I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 23: Do you also know art?

Chapter 23: Do you also know art?

When the others were still immersed in the astonishment that Yao Bin was cheating, Wu Chen didnt even hesitate. He very suddenly and quickly pulled Yao Bin to the table, and chopped his hand off with a single strike!

The knife was what Li Ruobing asked for when she went out to find the bodyguard.

After the card was shown, Wu Chen asked her to get it.

At that time, Li Ruobing didnt know what Wu Chen was going to do. If he really wanted to play some dangerous tricks, she was carrying a gun, why bother with a knife?

She was still very against Wu Chens behavior of ordering her, but she still went to get it.

Now, Li Ruobing finally understood why Wu Chen wanted the knife. This was a common casino rule all over the world, whether it was gambling on a cruise ship on the high seas or in an underground casino!

Yao Bin only felt himself being pulled violently by Wu Chen, his body immediately lost its balance, staggering and almost falling, and then he was in excruciating pain!

Ah!! My hand!! Ahhh!

But Yao Bin stopped screaming immediately because when the pain reached a certain limit, he would be numb, and his whole body would be completely stunned by this pain.

Wu Chen really chopped it.

Yao Bins left hand left his body forever.

Some drops of blood splashed on Wu Chens clothes, and there was also a little on his face.

Clang clang.

Wu Chen casually threw the bloody knife on the gambling table, raised his hands up, and looked down at himself. There was some blood on his blue suit and white shirt, mainly on his hands and face.

Who has tissue paper? Wu Chen asked very flatly and gestured to his surroundings. He was too calm as if he wasnt the one who chopped off the hand.

The calmer he was, the more intimidating he felt.

Hes not pretending. He was used to it.

In the millennium reincarnation, he spent a period of time diligently studying gambling skills to pass time.

He had been in and out of large and small underground casinos in Donghai and also had conflicts with people. He was chased by dozens of people for more than a dozen streets in the middle of the night.

Anyway, there was no need to think about the consequences, everything would be reset, so during that time, Wu Chen was really lawless! He took the initiative to find excitement!

What scene had he not seen?

This was just a trivial matter.

It was Li Ruobing who dug out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Wu Chen first. Bao Wei, who was two steps late, had already picked up the tissue box and wanted to hand it over. Seeing that the eldest lady handed over the tissue first, he quietly put the tissue box back.

Wu Chen wiped his face with a tissue, wiped his hands, and then cleaned the blood spots on his clothes.

Seeing this, Li Ruobing turned her head and whispered a few words to the bodyguard behind her.

Actually, you dont need to play tricks at all. You cant beat me. If you cheat, you either dont do it or dont get caught doing it. If you get caught once, your life is over! From thirty-five rounds

to thirty-eight rounds, a total of four rounds. Although Yao Bin stole an ace of spades, it was useless.

Cheating and matching cards could only be useful if they match the cards in hand, so Yao Bin after stealing cards was also waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, Wu Chen could imagine Yao Bins state of mind.

When he first came to the Crown Club, he never thought of cheating, until he met Wu Chen.

Before the cards were dealt in the thirty-fifth round, Yao Bin happened to have 100 million left in his hand.

Although on the whole, he still won money, he could no longer control the situation and was constantly losing the money back to Wu Chen little by little. He couldnt stop him!

Shen Guangnian hired him with a lot of money, so he naturally made a promise, not only to win back the 300 million that Shen Guangnian lost before but also to win more. Thats for sure!

He realized that it was impossible for him to win Wu Chen without spending a thousand dollars, so he took the risk.

He didnt know that any of his superb techniques, in Wu Chens eyes, were all clearly displayed, and they couldnt fool Wu Chen at all.

Yao Bin was already lying on his side on the ground, pinching his left wrist with his right hand, his face was pale, and he was trembling.

Bleeding so fast!

If he was not treated in time, he would die from blood loss and would not survive for more than a few minutes.

Originally, according to the rules of the casino, the amount of money played today is so large, it is not enough to cut off one of your hands. It should at least be both hands and feet. However, you are just playing cards with me today, and I am not in charge! I will not make things difficult for you.

After Wu Chen finished speaking, he stopped wiping his collar, threw away the bloody tissue, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and turned his head to look at Shen Guangnian who was leaning against the doorway wall, already trembling.

Shen Guangnians face turned pale because he was frightened.

Although it wasnt him who got his hands chopped off.

But Yao Bin was brought by him to play cards for him! Its impossible for him to pick it up!

Boss Shen, what do you say? Wu Chen asked Shen Guangnian and smiled.

A habitual smile, but in Shen Guangnians view, it was a devils smile!

Me! Its none of my business! I didnt let him cheat, it has nothing to do with me. Its his own idea. I dont know about that! Shen Guangnian crazily defended, sweating profusely, and then plopped down on his knees!

Mr. Li, Mr. Li, you know that I am a human being. Although I, Old Shen, like to gamble, I never cheat. It really has nothing to do with me!

Shen Guangjun grabbed Li Ruotais trousers and shouted almost pleadingly.

He didnt even dare to ask Wu Chen, because now he felt that Wu Chen was more terrifying than Li Ruotai. He would chop off peoples hands, and he looked like he hadnt done anything after the chopping.

You deal with it. Wu Chen gestured to the situation in the room and said to Li Ruotai.

Im leaving first. He said and walked out.

When passing behind Li Ruotai, he tilted his head and whispered in Li Ruotais ear, Dont settle Shen Guangnian in the clubhouse, take him away.

Li Ruotai nodded.

He didnt know why he suddenly listened to what his brother-in-law said, anyway, he just listened.

Wu Chen and Li Ruobing left the Nine-Five box, and Li Ruobings bodyguards also left.

On the way to the elevator, Li Ruobing naturally held Wu Chens hand, and the bodyguards followed behind.

Does it feel good to chop off peoples hands? Li Ruobing asked softly.

I dont feel it. Wu Chen said and glanced at Li Ruobing with a smile.

You dont feel it? Li Ruobings expression became very subtle, and her gaze at Wu Chen was even more subtle, full of unique curiosity.

She felt that she might have encountered some unsolved mysteries of the world.

Because she couldnt figure him out. This person Wu Chen claimed to be an intelligence businessman. Okay, she trusts him for now, but Wu Chen could also gamble and even beat top players. Had he practiced? He also said that cutting off peoples hands didnt feel like anything, and he was very calm

Intuition told Li Ruobing that Wu Chen had killed people before.

Womens intuition was usually pretty accurate.

In fact, everything about Wu Chen was abnormal, the information that was almost fortune-telling, the calmness and stability, the unique skills, and even the ruthlessness, the reason why these abnormalities made people feel abnormal was that Wu Chen was too young!

In his early twenties, it was impossible to have too rich life experience.

Its not like I chopped off my own hand. When entering the elevator, Wu Chen said again with a smile.

Going back to the eleventh floor, instead of going to the room where Li Ruotai and Zhao Guaizi met, they entered a large suite.

Very large, but very elegantly decorated large suite.

Judging from the photo frame on the coffee table and the artistic photos on the wall, this should be Li Ruotais private suite.

Your brother is quite tasteful. Cui Ruzhuos lotus is quite interesting. There was a picture of a lotus hanging on the wall next to the entrance, Wu Chen paused, looked at the picture and said with a smile.

He has a fart taste, and he only shows it to the important clients he brings over. How can he understand these things. Li Ruobing was indeed Li Ruotais sister.

Do you know about artwork? Do you have research on painting? Li Ruobing turned her head and asked again.

I understand a little bit. Wu Chen said humbly and then raised his hand to signal the painting on the wall. The painting is fake, and the real one should be in the hands of a collector in Xiangjiang.

After speaking, he walked inside, randomly turned around in the living room and looked around.

The elegant decoration style was full of a false sense of a sample room.

As Li Ruobing said, this was for receiving important customers, so the decoration was very elegant, but it was not used.

There was even a Steinway piano by the window in the living room. If Li Ruotai could play the piano, he would be damned.

Its just decoration!

I have asked the bodyguard to get clothes, and they will be delivered later. Would you like something to drink? Li Ruobing walked to the wine cabinet and asked while talking.

Dom Prignon P2, 2000, thank you. Wu Chen said casually.

Li Ruobing, who had just opened the door of the wine cabinet, turned her head and frowned slightly, with a slightly surprised smile on her face.

Because what Wu Chen said was her favorite champagne.

Li Ruobing was not used to serving people, but for Wu Chens performance today, she felt that pouring Wu Chen a glass of wine was nothing, it was considered a reward.

Just as Li Ruobing was pouring the wine.

Wu Chen sat in front of the piano, opened the key cover, first slid his hand on the piano, and then started to play.

Soothing and beautiful piano music played, melodious.

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