I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 118 - The Rivalry Of

Chapter 118 - The Rivalry Of

Connery Corporation

In Aaron's office, there seemed to be a serious conversation between Thomas, Eleanor, and Aaron, while Daniel was only a listener. After picking up Thomas from the airport this morning, Aaron immediately took his best friend to the office.

"Why did you just tell me that Steven is a jerk like that, Elea? Why did you continue your engagement before?!" scolded Thomas emotionally.

"I don't want to embarrass my family, that's why I continue the program," Elea replied softly. She didn't dare look at Thomas's face. Elea was very afraid of her brother.

"You are stupid. Being engaged is your private matter. It's a matter of your heart, your life and has nothing to do with your family. If you don't like Steven, we're fine, Elea, as long as you're happy, we will support her. Whether you get engaged or not, we prefer your happiness," said Thomas again.

"Sorry, Tom, I'm stupid. I should have told you this before the event took place. I was in a dilemma at that time. Moreover, Steven promised to change," said Elea quietly, lowering her head.

"What changed ...? Oh my God, Elea, Elea, Elea, you are so naive. You better follow me now to New York. Continue your education there and never tell anyone your whereabouts to your friends, including Steven the bastard, for family matters. I will explain to Mommy and Daddy. I hope you can learn a lot about what happened to you right now. You're still too young to enter into such a serious relationship Elea. You are only twenty-two years old and for a woman it is still very far from having a serious relationship. That's why from the beginning I have forbidden you to continue your relationship to a serious level with Steven. But you never listen to what I said. You think that you are ready financially and mentally. But there is one thing you don't know, Elea, when you are ready, your partner might not necessarily be ready. Therefore, I forbid you, not because I disagree with your choice, but because I'm worried that you will experience things that you never wanted, like what happened now. It is fortunate that you are only engaged to Steven and have not entered into a much deeper stage. Imagine if you were married and Steven did something like this, you wouldn't be this easy to leave him, Elea. Marital status is different from dating or engaged status. In our society, the title of widow is still considered bad. That's why I hope you can take a lesson from all that has happened. Remember one thing, Elea a man may get married 100 times, and he will not get bad judgment in the society, but it is different with a woman. Once she failed in marriage, people will regard her badly. It is not easy to be a widow for a woman, and the mental burden she had to carry is not as easy as what people said," Thomas spoke at length to Elea.

Not only Elea who was silent when Thomas spoke, Aaron and Daniel looked seriously listening to Thomas's words one by one.

"I do this because I love you, Elea, you are my only sister. If you get hurt, I get hurt too," Thomas added softly.

"Thomas ... "

"You're still young, Elea, don't think too much of this problem. Aaron and I will teach Steven a lesson. You don't need to worry," said Thomas slowly, cutting Elea's words.

"Indeed, Elea, you don't have to worry. The most important thing is that you calm down first and don't panic, follow the instructions Thomas said," Aaron joined in, adding to Thomas' words.

"Okay, I understand. Forgive me for messing around in Aaron's office," Elea replied softly.

Aaron only smiled at Elea's words. He then approached his best friend's sister who he had considered as his own sister. Aaron slowly stroked Elea's blonde hair.

"Even though your brother is a jerk but he is smart, Elea, you have to learn a lot from Thomas," Aaron said quietly as he continued stroking Elea's hair

"Damn you, Aaron!!!" Thomas snapped in annoyance.

"Why do you have to be angry with me? What I just said is the truth hahahaha," Aaron's laugh was loud when he mocked his best friend.

Elea, who had been gloomy, laughed when she saw Aaron was insulting her brother. Aaron and Thomas had always been fighting, but it was never serious, because they had been friends since childhood and she also knew that her brother and adoptive brother were never serious when they were in a fight like that.

Not long after, Daniel invited Elea to leave the Connery Corporation office, heading for Aaron's apartment which Thomas used to stay in when he visited London.

"Even though I'm a jerk but I don't want my sister to experience something like this, Aaron," said Thomas coldly with anger.

"Therefore, you better leave your very tiring life, Thomas, you have Elea who you have to protect. She is still too young and naive and innocent to face a real adult love life, I'm afraid that she will be traumatized if she's like this. So you have to be by her side and guide her, Thomas. Uncle and Aunt will not know about this because they believe that she will be fine. You know yourself that your sister is very good at acting in front of your parents," Aaron said quietly.

Thomas was silent to hear Aaron's words. He couldn't respond to his friend's words anymore because what Aaron said was the truth. Elea was indeed very good at acting in front of their parents. She would still pretend to be strong even though she was actually sad. And this made Thomas sad. He worried about Elea who never wanted to be honest with their parents. Elea was only afraid of him and Aaron, even though she actually had the biggest fear of Thomas. The reason was that Aaron had spoiled her since she was a child, so she was not too afraid of Aaron.

"Then now what should I do Aaron?" Thomas asked softly as he looked down where Daniel and Elea had just gotten into the car that took them to the apartment.

"Stay with Elea, she needs your support. And Steven's problem, you take it easy, I'll ask my men to take care of it. He has to pay dearly for what he did because he dared to make Elea like this," Aaron replied quickly.

"You want to take care of him in my stead?" asked Thomas again in disbelief.

"Of course, you don't need to worry. Elea is also my sister, so I'm partly responsible for what happened to her," Aaron replied firmly.

Hearing Aaron's words made Thomas smile. He then hugged his best friend tightly.

"Thanks, Aaron, you are the best," said Thomas quietly.

"We're brothers, remember that, Thomas, you don't have to be," Aaron whispered softly.

Thomas nodded his head slowly at Aaron's words. Thomas released his hug on Aaron when Aaron's door was knocked. It seemed that Aaron's men had moved quickly. They had managed to locate Stephen Dawkins, who was found in the apartment of his mistress. Hearing the news, Thomas's emotions immediately rose immediately. He immediately ran out of Aaron's office to go to the place where Steven was at the moment. Seeing Thomas leave like that made Aaron smile. He then followed Thomas's steps to go to Steven's place because he was worried that Thomas went out of bounds. He knew very well what Thomas was like.

Meanwhile, at the Muller Finance International office where Jack and his men had just returned from the client's place, Erick and the team were very happy because they had succeeded in getting a new client. However, Jack looked expressionless. He was still a little annoyed because his tender was rejected by one of the big businessmen from Edinburgh whom Jack had been eyeing when he opened the company in London. When he just entered the lobby, Jack's steps suddenly stopped when he saw a client who refused his invitation to cooperate now standing in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Daw ..."

"Help me, Mr. Muller, I promise if you help me then I am willing to cooperate with Muller Finance International," said Jack's target gold client quickly without pause.

"How can I help you, Sir?" Jack asked softly with a mysterious smile.

"Please save my child," the Edinburgh businessman replied quickly.

To be Continued

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