I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 120 - A Present For The Courier

Chapter 120 - A Present For The Courier

After driving for almost an hour, Jack finally arrived at Anne's flower shop. His eyes narrowed when he saw that there was a strange man inside the shop. So he chose to stay in the car and watched Anne from afar with jealousy filling him.

"Boss, I'm leaving now, bye." Paul said goodbye to Anne and Linda when he was going to deliver the flower bouquet in his hand.

"Be careful, Paul," said Anne loudly.

Jack, who was still in his car, raised an eyebrow when he heard the strange man, who turned out to be Paul, called Anne boss. He watched Paul, who was carrying a large flower bouquet, currently hopped on the bus that had just arrived.

"I think he's Anne's new courier," Jack said softly with a smile, after observing what Paul was doing.

Jack slowly reached for his cell phone which was still in his pocket. He was then seen talking seriously with someone on the cell phone while repeatedly mentioning the address of Anne's flower shop. After five minutes had passed, Jack ended his phone call, then he put it back in his pocket and took off his seat belt. He then got out of his car and walked slowly to Anne's flower shop with three cups of coffee that he had bought at Starbucks earlier.


The small bell that was installed above the shop door rang when Jack opened the door.

"Welcome, can I help you?" Anne did not continue when she saw who was coming.

"Coffee," Jack said quietly, while extending the coffee cups in his hand.

Anne smiled when she saw what Jack had brought. She then came out of the counter and approached Jack who was still standing at the door.

"Don't bother, but thank you," said Anne quietly as she reached for the coffee brought by Jack.

"Oh yeah, Anne, that was ..."

"Linda, come here, there's your favorite coffee!!!" Anne yelled loudly, asking Linda to get out of the warehouse which was now Paul's room. Anne's yell made Jack unable to finish his words.

Without feeling guilty, Anne left Jack and walked to the cashier table. She then took out the coffee that Jack had brought before. As she took out the coffee brought by Jack, Linda came out of the warehouse carrying two large vases of flowers in her arms. Seeing Linda having a hard time putting down the two vases, Jack immediately ran over to Linda and grabbed a vase from Linda's hand.

"Thanks," Linda said softly, not yet realizing that it was Jack who was helping her.

"You're welcome," Jack replied curtly.

Anne, who was at the cash register smiled unconsciously at what Jack was doing. Because she felt bad for Jack who helped Linda with the dirty flower vase, Anne then left her favorite cafe latte and approached Jack, who was still standing in front of Linda. Without a word, Anne grabbed Jack's hand and invited him to sit on the chair beside the door.

"Why are you bothering yourself, sir? Look at your expensive clothes, it is dirty," said Anne quietly, staring at Jack's jacket which was now stained with dust from the vase that Linda brought before.

Instead of answering her words, who was still standing in front of him, Jack took Anne's hand and pulled her towards him. Being pulled like that by Jack, Anne automatically lost control and fell on Jack's lap.

"Jack ..."

"Shut up or your friend will be disturbed, she is cleaning an expensive vase. If she gets annoyed and the vase breaks, then it's your loss," Jack whispered softly, cutting off Anne's words as he glanced at Linda who was cleaning the glass vase that was quite expensive from the dust that stuck on it.

"Yes, I know, but don't be like this, Jack. I'm not comfortable with customers who might come in," said Anne, slowly trying to get up from Jack's lap.

"Wait a minute, Anne. I'll just be here for a while. I promise," Jack replied softly as he leaned his head on Anne's body.

Anne's heart was beating very fast when Jack leaned on her body, although she had known Jack for a long time, but they had never been this intimate.

"You still smell like vanilla, Anne," Jack said softly with a smile.

"O-of course, I like vanilla, Jack," stuttered Anne.

Hearing Anne's answer made Jack smile. Soon, he released his hug from Anne and helped her to stand back up. Even though Anne was standing, she couldn't get away from Jack, because Jack was still gripping her hands.

"Let me go, Jack, I have to go back to work," said Anne again.

"Okay then, I'll go. The important thing is I've seen you. Oh right, there was this young man who called you boss. Who is he?" Jack asked quietly. Suddenly he remembered about Paul.

"It's Paul. His name is Paul. He is my new courier, he starts work today," stuttered Anne.

"Oh a courier. Okay then. I'll go now. Happy working, and remember not to come home too late," said Jack quietly.

"I know." Anne replied curtly to Jack's words.

Jack smiled seeing Anne sulking like that. He slowly let go of his grip on the palm of Anne's hand. After Jack released her hand, Anne then stepped backwards away from Jack. Because Linda had been using earphones to listen to music, she didn't hear the conversation that was taking place between Jack and Anne.

The sound of the notification that entered his cell phone made Jack smile. He then got up from the chair and walked slowly to the door while cleaning his coat which was still dirty with dust. Seeing Jack cleaning his clothes made Anne feel guilty. She then grabbed a tissue on the counter and approached Jack to help him clean his jacket.

"It's okay, Anne, you don't have to help me. I can do it myself," Jack said quietly as he reached for the tissue that Anne was holding.

"I just wanted to help," answered Anne shortly.

"Just take good care of yourself, Anne, that helps me a lot," Jack said quickly.

"W-what do you mean?" asked Anne, confused.

Jack smiled at Anne's question. He forgot that Anne was a stupid girl who was completely insensitive to all his actions and words. Jack slowly walked back to Anne, who was standing right behind Linda who was squatting while cleaning the second vase in front of her.

"I don't know in what way I should talk to you, Anne. You are the stupidest girl I know," Jack said quietly. His eyes were staring at Anne without blinking.

"Who's stupid? I'm not stupid. I'm doing well on campus, Jack," answered Anne curtly.

"Yeah, yeah, you're a smart girl. Okay then, I'll return to the office. Remember what I said, don't come home late at night." Jack repeated his previous words.

"I know, you don't need to repeat your words over and over again ..."


Jack landed a sweet kiss on Anne's left cheek so suddenly that Anne immediately fell silent and touched her cheek with her left hand.

After giving a good-bye kiss, Jack finally left Anne's flower shop with a big smile. Jack, who usually asked Anne to drive him to the car, this time didn't ask Anne to do that. He immediately got into his own car and drove his Bugatti Veyron onto the highway. Right after Jack's car left, Linda finished cleaning the vase that Anne was going to use to send some flower orders to a bank.

"Whoa! Cafe latte!" Linda screamed quite loudly when she saw that there were three cups of latte coffee on the counter that had previously been pulled out of the paper bag brought by Jack.

"Oh yeah, that's for us, Linda," stuttered Anne.

"Thank you, Anne. You are a very understanding boss. You know that in an afternoon like this, we need coffee to increase our energy," said Linda loudly.

Hearing Linda's words made Anne smile. She couldn't say anything more than just watching Linda enjoying the coffee Jack brought them. She was still very surprised by what Jack had previously done to her. Her surprise still lingered when Anne was surprised again by the sound of knocking on the glass door made by two large men wearing uniforms standing in front of her flower shop.

Because she was curious about the two men who were standing in front of her flower shop, Anne then came to them. She felt that the two men did not want to buy flowers, because usually the customers would definitely enter the shop without tapping the glass like that.

"Miss Anne?" asked one of the men quickly as Anne walked out of the shop.

"Yes, I am Anne, may I help you, sir?" asked Anne curiously.

"We are here to deliver orders made on your behalf, Miss. Please sign on this receipt," replied one of the other men while handing a receipt to Anne.

"Order? What order? I didn't think I ordered anything," asked Anne, confused.

Without answering her question, one of the men in front of Anne immediately handed Anne a pen so that Anne would immediately sign the receipt that she was holding. In her confusion, she finally signed the receipt in her hand.

"Okay, then please come with us, Miss," asked the first man who greeted Anne politely.

"Follow you, where are you going?" asked Anne, confused.

"Over there, Miss," the man replied back, pointing to a white truck parked behind Anne's car.

Anne also turned to the direction pointed to by the man in front of her. She was still confused about why she had to go to a truck from a motorcycle company in front of her. Linda, who had been enjoying the cafe latte, felt that something strange was happening, so she quickly walked out of the cash register and went straight to Anne who was outside.

"What's wrong, Anne?" Linda asked curiously as she stood behind Anne.

"I don't know," said Anne softly.

"What's wrong? Who are they?" Asked Linda again.

Anne just shook her head slowly in response to Linda's words. She really didn't understand what was happening.

"Please come with us, Miss. It will just take a while," the mysterious man requested again.

Since Linda was by her side, Anne had enough courage. She slowly walked over to the two strangers accompanied with Linda, who was already beside the white truck. When she got to the side of the truck, Anne immediately covered her mouth with both hands because she was shocked and couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes right now. Linda also seemed to be very surprised to see what was ahead at this time.

"Whoaa! Cool! Is this is for me, Boss?!!" Paul, who had just returned from delivering flowers to a customer, screamed loudly when he saw the object that had just been unloaded from the truck by the two mysterious men who had been talking to Anne and Linda.

To be Continued

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