I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 123: Mom! Are You Sure You Want to Do this?!

Chapter 123: Mom! Are You Sure You Want to Do this?!

3: Mom! Are You Sure You Want to Do this?!

Mrs. Su was really furious!

If other people supported Su Qingying, she would be just shocked, but Chen Lei actually supported Su Qingying as well. This feeling of betrayal, she couldnt accept it from the emotional point of view!

Chen Lei was not an old entrepreneur of Jinfu, but she joined Jinfu Group very early. It had been almost 28 or 29 years now. She joined Jinfu Group just after graduating from university. She started as a financial clerk and was gradually reused. Until she sat where she was today!

Her 1.1% equity was distributed to her a few years after she joined the company, and the company implemented an equity incentive plan. At that time, this equity was worthless, but now it was worth hundreds of millions.

Chen Leis success in Jinfu Group was inseparable from Mrs. Sus support.

In the second year after she joined Jinfu Group, Mrs. Su married Su Ruiwen, and they met after that. The two had been friends for more than 20 years! The personal relationship was really very good, Mrs. Su trusted her very much!

And the better the personal relationship, the angry Mrs. Su would be at this moment!

Facing Mrs. Sus questioning, Chen Lei avoided Madam Sus gaze and did not respond.

She was suffering!

She couldnt help it!

If Mrs. Su knew that she tried to seduce Su Ruiwen after the second divorce, then she would really die!

Mrs. Su had a good personal relationship with her. Although it had something to do with her outstanding ability, it also had something to do with her average appearance. Dont worry about her! In fact, she regret what she did in the first place. At that time, she experienced another failed marriage and her life was at a low ebb. Su Ruiwen comforted her as a big brother, and then she became impulsive through drinking She regretted this incident very much and even felt a sense of guilt, because Mrs. Su had always been very kind to her!

But when Wu Chen talked to her, he assured her that neither Su Qingying nor Mrs. Su would know about this matter, as long as she supported Su Qingying on the board of directors. Su Qingying would only enter the private room after the two had a good talk.

Chen Lei didnt want to hurt Mrs. Su.

So she must never let Mrs. Su know about that matter. Although supporting Su Qingying was also a betrayal, it was only temporary, and they would definitely reconcile in the future Su Qingying would take over sooner or later!

Chen Lei! I need you to give me an explanation! Mrs. Su said angrily when she saw that Chen Lei was avoiding her gaze.

Chen Lei didnt say a word, she just looked at the ceiling like Yao Honglin.

Mom! Dont affect the vote! Su Qingying said at this time.

Mrs. Su looked at her daughter as if she was looking at a stranger.

Because she couldnt understand her daughter all of a sudden!

Not just her, but everyone else too!

She didnt understand, she didnt know why these people support Su Qingying! At this moment, she had a thought in her heart, that was it had been planned for a long time!

Su Qingying planned for a long time!

Some people were secretly dealt with quietly!

She didnt suddenly rebel but was prepared!

Madam Su took a deep breath and sat down slowly with a sullen face.

Continue to vote! Su Qingying turned her head and glanced, Who else supports my proposal?

Wu Chen got six people, all of them expressed their opinions, and there was no one left!

But Wu Chen told her that not everyone needed to take the initiative to talk. As long as Su Qingying could make an attitude and show her power and toughness, then some people would support Su Qingying!

Li Ruobing couldnt figure out how Wu Chen could accomplish this because she didnt know the inside of the Jinfu Group or the Su family!

But Wu Chen understood!

The conference room fell into silence for up to ten seconds!

Su Qingying didnt have enough votes.

Just when the furious Mrs. Su breathed a sigh of relief, the man sitting on the side of the conference table, who looked like Maitreya Buddha, raised his hand!

Tang Deyang!

Tang Deyangs statement on the board of directors was very important! He was the elder, he was Su Ruiwens most trusted person and closest brother!

And he turned the other way!

Mrs. Su stared at Tang Deyang, and was so angry that she almost lost her breath.

Deyang, you Mrs. Su wanted to curse.

Sister-in-law, Tang Deyang, who was overweight, comforted her slowly, Thats enough, Qingying has grown up. Look how well Qingying has done. As he spoke, Tang Deyang showed a smile.

Those supporters looked at Su Qingying with a look of relief.

They were shocked just now!

Now they were relieved!

Tang Deyang liked Su Qingying very much, its the kind of love that elders have for younger generations. Su Qingying was too good. Its a pity that his family also had a daughter, otherwise he would have wanted to marry him to her!

Su Qingying couldnot only attract a group of people to support her, but even solve some unstable factors in the group!

It referred to Yao Honglin! Yao Honglin was a close supporter of Xu Zhenyuan, the second shareholder!

And Xu Zhenyuan was that unstable factor!

Now that Yao Honglin voted for Su Qingying, Xu Zhenyuan lost an important board supporter, which really earned Tang Deyangs admiration!

And Sun Haomin!

As an independent director, he didnt have to participate, just abstain from voting, but Su Qingying even handled him as an independent director!

Tang Deyang couldnt imagine how Su Qingying managed to deal with Sun Haomin, who was an outsider?

Tang Deyang had long been dissatisfied with Mrs. Sus excessive control over Su Qingying, but its hard to say. But if Su Qingying cant stand on her own, how could she run the company well in the future?

If Su Ruiwen wouldnt be too much influenced by Mrs. Su, he could do well.

But Su Qingying listened too much to her mother and didnt have her own opinion, so something would happen in the future!

And now!

Su Qingying was not only independent, she also tried to seize power on the board of directors with strong means!

Even the thorns in the board of directors were taken care of by her!

Tang Deyang saw Su Qingyings self-reliance, ability, and courage!

The biggest problem for Su Qingying to take over the company was that she was not qualified enough and her foundation was still shallow. If there was no Su Ruiwen, although Su Qingying could successfully become the chairman, but she would definitely experience instability for a long time!

She would not have the absolute right to speak in the early stage!

Xu Zhenyuan would definitely make trouble!

But now, Tang Deyang felt that even if Su Qingying was allowed to take over the company immediately, she could handle it!

She already had all the conditions to take over!

With Yao Honglins support and the independent directors support, plus Su Ruiwens original stalwart supporters, Xu Zhenyuan couldnt make waves at all, and even Su Qingying had the ability to marginalize him!

If its like this? Why not?

This was not a bad thing for the Su family or the Jinfu Group! On the contrary, it was a great thing!

Tang Deyang would call Su Ruiwen later. He believed that his elder brother would understand him.

Just after Tang Deyang raised his hand and finished speaking, another person raised his hand, and he was also a very senior shareholder who was very close to Tang Deyang!

Nine votes!

For board resolutions, two-thirds of the votes were required for major events, and more than half of ordinary resolutions were enough!

Todays resolution was a small matter, so it only needed more than half!

Of all board members, not half were of the attendance.

This was also the reason why more than two-thirds of the board of directors should be present, because even if it was a particularly important resolution, as long as all the directors present agreed, the number of people who supported the adoption of the resolution exceeded two-thirds of the total number of people.

It didnt matter whether other people came to participate in the board of directors or not, its more than two-thirds anyway.

The Jinfu board of directors had a total of nineteen directors.

More than half was ten votes!

In other words, it was only one vote away!

Su Qingying already controlled half the country of Jinfus board of directors!

Mrs. Su was a little panicked, she couldnt hold it down anymore, she couldnt hold it down at all.

If there was another grass on the wall to support Su Qingying, it would be over!

I see who dares to raise their hands?! Mrs. Su patted the table and stood up, threatening directly!

Shes going to be mad!


Another bang on the table!

Mom! Are you sure you want to do this?! It was Su Qingying who patted the table and stood up, staring at her mother.


Final blow!

This was what Wu Chen repeatedly told her before going to bed, the final blow! Whether or not the final decision could be made was at this very moment!

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