I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 69: A Break from the Dungeon

Chapter 69: A Break from the Dungeon

[Luna POV]

We continued our casual jaunt through the easy floors of the dungeon and were about to start the second half.  From Nias information, the floors we were closing in on start to be bigger and have environments different from the surface and cave.  Right now, we were on the stairs that led to floor 26.  We just finished fighting what could be considered the mid-boss of the dungeon which was a manticore.

Killing that thing was enough to raise my level by one.  Now my stats looked like this:

Name: Luna

Race: Kitsune(Two-tailed)

Sex: Female

Level: 22

Class: Quad-mage

HP: 100%-S

MP: 100%- SS

Vit: A

Def: B+

Res: A+

Str: A+

Int: S

Agi: S

Dex: S

Skills: Presence detection, Trap detection, Trap disarming, Trap creation, Dagger LV. 9, Short sword LV. 10, Archery LV.10, Poison crafting, Appraisal LV.10, Mana Regeneration LV.10, Stealth LV.9, Cooking LV.8, Sewing LV.7, Sleep Resistance LV.10, Restraint LV.10, Brushing Technique LV.10, Telepathy LV.8, Intimidation LV.4, Parallel Processing, Cartography LV.4

Magic Skills: Ice Magic LV.10, Lightning Magic LV.10, Healing Magic LV.10, Space Magic LV.10

Race Skills: Illusion Magic LV.10, Spirit Vision, Fox Fire, Fox Transformation, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Physical Strength

Unique Skills: Status Effect Immunity, Ice Mist, Language Comprehension, Infinite Inventory, Divine Fluff Technique

Blessings, Divine Protection, and Titles:

Divine Protection of the Moon Goddess, Reincarnated, Fated One of the Moon Goddess, Abyssal Fluff, Master of Ice, Master of Lightning, Master of Illusions, Short sword Master, Magic Swordsman, Master Healer, Master of Space, Sage, Master Archer, Trap Master: Dismantling

Depth:[email protected]#%^#%

I need to work on some of my skills, Im not a fan of some of these not being maxed out. (Luna)

Thats weird Luna.  You realize skills are supposed to be hard to level after level five, right? (Velvet)

Velvet, this is one of those things you need to give up on with Luna.  Im actually surprised she hasnt already maxed out every skill she has. (Nia)

Well, I dont have many opportunities to level stuff like cooking or sewing since, in the case of cooking, I have several meals I made stored in my inventory.  As for sewing, I just havent bought any materials to do that.  By the time were done with this dungeon Ill have cartography close to max, probably. (Luna)

I knew you had the cooking skill, but I didnt know you had the sewing skill. (Velvet)

It was a skill that Ana was adamant about me learning.  Something about it being good for more than just making decorative things and making clothes. (Luna)

Actually, its a skill we make the knights learn as well.  It makes it easier to provide first aid on a battlefield. (Nia)

Huh, Ive never thought of it that way since I have healing magic. (Luna)

Well, I think you were taught that skill for cases where you dont have enough mana to use healing magic, but you recover mana at too fast a pace to worry about that. (Nia)

Its still possible for me to run out of mana, you know.  Like if I teleported from right here, I would run dry just teleporting myself.  Also making physical illusions takes a stupid amount.  Once I run out completely, it takes longer to regenerate it. (Luna)

Didnt you tell me you made a lot of really big physical illusions one time when you went to see the Goddess? (Velvet)

That was different, that time Tamamo provided the mana, and I conjured the illusions. (Luna)

Come to think of it, do gods have a limited mana pool? (Nia)


Tamamo said no. (Luna)

Honestly, I cant imagine the things youll do with infinite mana, Luna. (Velvet)

I wont do that many crazy things.  I think. (Luna)

Thats one of the things you need to be certain about. (Velvet)

We reached the bottom of the stairs and the first thing I thought when I saw the floor we just entered was: white.  I looked up and saw an image of the sky, the ground in front of us was filled with snow and there was a coniferous forest in the distance.  At that moment, I had a strong urge to transform into my fox form and dive headfirst into the snow, but I held back.

To think the first time I see snow in this world would be in a dungeon. (Luna)

Yeah, Savanna doesnt ever get snow so this is a nice surprise. (Velvet)

A breeze blew across the area we were at and I noticed that Nia and Velvet were shivering.

Are the two of you ok? (Luna)

Its really cold.  How are you fine? (Nia)

I have two ice related skills that make can make this cold feel hot in comparison. (Luna)

Didnt you tell me that you arent affected by the temperature of that skill.  By that logic, you should be able to feel how cold it is here since this cold isnt from that skill. (Velvet)

Hmm. I think I worded that explanation wrong, then.  What I meant when I said that is that Im not affected by any cold.  I can tell that it is cold, but I wont be negatively affected by it. (Luna)

How nice. (Nia)

As usual, I scanned the area with space magic and learned that I wont cover the entire floor anymore.  I also found something weird, there was a structure just a little bit away from us.

I found something weird, lets go see what it is before we head back for the day. (Luna)


We walked towards the structure and found a temple-like building made of stone.  Outside of the building was a cheap looking wooden sign.  There was a message written on it that said:

[Hey Luna, good to see that you got that problem you were having solved.  I put this building here in hopes you could help me with something.  Inside youll find several pillars of orichalcum set up in a circle.  I was hoping you could enchant them with space magic to allow for teleportation.

Since I knew you would be reaching here today, I sent Tomoe and a few more people to the guild branch by the dungeon to set up the second half of this construct.  As a service, Ive temporarily decreased the atmospheric mana inside the building to allow you to teleport from that floor to the surface and connect the two places.  If this works well, Ill ask you to help with more of these when you get the Authority over space.


What are you going to do, Luna? (Nia)

Ill do it, but I hope he realized that Im trying to keep my space magic a secret as much as possible. (Luna)

As I said these words, another sign appeared next to the first one.

[I know that, once youre done enchanting the pillars, teleport to the entrance.  The only person that will be there is Tomoe.]

So Grey, how long have you been listening to us? (Luna)

A third sign appeared.

[No comment.]

Are you done messing around Luna?  If you are, can you please hurry, its getting too cold for me to handle. (Velvet)

On it. (Luna)

I walked into the stone building and saw seven orichalcum pillars in the center of the room.  I put my hand on one and started enchanting.  It took a few minutes since I had to slightly modify the way the spell worked to make these pillars an anchor, but the sage and master of space titles helped cut down on the time that would take.  Once I finished with the first pillar, I moved onto the rest.

When I finished enchanting all of them, I grabbed onto Nia and Velvet and teleported to the surface.  Once there, I immediately saw Tomoe waiting for us.  We went over to greet her and after that she led us to the receiving pillars.  I enchanted them with the required enchantments and now there was a way to easily access the second half of the dungeon without going through the first half.

Thank you for this, Miss Luna, you dont know how much this will help the guild. (Tomoe)

Its fine, I did this as a favor to Grey, so you dont need to be the one to thank me. (Luna)

Right, I almost forgot.  The three of you should take these. She handed each of us a small metal tag.  Show these to the guild branch and youll be allowed to use this shortcut whenever you want for free.

I see, he already had the idea to get adventurers to pay to use this. (Nia)

Yes, Princess Nia.  The grand master has wanted to do something like this for a while, but there hasnt been a good enough space magic user around until Miss Luna came along. (Tomoe)

Is there anything else I need to do? (Luna)

Not that I know of. (Tomoe)

We chatted with Tomoe some more until the other guild staff that came here with her showed up.  They told her that she was needed to finalize some things in the guild branch.

It seems like I have to end our chat here.  Please come and talk with me again the next time youre all in the capital. (Tomoe)

As Tomoe walked away, I turned toward Nia and Velvet and asked if they wanted to do anything the rest of the day.

Well, since we have a lot of time now, how about we relax some?  We have been diving nonstop for a while and need a break. (Nia)

I second this decision. (Velvet)

Then a break we shall take.  Ill even ask the inn owner if I can borrow the kitchen and cook something. (Luna)

Didnt you say you have a lot of food in your inventory? (Velvet)

I do but eating that wont raise the skill level. (Luna)

If I can make a request, please dont ruin normal cooking for me. (Nia)

Dont worry Nia, as of now, Im only at the level that you usually get in the castle. (Luna)

Thats fine, then. (Nia)

Is it though? (Velvet)

We headed to the inn while having this conversation.  When we got there, I asked the owner and he agreed to my request after I paid him some extra and promised him that he could have some as well.  I spent the rest of the day cooking, and the others ate what I made.  At one point Tomoe and the other guild employees Grey sent here entered the inn and joined in.

After a while, the whole thing turned into a big commotion for some reason, but I didnt care since it was fun.  Just before I finished for the night, I decided to make some things for me and Tamamo since the full moon was coming up in a few days.

Tamamo, you like fried tofu, right?

{Its my favorite.}

Then we will have as much as my ingredients allow.

{Oh.  Lunas home cooking, how nice.}

Well, you did ask me to pamper you this time, so why not go all out?

{Ufufufufu.  I didnt think you would take it that seriously.}

Of course, I would.  Id do anything for you Tamamo.  Be it pamper you, sleep next to you, create an Authority to match with you, anything.

{Id do the same for you Luna.}

I cooked up a literal mountain of fried tofu to share with Tamamo and then went to the room we were staying in to turn in for the night.  Nia and Velvet were already there and were getting ready to go to bed.

Finally finished? (Velvet)

Yeah, I was just making some things for me and Tamamo.  Now Im all out of ingredients for fried tofu. I said as I pulled out my letter boxes to send out my daily letters.  I noticed that there was one waiting for me when I opened it.  I looked it over and saw it was from Uncle Rex.

Nia, Uncle Rex sent a letter. (Luna)

Let me see it. (Nia)

I handed her the letter and she broke its seal and read it.

It seems like we need to extend our break for a few days. (Nia)

Why? (Velvet)

Drome is announcing Pneuma becoming the crown princess and I need to be there. (Nia)

Want to leave tomorrow? (Luna)

That would be best.  Rex sent this assuming we would teleport back. (Nia)

When is the announcement? (Velvet)

Two days from now.  There will be another noble party after it as well.  Will you be coming to that, Luna? (Nia)

If you want me to, Ill come to the announcement, but I cant go to the party.  That night is the full moon. (Luna)

Thats fine, though youll have to attend the announcement as Luna Reed, the daughter of Marquis Deacon Reed, not Luna the adventurer, since only nobles are allowed in the announcement venue. (Nia)

And the dress code? (Luna)

Formal dress.  I can have one prepared for you just before the event. (Nia)

Want me to include that in the letters I send out tonight? (Luna)

Sure. Just hand me some paper. (Nia)

Since this is an important event should I attend as a Belmont? (Velvet)

Is that something you do? (Luna)

It would be in Savanna.  Elizabeth will probably be there, so I thought I might as well go. (Velvet)

Then Ill ask for another dress to be made. (Nia)

Me and Nia quickly wrote the letters and I sent them off.  I then started to get ready for bed when Nia asked me something else.

Before I forget again, Luna, since Pneuma will be the ruler of the country in the future, shell eventually learn about the secrets you told Drome.  Do you want to let her know after she officially becomes queen or after the announcement? (Nia)

I doubt itll change much either way, but I guess I dont mind letting her know early.  Just let me take part in the conversation when it happens. (Luna)

I was never going to exclude you from that. (Nia)

We discussed a few more things then we all went to sleep.  The night went quickly and the next day we left the inn for a while.  Before we set off again, the inn owner told me that the next time we came back, he would make something on par with what I made the night before.

Once we made it far enough from any prying eyes, I teleported us to Nias villa.  The second we appeared, Bas was already there to greet us.

Welcome back.  Princess Nia, the king has asked to see you when you arrived back.

Thank you Bas, Ill head over there right away.  Luna, Velvet, Ill be back later. (Nia)


[Nia POV]

I made my way to Dromes office and knocked on the door.

Youre already back, Nia? He said when I entered.

Yes, Lunas space magic is really handy.  What did you need to talk to me about?

The things we discussed with Pneuma about Lady Lunas secrets.

She agreed to tell Pneuma after the announcement.  She and Velvet will also attend the announcement, but not the party afterward.

Lady Belmont will also come?

She said that she would since its the announcement of a successor to the throne.  She also said that the Bthory clans leader would be there.

I knew about that.  They are, for all intents and purposes, this countrys black ops after all.  I just wonder how she will be there during the day.

Probably the same way Velvet walks around under the sun.

Why wont they attend the party afterward?

Velvet hates parties like that for the same reason I did when I was younger.  As for Luna, she has prior arrangements.  I think we can have the discussion with Pneuma the day after.

Alright, well hold the discussion in your villa.

Sounds good.

With the business side of things done, how has the dungeon diving been?

Good.  We managed to reach floor 26 yesterday.

Thats fast.  Are the two of them that strong, or are you the one doing most of the work?

No, if anything, Luna is the one who has done more work.  Shes the only one out of the three of us that can do anything with traps.  We were on the fifth floor last week and it had more traps than normal.

What do you mean by that?

We couldnt go two steps without running into a trap.

Do you need to report that to the guild?

No, all of that had something to do with Lunas circumstances and its been taken care of.

Ill leave it at that then.  Do you know a rough time youll be done with clearing the dungeon?

If absolutely nothing goes wrong, then well finish by the new year.

Thats sooner than I expected.

Well, the grand master prepared something thatll make it easier to get to the deeper part of the dungeon faster recently, so that will take away a lot of the travel time.

I havent heard anything about that.

Well, it only happened yesterday, so youll probably get a report sooner or later.  Is there anything else you needed from me?

No.  Ill inform Pneuma about what we talked about in a bit.  What are you going to do now?

Im going to see the queen for a bit.  I sent a letter to Rex last night asking him to deliver a request to her.

Oh.  Did you use one of those letter boxes that the adventurers guild started using recently?

Yes.  Though I used Lunas personal one.

She has a personal letter box?

Naturally.  Shes the one who invented them.

Do you think shell consider making a few for the kingdom?

If you make it a request through the guild and prepare the materials beforehand.

Ill do that at a later time then.

Now if youll excuse me, Ill go.

Very well.

I left Dromes office to find the queen when I ran into her walking in my direction.

Why if it isnt Nia.

Hello Mythra.

Will you lead me to the two that you wanted me to make dresses for?  I need to see them in person in order to see what will work for them.

Follow me then.  I think youll be overjoyed when you meet them, especially Luna.

Ive been meaning to ask to meet her for a while.  I need to apologize to her for my foolish sons actions.

I think it would be better to leave it alone.

I cant do that, Nia.  Its something that needs to be done and I know if Zeke himself tried, it wouldnt end well.

Suit yourself.  Ill let you know now that all you should do is apologize and move on, dont drag it out.

Ill do that.  Onto other matters, what kind of dresses do you think they will like?

Ill leave the final decision to you and them, but for Luna, try not to make it stand out too much.


We dont want another incident like Zekes.

I understand, Ill try to make her dress as modest as possible.

We continued this conversation all the way back to my villa.  When Mythra met Luna and Velvet, she got really excited.  The only times she got this way was when she made dresses for Pneuma, so I knew she probably forgot what we discussed on the way here.  After that, things went quickly and she finished the dresses in record time and the day for the announcement arrived.

Author's Note:

Atmos: Hey Luna, tell me how you're going to pamper Tamamo.

Luna: I refuse.  Let me have my Tamamo time for myself.

Atmos: C'mon, I'll give you a bow that shoots arrows that only aim for the knee.

Luna: Give something like that to Lia or Apollo.

Atmos: But those two won't understand the joke.

Luna: Do you even understand the joke?

Atmos: No, but you, Grey, and Blake do.

Me and the readers do as well.

Atmos: Then will you tell me Author?


Atmos: Gah! Fine, I'll just watch from here then.

Tamamo: No you won't.


Luna: Where did you send her, Tamamo?

Tamamo: The Atmos isolation room.  That's where we send her when she gets too prank happy.

To think that there was a room just for that.

Tamamo: It was necessary after she got the idea that it was funny to throw cakes in everyone's faces.  That was a horrible 100 years.

I'll guard the door for you then.

Tamamo and Luna: Thanks.

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