I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 82: Finding the King

Chapter 82: Finding the King

[Luna POV]

Over the course of the next few days, we hunted for the kobold residence while we thinned out the numbers.  There were tons of kobolds, so many in fact that I even increased my level by one.  I also got a skill called hidden weapon while throwing around my throwing knives.

Soleil was also making progress.  She hit level 15 yesterday and was on par with a strong kobold leader.  She even managed to reach the point of using the explosion spell.  When she told me that, I debated whether to get her to unknowingly reference the crimson demon or the snapping alchemist, but I decided to put it off for now.

Velvet also went up three levels, hitting level 65.  She checked her stats after that and started freaking out, three more of them hit S after her level ups.  She didnt want to believe that she gained so much after such a long time of slow growth.  Her reactions also got a few quiet comments out of Soleil that she thought no one hear.

Maybe I wont have to do anything after all.  I mean Soleil seems a little enamored by Velvet.

{Well, Velvet is quite the beautiful person.  Im honestly surprised that the two of you havent been called out more on your adventure.}

Now that I think about it, youre right.  There was only that one time, and it never happened again, at least not with adventurers.

{Oh yeah, that thing happened with the prince.  What was his name again?}


{I think thats right.}

He was kind of forgettable.

We reentered the forest as I was chatting with Tamamo.  After walking a bit, I felt something weird.

Be on your guard, somethings weird. (Luna)

Weird how? (Velvet)

Its like something is trying to hide its presence, but its also making it easy to find it.  I dont know if whatever it is, is doing this deliberately or if its just bad at hiding itself.  Not to mention that there is more than one. (Luna)

Do kobolds learn stealth skills? (Soleil)

Some rarely can. (Velvet)

Some bushes rustled behind me and several stone daggers flew from it.  They were heading towards me, but I teleported a small distance away, leaving behind a puff of mist and a log.  The stone daggers bounced off the log and fell to the ground.

Fufufu.  That was fun. (Luna)

In response to that attack, I sent some ice spears in the direction the daggers came from and hit what was hiding there.  I walked over to it to find a kobold with black fur.

Should I call this a kobold assassin? (Luna)

I think so.  You said there were more, do you know where theyre at? (Velvet)

They ran when their friend was killed.  I bet theyre going to report back to the king. (Luna)

Do you know the direction they went? (Soleil)

Follow me, today is the day we commit regicide. I said as I caused some lightning to strike and thunder to sound.

Was the thunder and lightning really necessary? (Velvet)

Completely.  It adds to the dramatic effect. (Luna)

Is this how it always is on an adventure? (Soleil)

I try to make it fun. (Luna)

It certainly is never boring. (Velvet)

We continued to follow the kobold assassins trail and found a large clearing with small huts and the largest group of kobolds weve seen yet.  The place smelled horrible and it almost made me and Soleil pass out.

Big sis, can we burn this place to the ground? (Soleil)

Im tempted. (Luna)

I know it smells horrible, but we cant do that.  Soleil needs more contribution, remember? (Velvet)

But I would be the one burning everything.  It would count as a lot of contribution if I exterminated everything, right? (Soleil)

You can launch a preemptive strike with the element of surprise.  If you run out of mana, Ill give you some of mine. (Luna)

What about the assassins that should be reporting to the king? (Velvet)

They dont know we followed them.  They arent very smart, you know. (Luna)

At that moment, there was a loud howl.

If youre going to do something, do it now, Soleil.  I recommend combining your wind and fire magic. (Luna)

Soleil took in a deep breath, but I stopped her.

Were trying to make a sneak attack, not tell them our location.  Shouts are fine in a melee or head on fight; but sneaking around is different. (Luna)

Ok, Ill do it normally then. (Soleil)

She raised her hands and a tornado started to form.  She then sent in some fire magic turning it into a fire tornado, which devastated the residence.  Doing this and maintaining the tornado was taking a lot of her mana, so I put my hand on her back and gave her some of mine.

This feels weird, big sis. (Soleil)

Really, it feels nice when Tamamo does it? (Luna)

{Thats because were more compatible with each other.  There is also the fact that you and Soleil dont share any magic affinities.}

Velvet, take over. (Luna)

Why? (Velvet)

Because you and Soleil share a fire affinity.  Itll be a smoother process if you do this. (Luna)

Fine. (Velvet)

She placed a hand on Soleils back and started to share her mana with her.

This feels way better.  Its all warm and fuzzy and stuff. (Soleil)

The tornado kept up its destruction for several more minutes until a giant, for a kobold, kobold came out.  It let out a howl louder than earlier.  This howl must have had an intimidation effect, because it disrupted Soleils concentration, stopping the tornado.

Sorry about that. (Soleil)

Its fine.  You did good. (Velvet)

Id say you took out most of the rabble, the only ones left are the higher levelled ones. (Luna)

How do you want to proceed? (Velvet)

You two can take on the king, Ill keep the others out of your way. (Luna)

Sounds good to me.  What about you, Soleil? (Velvet)

Ill do my best. (Soleil)

Perfect, then Ill prepare the stage. (Luna)

I surrounded the area in mist and jumped into it.

All of the others are trapped in the mist and the king is in the middle.  Have fun. (Luna)

Lets get this over with. (Velvet)

Lets. (Soleil)

Author's Note:

Luna: I'm kind of shocked that I'm not compatible with Soleil.

Tamamo: That doesn't mean much you know, it's just some of the intricacies of mana.

Luna: That's good to know.  It's also good to know that Velvet and Soleil are compatible.

Tamamo: You really like the idea of them being together, don't you?

Luna: Of course, I want the best for Soleil, and Velvet is the best person I know.

Tamamo: Oh, but what about Pneuma or prince what's-his-face?

Luna: I wouldn't want to put Soleil through all that.  Royalty has too many things holding them down, and Soleil shines brighter while free.

Tamamo: You shine just as brightly.

Luna: I'm still dull compared to you.

Tamamo: Ufufufufu.  I disagree, you're brighter than I've ever been.

Can the two of you save the flirting for later.

Luna and Tamamo: No.


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