I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 56: The Celestia Kingdom Capital

Chapter 56: The Celestia Kingdom Capital

[Luna POV]

After the scorpanther attack, nothing else happened and we were making great time.  We made it close to the capital of the Celestia Kingdom several days early.  Right now, we were traveling down the road and surrounded by sprawling fields of golden wheat.  We could see the city in the distance and would make it there in a few hours.  I was excited to know that we would end the day in the city since tonight is also a full moon.

It feels like the last full moon was just yesterday.

{Ufufu.  You have been relatively busy, so you didnt notice how fast the time was going by.}

Fufufu.  True, but now I get to see you again, so its fine by me.

Me and Tamamo started laughing with each other while the rest of our travelling companions looked at me funny.

Velvet lass, do you know why Luna lass gets like this?  Last time we traveled together, she got real expressive at times, but now its even more than that time. (Jarl)

She gets like this when she thinks of her future wife so I would just ignore it. (Velvet)

Shes spoken for, eh?  I feel pity for the guys that are gonna try and pick her up here. (Apollo)

Do you think that will happen often, Apollo? (Velvet)

Hmm.  It will happen, but not as much as it does in Savanna or the Demon Empire, and out of those two, it will happen even more often in the Demon Empire. (Apollo)

Im surprised that Savanna is one of the places that will happen often in, I lived in the capital all my life and was only rarely called out to for something like that.  Luna was only once, but the one who did that lost an arm. (Velvet)

Jarl and his party opened their eyes wide when the heard that.

I heard about something like that, it was some noble or something, right? (Jarl)

Yeah, he thought it would be a good idea to grab Luna by the tail and try to pick her up in the most arrogant way he could. (Velvet)

He deserved what he got then. (Apollo)

To be fair, I wasnt really in a good state of mind at the time.  I normally would have stopped at him losing a hand instead of his whole arm. (Luna)

Why even go that far? (Jarl)

Special circumstances.  Lets just say that I did him a favor, if he still had that arm, his life would be a lot harder than it is now.  And I dont want someone stalking me everywhere I go.  (Luna)

I wont ask anymore then. (Jarl)

We continued to chat and after a few hours, we made it to the gate of the city.  We spent a little time in the inspection line and entered the city.

Hey Jarl, should we all report to the guild today or tomorrow since the day is almost over? I asked while receiving my partys quest completion form.

Id say tomorrow, if we all went now, we would spend at least two hours before a spot at the reception desk opened due to all the other adventurers coming in at this time.

So, now is about the time for the evening horde, thats a good piece of information.

I dont think Ive ever heard someone call a large amount of adventurers a horde, but its real fitting.

Got any inn recommendations?

Just follow us and well show you a good one.

We finished our business with the merchant we were escorting and followed Jarl and his party to an inn.  I got me and Velvet a room with two beds for one night and we parted ways with Jarls party.

Hey Luna, why did you only ask for the room for one night? Velvet asked with confusion in her voice.

Because I have some family in this city, and we will probably end up staying there after tonight.

I opened the door to our room and picked a bed.  I jumped onto it and immediately started to lose consciousness, before I did, I spoke to Velvet one more time.

See you in the morning Velvet, Ill be going to see Tamamo now.

Have fun.

Iwill. Was all I could say before completely losing consciousness.

When my consciousness returned, I was receiving a lap pillow from Tamamo.  Before she could say anything, I got up and kissed her.  She reciprocated and we spent some time doing that.  Before we got completely lost in it, Atmos spoke up.

While I wouldnt mind sitting here watching, I dont think either of you would like that, so will you allow me to brush a tail and leave, Luna?

When I heard Atmoss voice, I remembered the arrangement we made for tonight.  I broke away from Tamamo, my face boiling.  I glanced at Tamamo and saw that her face was equally as red as mine.  It seems that she also completely forgot Atmos was here.

Hehehehehe.  Now those are some nice expressions you have there.  I cant wait to use this to tease the two of you in the future.

While Atmos was laughing away, I turned to Tamamo and asked; I know this is completely my fault, but is there a way to force her to forget this?

{Unfortunately not, until something else takes her attention away from just now, she probably wont let us live this down for a long time.}

Then I have no choice but to let her feel the full Abyss and see if that helps us.

I stood up from where I was sitting and walked over to Atmos.  I pulled out one of my brushes and handed it to her.  She immediately took it and started brushing.  The second she started; she became completely entranced.

Tamamo, you werent kidding when you said that this was one of the best things in all existence.

{I would never lie when it comes to Luna.  Now, immerse yourself for a little bit and forget everything else that happened so far.}

That actually might happen.  Luna, can I ask to let me sleep in your tails when you get nine of them and your fox form grows big enough?

As long as you let Tamamo do that first, then I dont mind.

Really!?  I was kind of expecting you to refuse.

Did Tamamo not tell you that Im letting my family experience the fluff?

She did.

Arent you considered Tamamos sister?

I am.

Then that makes you my family as well, doesnt it?

It does.

Then why would I not let you experience the fluff?

She didnt say anything and just hugged me.  After a few minutes she returned to brushing my tail.  I gave Tamamo a look and she gave me a thumbs up.

Looks like I managed to get her to forget what happened earlier.

I handed Tamamo her usual brush and she started brushing my other tail.  I was brushing hers and we spent about an hour doing that.  As I was moving on to Tamamos ninth tail, Atmos finished brushing my tail and handed me back the brush.

Thank you very much Luna, this has been a worthwhile experience.

Are you ok, Atmos?  You seem different than normal.

Im fine, I just need to contemplate over how I can improve on my brushing, it doesnt do your tails justice with my meager skill.

I thought over the past hour and ran my hand over my tail a few times and tried to give her some advice.

Next time I let you do this, try brushing slower.  You did good for the most part, but the places on my tail that you brushed at the beginning are less soft than the rest.

She put her hand on her chin, making her look like The Thinker, and then said; Ill try that next time.  Im going now, but dont get too crazy ok.  After that, she left in a flash of light.

Now, what shall we do, continue what we were doing earlier, or cuddle?

{Hmm.  Both?}

I gave Tamamos answer a second of thought and said, Both is good,  while jumping into her arms and stealing her lips.

I had no clue how long we were like that, but before I knew it, I started shining.

I guess its time for me to go.  What a shame.

{Ufufufu.  You say the same thing every time.}

And its true, every time.

{I know, but you also have some important things to take care of today.}

Right, Im finally going to confront Them today.  I wonder how that will go?

{Do you still hate them?}

Indifferent.  That happened a long time ago.  Im still going kill them, but I dont think Ill feel any different than I do now.  At most, Ill get some schadenfreude when I tell them who I am.  The hardest thing for me here will be going through the dungeon.

{I know youll be fine.}

After saying that, Tamamo hugged me tighter, and I returned to the mortal world.  I woke up in the bed I was laying on and looked over to the window.  The sun was coming over the horizon and gave a nice backdrop for the floating castle in the center of the city.

I forgot how pretty this city was, though I never got a real good look from the ground.

{While I agree that this city does look pretty, itll never match you, Luna.}

Fufufu.  I was about to say the same about you, Tamamo.

We continued to talk when I heard Velvet start to wake up.

Morning Velvet.

Nnn.  HelloLuna.

Velvet still seemed to be half asleep, which was kind of funny.

Did youhavefun?


Imjealous I wanttohavesomeone like thatone day.

You will, Ill make sure of it.

ThanksJustmake suretheyarefine with itfirst.  Illconsider itthen.

After saying that, she fell back asleep.

I wonder if shell remember this conversation when she actually wakes up?

{If she doesnt, well remind her at some point later.}

Youre right.  Should I actually wake her up now?

{Let her sleep a bit longer.  Did you ever give Nia one of those letter boxes that you gave Soleil?}

I sent her one at one point, but I havent sent her many letters since she and Uncle Rex always seem too busy to answer back.  Why?

{You should probably send them a letter saying youre in the city and what youll be doing today.}

Ill get on that then, maybe Velvet will wake up by the time I finish that.

I started on writing the letter to Nia and sent it off.  I was about to leave the room to get something to eat when Velvet woke up again.  This time, however, she was actually awake.

Morning Luna.  How did it go last night?

It went well, Atmos was there for a bit, but she didnt stay long.  By the way, do you remember anything from earlier?

What do you mean?

Nothing, just ignore that.  Get ready to go, well be a bit busy for a bit today.

What do you mean?

We get to see some false heroes today.


Just then, my letter box shone a little letting me know I got a reply.  I took the letter out and read it.

[Hey Luna, thanks for letting me know youre here.  Ill be at the guild in an hour, so meet me there.  We can discuss how to go about everything today then.  As for living arrangements, you and your friend can stay with us for as long as youre here.

See you soon,


Lets get some breakfast Velvet, well meet Nia at the guild in an hour.


She got ready to go and we went in search of food.

Author's Note:

Hey all, sorry for the lack of chapters recently finals are close.  I'll try to put out a few today and tomorrow so I hope you all understand.  On another note, I hope you all enjoyed the fluff in this chapter.  Thanks for reading.

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