I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 137 - Conceive Yourself

Chapter 137 - Conceive Yourself

Holding back her emotions, Steffi left Anne. She had promised herself not to be provoked by Anne's provocation. For her, right now, the most important thing was Leon. After serving Leon last night, she had promised to only focus on Leon.

"Leon," Steffi muttered softly when she saw her husband standing in front of Professor Gilbert's office. She accelerated her footsteps towards her husband.

Professor Gilbert, who was talking with Leon, immediately smiled broadly when he saw Steffi's arrival. He then nodded his head slightly to greet Steffi. Steffi replied with a sweet smile as she put her hand on Leon's arm affectionately.

"Since when did you come?" asked Leon quietly.

"Just now," replied Steffi quietly.

"Well then let's go. My business with Professor Gilbert has also been completed. We must immediately go to the office to see the work on the new office," Leon said again.

"Wherever you go, I'm ready to accompany you, Dear," Steffi replied back in a spoiled tone.

Hearing the intimacy of a husband and wife in front of him made Professor Gilbert smile, and soon Leon and Steffi left Professor Gilbert. When Leon and Steffi walked towards where Alex, the driver, was, Leon accidentally saw Anne walking towards her classroom. Her long hair looked beautiful as it was blown by the wind. Seeing Anne from afar like that made him recall what had just happened in Professor Gilbert's office. Anne's smile and voice were still vivid in his mind. And it really got him really excited today. He couldn't wait to get to his new office which was being tidied up. After the office was finished, he could immediately meet Anne every day.

"It's not in vain that I spent a lot of money and time on the campus, soon I'll get Marianne," Leon said to himself when he got into the car. Leon's mind was full of the beautiful plans he had prepared for Anne, even though next to him, Steffi was leaning back and pampering him. Steffi looked very possessive when she hugged Leon.

Anne's last words suddenly crossed Steffi's mind again and made her unable to calm down. She then tightened her hug even more on Leon's arm.

"Steffi, it hurts. Why are you hugging me this tight?" Leon asked softly.

"Nothing, I just still miss you," replied Steffi quickly.

"After the new office is finished, let's go on vacation. To Santorini or Paris, you decide," Leon said softly.

Hearing the word 'vacation' made Steffi immediately release her hug to Leon. She then glared at her husband without blinking.

"Are you serious?" asked Steffi again.

"Yes, I'm serious. Have I been joking all this time or is there a word that I didn't keep to you?" Leon asked quickly.

Steffi immediately hugged Leon back tightly. She was happy because Leon still pampered her like before.

"I love you, Leon, I love you very much, I will go wherever you go," said Steffi quietly as he kissed Leon's broad chest.

"Me too, now sit quietly. I have to check some important files," Leon said again.

"I want to lean on you. Relax, I will not interfere with your work," replied Steffi spoiled.

"Fine, but remember not to bother me or I'll be angry." said Leon softly relented.

Steffi's smile grew even wider when she heard her husband allowed her to keep leaning like this. Occasionally Steffi buried her face in Leon's broad chest with great joy. Leon's scent made her very calm.

"You will not be able to take my husband, Marianne, Leon is mine. Even if you change to be as beautiful as a fairy, you will not be able to win Leon's heart, because Leon has made his choice on me. Only I can make Leon happy, only I can satisfy Leon's desire. So you better stay away from us, Marianne, because the title of Mrs. Ganke will always be mine," Steffi spoke silently while smiling coldly as she remembered Anne's previous words. She had sworn in her heart that she would not let anyone snatch Leon from her, even if she must die.

* * *

Meanwhile, in his office, Aaron looked grumpy. Everyone who came into the room was hit by his hurtful words of aphorisms. Usually when he was like this, there was Daniel who would calm him down. But because Daniel was on duty, in the end he got out of control. Aaron still clearly remembered what Jack had said this morning.

"How dare he touched his dirty hands on my Anne's body. You bastard, Jackson. Why did you have to come to London? Go back to your country, you bastard."

"Aarrggghhhh fuck, I hate you, Jackson Muller. Once again I see you dare to touch Anne again, I will break your hand! Anne is mine!"

The voice of Aaron's screams in his room could not be heard clearly by his employees who were outside because the door was closed tightly. The employees could only hear curse after curse that came out of the lips of the CEO, even though it was not too clear. Even the finance director who wanted to see him seemed doubtful. He had been standing for nearly ten minutes in front of Aaron's door. But because he had to finish everything on time, the finance director finally gained his courage. Slowly, he knocked on Aaron's door, and shortly thereafter, Aaron walked towards the door and opened the door for the director. When Aaron opened the door to his office, an intense cold immediately burst out and spread all over the employees' desks, making the employees lowered their heads. They all seemed to focus on their respective jobs.

* * *

While Aaron went crazy with jealousy, it was different with Jack. He looked very happy today because last night he had spent the night at Anne's apartment. Even though they didn't do anything, but he was happy because he could sleep under the same roof with Anne.

Erick and Alice had been elbowing each other when they saw Jack's continuous smile, even though they were currently having an important meeting with a team of lawyers from Jason Dawkins, who came all the way from Edinburgh to sign a memorandum of understanding on a formal cooperation agreement.

"Well, Mr. Muller, with you signing this document, it means that you have officially become a client of Mr. Jason and from this moment on, our company is officially a partner of this company.

So in the future we will directly contact Muller Finance International when it comes to financing issues," said Robert Lynn, the personal lawyer Jason Dawkins, who had come alone.

"I understand," Jack replied quickly, as he grabbed the pen that was on the table.

After saying that, both Robert Lynn and Jack signed on the papers the cooperation agreement between Jack's company and Jason Dawkins' family company in Edinburgh. As a company that developed British liquor products, the Jason Dawkins family company was very fast growing and was very well known for being able to compete with other liquor products. That was why Jack targeted him from the start. And when he got the opportunity to make a partnership with the company, he didn't waste that opportunity, even though he had to be a little involved in the drama between the two families first, which made him meet Aaron again.

After completing the signing of the cooperation agreement, shortly thereafter, Robert Lynn and his assistants left Muller Finance International to return to Edinburgh. Jack looked delighted when he managed to hold the multimillion dollar project in his hands with great ease.

"If we can recruit many big companies this easily in a short time, then our company in London will be as big as Muller Finance in Switzerland," said Jack excitedly.

"Yes sir, you are right," replied Erick quietly.

"Okay then, I'll assign you both to find new clients again quickly. I really want to enlarge Muller Finance International in London. Erick, Alice, keep up the good work!" said Jack with a broad smile. After saying that, Jack then left Erick and Alice, who were still standing at the door. He returned to his office quickly because he wanted to finish everything on time.

After Jack entered his office, Erick and Alice were seen looking at each other for a moment.

"Get ready, Alice. This is what Jackson Muller is really like. He is a workaholic and we both inevitably have to follow the way he works. That's why I suggest you to bring more clothes and keep it in the office. For sure, in the future, we will definitely be staying at the office more often," said Erick softly with a wry smile. After giving words of encouragement to Jack's new secretary, Erick then went into the office, leaving Alice who still looked very shocked.

Alice then went into the office following Erick, when she got a call from her boss to continue work.

To be Continued

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