to see the message he had just opened.

Steffi, who was chewing her steak, looked surprised when he saw the change in Leon's expression, which looked calmer when he saw his cell phone this time.

"What's the matter, Dear, who ..."

"Excuse me for a while, Steffi, there is a very important matter that I can't ignore this time," Leon said, quickly interrupting Steffi's words as he got up from his chair.

"Take it easy, I will definitely come back when this matter is finished," Leon added as he walked quickly toward the door. Leon's cell phone displayed a picture message containing a contract letter between Ganke Inc Production and a student representative of the University of the Arts London named Marianne.

To be Continued

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