I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 91: 1: These two highly intelligent women

Chapter 91: 1: These two highly intelligent women

1: These two highly intelligent women

Li Ruobing said her family background when they came up. In fact, even if she didnt say anything, several bodyguards of the Su family knew her. But since she said it, they all knew who she was.

The bodyguards looked at each other. They knew that as the bodyguards of the Su family, they could not cause trouble for the Su family. The Su family was not afraid of her, Li Ruobing, but whether they could provoke Li Ruobing was not something they could decide.

Boss Li, we are not looking for trouble with you. A tall, bald middle-aged bodyguard stepped forward and said, neither humble nor overbearing.

Wu Chen knew him.

His name was Yang Kuo, and he was one of Madam Sus trusted bodyguards. At the same time, he was also the deputy director of the security department of Jinfu Group. The deputy director was only a name. He was mainly in charge of the Su family.

He could be said to be one of Mrs. Sus confidantes, to put it bluntly, he was Mrs. Sus dog leg.

It could be seen that Yang Kuo is the head of the dozen or so bodyguards of the Su family who came here.

Then what do you stop me? Li Ruobing looked very angry, she was really not used to this.

Boss Li, you misunderstood, we are not here to find you, but to find him Yang Kuo raised his finger and pointed at Wu Chen who was standing there with one hand in his pocket, He abducted our oldest lady, I dont know if you know about this matter

Abduction? Youre saying my man would abduct other women? Li Ruobing became even more angry.

Uh Boss Li, thats not what I mean.

Then what do you mean, what do you mean by abduction?

Thats right Yang Kuo, the bodyguard, was also stumped, because he wasnt one of the two bodyguards who followed Su Qingying at that time. One, he didnt see the specific situation at that time, and he later heard that it was the oldest lady who ran away with a man.

How could the young lady just run away with a man?

Therefore, including him, the bodyguards of the Su family believed that it was the man who abducted the oldest lady, and they didnt know how he deceived the oldest lady.

As such, he used the word abduction.

Speak! Li Ruobing asked with staring eyes and frowning. She stepped forward as she spoke, her aura was very scary.

Uh um Boss Li, we have yet to Investigate the specific situation, but I can confirm that it was your boyfriend who took away our oldest lady, so Boss Li, you can ask for yourself, but he cant leave! The bodyguard Yang Kuo said, looking at Wu Chen with unfriendly eyes.


Very loud!

Li Ruobing went up and slapped him, and then shouted, How dare you say that to my man?!

Yang Kuo took a step back, dazed and then angry, and almost made a move on Li Ruobing, but he controlled it.

Get the hell out of here Li Ruobing raised her hand to them again.

Ruobing, dont be like this. Calm down, its just some misunderstandings, it wont be Suddenly someone grabbed Li Ruobings arm, stepped forward and stood side by side with Li Ruobing. Naturally it was Wu Chen.

They say that about you, and you just bear it?

Li Ruobing turned to look at Wu Chen.

Well explain to them. Wu Chen persuaded.

They came here to arrest people indiscriminately, and I should be the one explaining to them?

Forget it, calm down. Look at how angry you are, Wu Chen said, smiling at Li Ruobing.

Li Ruobings expression suddenly eased, and her cold eyes turned dull, she took Wu Chens arm naturally, turned her head to the side and said, Forget it. Ill leave it up to you.

The two had never agreed to script!

But there was nothing wrong with cooperating with each other.

They even confused a group of bodyguards from the Su family on the opposite side.

Misunderstood? Misunderstanding? Li Ruobing is not so angry because he is unreasonable, but because he feels misunderstood? Think your boyfriend has been framed?

If someone with Li Ruobings temperment was really misunderstood and became so angry, it would be easy to understand.

Just then, Su Qingying in the pharmacy finally couldnt bear it anymore.

She had been hiding in the pharmacy, standing by the window to observe the situation outside. At first she thought that Li Ruobing was going to force Wu Chen to leave, so that her bodyguards would also be lured away.

But Li Ruobing actually got so angry and even took the initiative to slap others.

She was so tense, and it was hard to leave even if she wanted to.

Afterwards, although Wu Chen held Li Ruobing back, she didnt hear what Wu Chen said to Li Ruobing clearly. There was still some distance between them, and there were people around.

She was afraid that they would really fight.

What are you doing? Su Qingying came out of the pharmacy, took off her mask, and asked loudly.


Miss, are you okay?


The bodyguards of the Su family suddenly saw Su Qingying, and all ran a few steps towards the door of the pharmacy.

Qingying, they came looking for you, and they said it was Wu Chen who abducted you. They want to arrest him by force Li Ruobing spoke at this time, and Wu Chen also walked a few steps towards the door of the pharmacy, speaking in a tone like she was talking to a friend. She didnt have the anger from before.

These words even meant to complain to Su Qingying.

Su Qingying was taken aback.

Li Ruobing actually called her Qingying and talked to her in this tone

She understood instantly.

Two women with high IQs had never communicated with each other before, but they both had high IQs!

What nonsense are you talking about? Su Qingying turned her head and glanced at her bodyguards. She said with distress, When did you have the right to intervene in my affairs? Miss Ruobing invited me out to chat, what? Abducted? Can you think before you speak? Youre offending others on behalf of the Su family? The group of bodyguards were again dumbfounded by Su Qingyings words.

Su Qingying didnt say too many words, and she wouldnt scold others like Li Ruobing. Su Qingying was usually nice to everyone and never said harsh words to the people around her. Even in order not to make it difficult for the bodyguards around her, she always gave way.

Because she had always been like this before, the bodyguards of the Su family also feel the same way about her.

So at this moment, even though Su Qingyings tone was not too angry, it still gave them the feeling that Miss is losing her temper!

Li Ruobing got angry first.

Su Qingying showed up and lost her temper with them.

This seemed to be a real misunderstanding?

Miss, we are not Madam asked us to Yang Kuo, the bodyguard, tried to argue. In the Su family, making Su Qingying angry was really a serious matter, because Su Qingying rarely got angry.

Once angry, it meant the matter was big!

Are you bothered about me and my mother? What she says is what she says? Is what she said must be right?! Su Qingying didnt let him finish his sentence. She stepped up.

The dozen or so bodyguards of the Su family were all frightened at once, and they didnt even dare to meet Su Qingyings eyes.

The more tempered a person was, the scarier she was once angry!

As for Su Qingyings current anger, although seven points were fake, three points were true! Because her mothers control over her was be so strict that others helped her.

It was this group of bodyguards who obeyed her mothers orders and were helping her mother.

If its a big deal, they would report it.

Su Qingying let go today, so she continued.

At the intersection in the distance, a convoy was rapidly approaching the entrance of the alley. All black Mercedes-Benz, there was about six or seven cars. Wu Chen noticed it first, and turned his head to look.

Li Ruobing also noticed it, and following Wu Chens gaze, everyone else noticed and looked over too.

Its the Su family.

Its Mrs. Su. She had come!

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