I Want To Lay the Very Best!

247 – A Foot Out the Door (18+)

247 – A Foot Out the Door (18+)


The door slammed against the wall, making the whole room shake and a picture fell off and slid behind the bed. Brandy gasped as they spilled out onto the carpet of their Poké-center room. A cushion of wind broke their fall, but she had no time to recover before Morgan was on top of her, pressing her down with their weight and continuing to kiss her frantically. Morgan had raced them home through the skies and let Brandy run through the corridors of the Poké-center. They'd gotten a few cheers and whistles; the staff knew a Pokémon about to fuck their partner senseless when they saw it. It made sense to cheer. It was good for business, after all.  

Brandy slapped the keycard against Morgan's side. Morgan had been excited to return, but the moment they'd finally stopped, she'd pounced on Brandy and driven her right through the door. Brandy was covered in feathers from head to toe, her legs still half hanging outside their room as Morgan tried to strip Brandy with her teeth. She was holding back a laugh at just how ridiculously horny Morgan was, 

"I want you so badly," Morgan moaned between kisses, ignoring Brandy's keycard slaps as she tussled with her trainer. "Oh, fuck, I love you, I love you so much, I love you..."

"Morgan, calm down," Brandy said. She pushed back the rim of Morgan's hat that was messing up her hair and smiled at the lust-drunk Murkrow. "I'm all yours, and we have the room all night."

Morgan paused for a second, breathing hard. They blinked a few times, and then a sly smile crossed their beak. "You're all mine?"

Brandy's heart skipped a beat at the assertive punch in Morgan's words, her cheeks turning rosy. She swallowed, but her mouth was suddenly dry. "All yours," she whispered.

"Then why are you still dressed?"

Morgan's eyes were hungry. She grabbed the hem of Brandy's skirt and pulled it off, throwing it into the corridor outside. The skirt had barely even landed before Morgan's lips were on her inner thigh, teeth nipping and pecking at the sensitive flesh. Brandy's head was spinning at the speed of it all, her whole body feeling light and fuzzy, and the Dark energy infused in Morgan's bites made them sinfully pleasurable. 

All Brandy could do was moan. It was just that good; it robbed her muscles of any strength. Just when she felt like she'd pop, Morgan moved on, leaving her panting for air and desperately wanting more. Her tongue trailed along Brandy's legs, clearly loving the taste of every inch until her face was fully pressed between Brandy's thighs. Brandy squeezed. 

"Got you." Brandy taunted.

Morgan's tongue flicked against her panties and gave a dirty laugh as Brandy's hips jumped at the sensation. She effortlessly wriggled out of Brandy's trap and kissed her way up to Brandy's belly button. 

"You've had me quite a while, Brandy, but tonight, you'll finally get all I can give."

She sounded ravenous and in no rush to get Brandy to bed. They were in a Poké-center. Public sex was a little embarrassing here, but it was a place for adults. It wasn't going to get them in trouble. The idea that anyone could walk by and see them was exciting in a way that Brandy wasn't entirely used to. She'd been in a Tournament and had hundreds, maybe thousands, people watch her have sex, so it wasn't the act of being observed that thrilled her. It was that someone finding them here would be getting an unexpected show, a sneak peek at what was planned to be a private moment. 

Morgan's head came up, though all her work was obscured by her witch's hat. Brandy had to go by feeling, like the pressure of a mouth on her stomach, the wet sensation of a tongue tracing down her navel and dipping under the fabric of her panties, just above her pussy. Morgan was taking their time to tease her now, enjoying the anticipation.

 "How should I fuck, my beautiful, lovely, sexy trainer?" Morgan whispered. "Do I rip off her underwear and lick her pussy until she cums? Or do I carry her over to that bed and fuck her until we break it? Choices."


Morgan tugged down Brandy's panties and dragged her tongue through her folds. Whatever Brandy had been about to say was lost to her moan as she felt the slick muscle slip through her. Her mind went blank, and all that was left was the hot sensation of Morgan's tongue working over her. She was good, really good, either her Super Lucky ability in play or just sheer practice, but it didn't matter because Brandy was losing it.

"I wasn't asking you," Morgan said after she came up for air, smacking her lips loudly like she was chewing down on the taste of Brandy. "I was thinking out loud. You just keep looking like a tasty treat for me and let your wise Unovan girlfriend figure everything out."

Morgan's tongue lapped against her folds, and Brandy shuddered, a weak whine escaping her. That tongue kept moving inside her, exploring the surface of her pussy, finding the most sensitive parts of her so fast it was uncanny. She was using Super Luck on her, and Brandy was eager to inherit these particular benefits. Morgan was using it as a kind of assisted learning for pussy eating. She didn't know how to make Brandy squirm yet, but Super Luck let her hit the right notes anyway. It'd be even better once Morgan knew how to take her apart and could spare the luck for other things. 

Like the hands that had found her tits, they weren't getting the benefit of Super Luck. They were squeezing and caressing with gleeful abandon, and it still felt good to be mauled like this. Stipping Brandy's top off for better access was an even less elegant act than below. Morgan just pulled off buttons until the shirt parted. Her fingers danced along Brandy's bra, tracing the edges of her breasts, following the seam until she made it all disappear off her in a burst of black feathers. 

"How?" Brandy gasped, "You can't teleport others."

"You thought it was more mine than yours," Morgan said.

Fascinating. If Brandy felt she was completely Morgan's, did that mean the Murkrow could teleport her with Astonish? It wasn't impossible. Other people had done that over the years, but their explanations for how never matched up. It seemed unique to each Pokémon, and Brandy would have to research it afterward.

Morgan clearly felt Brandy's mind wandering, and a thorough breast massage with some digs into her nipples from the Murkrow's fingernails brought her attention screaming back.

"I can tell what you're thinking. You want to be mine," Morgan growled. "I'm going to make sure you know that right down to your bones."

Brandy shivered at Morgan's words. Morgan's voice was so deep and possessive. She'd had a good run tonight being assertive and helping Morgan admit her feelings; this felt like a reward, and she was going to indulge. She felt her own wetness coating her thighs as her partner's breath brushed against her bare skin.

"Say it. Say you're mine."

"I'm yours," Brandy said, "All yours."

"To do with as I want?" Morgan growled, "My toy for tonight? My plaything?"

"Yes," Brandy whispered. "All of that."

Morgan crawled Brandy's body, her teeth shining as she pinned Brandy's arms to the ground with her wrists. "You're not going to regret this."

Brandy felt Morgan's weight on her and couldn't resist as her girlfriend started to kiss her neck, her breath hitching with excitement. It felt like she was floating again. The only thing holding her down was the heavy press of Morgan's body. The anchor of her stiff cock brushed against her stomach. She didn't feel scared; she knew she was safe with Morgan, and there was something exhilarating about being under Murkrow's spell.

Brandy whined as the Murkrow's teeth started to bite her neck, making her shiver. "Fuck, Morgan, please. I-I need it."

"Oh, you're going to get it," Morgan purred. "You've told me to embrace my feelings, so I'm going to let them run wild tonight." 

The Murkrow's fingernails scratched up Brandy's thigh, leaving a trail of red marks. They hooked onto the hem of her panties, and Brandy heard a faint tear, the sound of thin fabric giving way. The next moment, her panties were gone, bursting apart in a flurry of feathers. 

"What an interesting trick."

That wasn't Morgan speaking. The shock made Brandy push her head up to look at who it was, but Morgan's hat blocked her vision. She knew she was hanging out in the hallway; the door was open. People wandering by were expected, but she hadn't expected them to comment! Morgan didn't seem to care. She was lost entirely in Brandy's body, biting and licking with gleeful abandon. Her cock was rubbing against Brandy's thigh as she tried to line herself up, though she was far too excited to do it without a hand down there to help.

"Who is that?" Brandy gasped.

"No idea. Don't care," Morgan said between licks.

"Oof, I've not been dismissed like that for a while." the familiar voice said. Confident, cocky, effortlessly proud.

Oh no. 

"Mercury?" Brandy groaned. "This isn't a good time."

"I disagree. This looks like a really good time." Mercury laughed. "I felt the presence of a Murkrow and wanted to meet the terror you unleashed in the tournament. This is better than I could have imagined, though."

"Well, use that imagination to jerk yourself off tonight," Morgan said as she stroked her fingers in Brandy's palms, staring up at her with a hunger that made Brandy's insides quiver. "This beauty is all mine."

Telling Mercury to just fuck off was kind of hot. Morgan sounded utterly sure she could handle her, and Brandy thought she stood a good chance. Dark Types were powerful against Psychic Types, and Morgan was a powerful Pokémon on top of that. 

Mercury was infamous, but she might get humbled today if she pushed her luck. However, Mercury wouldn't let that stop her; she leaned into the room. Brandy could see her rainbow hair flowing around the edge of Morgan's hat. "I do love feisty. How about a challenge?"

"Mercury," Brandy clucked her tongue. "This is Morgan's night. She tells you to go, you go."

"... what kind of challenge?”

Of course, Mercury knew precisely what'd grab Morgan's attention. 

"Out of respect, I won't touch either of you tonight. I'll even keep quiet," Mercury sounded so smug, but Brandy knew she wasn't much of a liar. She was too self-confident to do that. "But if you pound Brandy hard enough that even I'm impressed? I'll give you both something that'll make this night completely unforgettable. Make Brandy mewl in ways even your Foul Play can't pull off."

"Oh, you're going to be impressed," Morgan grinned. "Get in, close the door, and if your beautiful ass annoys me even slightly, you're leaving." The wind whipped up in the room, making Mercury's hair whip to one side, the floorboards creaking as her weight slid along the ground. "Through the window. Deal?"

"Deal," Mercury said, making Brandy's heart jump as she felt the pair of them being lifted up by a purple light and planted on the soft mattress of the bed. The click of the door lock made her heart skip a beat.  She'd expected Morgan to go wild, but a competitive Morgan?

She really was going to find out what Ceridwen went through. 

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