I Want To Lay the Very Best!

245 – Knot a Problem

245 – Knot a Problem

Tail flicking back and forth, the purple-furred Purrloin was absolutely luxuriating in Brandy's indecision. 

Morgan was no help either; a sly smile on her lips and a quirk of an eyebrow was all Brandy got out of the Murkrow when she looked for help. Morgan loved to set Brandy these odd little challenges. Usually, that'd be Poison behavior, but unlike Poison Types, Brandy never felt like Morgan cared if Brandy won or lost. She just loved the games themselves. Whether it was bouncing coins off Brandy's butt or watching Brandy lose a completely rigged card game, her delight came from Brandy's willingness to play. To indulge Morgan in her flights of fancy, even if they might be embarrassing or, in this case, financially ruinous. 

Brandy wouldn't spend a small fortune on a kiss just to get a Murkrow plushy, and Morgan knew that. The game was getting Brandy to find another way. The first step was learning more about the Purrloin. Brandy was proud of her ability to please Pokémon, and she just had to do it without giving up completely this time.

Wait. Maybe this was actually a lesson. Her Murkrow partner really was a mystery sometimes.

"Before I make you the richest catgirl in Galar," Brandy said, "What's your name?"

"Purrloin,"  the Purrloin said with a fangy smirk. She was lucky her cat ears were so cute, or Brandy might have just left in embarrassment at that. 

"You're a wild Pokémon?"

"Absolutely feral"

That made sense. Purrloin were a pure Dark Type. They were driven by their instincts, and not easy to settle down. A carnival game that was barely a game and more just an excuse to get paid by pretty women to do what you wanted to do anyway? Perfect for them. 

Purr-fect. Hehe.

Brandy kept that pun on the inside. Sparky would have laughed because she was Brandy's little gremlin, but what made Morgan smile was watching someone full of themselves get brought down. This Purrloin was so very full of herself, licking her fangs as her eyes roved over Brandy's body. 

"I've been told my lips are the softest in all of Galar," the catgirl said, trying to tempt Brandy. "And the sweetest too. You saw the lady who stumbled off? She'll be thinking of my tongue all night." 

The Purrloin poked out her tongue. It wasn't remarkable in any way, just a cute pink muscle, but the throaty purr that accompanied it made Brandy's spine tingle. This kind of cocky self-confidence was attractive. Morgan had it in spades. 

Oh. Now that's an idea!

Brandy casually leaned her arm on Morgan's shoulder, then slid her hand up Morgan's cheek and pushed two fingers into her mouth. A questioning 'hrm' rolled in Morgan's throat as Brandy's fingers curled under her tongue, lifting it out of her mouth. She went along with it, looking amused as Brandy stroked her fingers along the wet muscle. 

"Oh, really?" Brandy asked. "You think you're better than this?"

The Purrlion's ears twitched in irritation.

"You can't compete with a Murkrow's tongue," Brandy said. It's so long and feels like silk. A tournament-winning tongue."

Morgan tweaked her hat as she slid her tongue around Brandy's fingers. It actually wasn't that long of a tongue, but it was longer than the Purrloins, and the silky smoothness was one hundred percent fact. It felt nice against Brandy's skin, and Morgan playfully pulled it back when Brandy went to nab the tip of it.   

"This is a tongue a lady never stops thinking about," Brandy said, grinning as she chased it around her fingers. Morgan was quick. She couldn't quite nab it. "Look how dextrous it is."

"Please," the Purrloin huffed. "You think that's dextrous? Amateurs."

She spun on her table and reached back to her stash of prizes. While the Unovian plushies were the best things there, she had some cheap packets of candy hanging off a rack, including a pack of those gross red liquorice laces that nobody actually liked. Flexing her hand, a single black claw popped out of a finger and she sliced the packet open with a swift flick of her wrist, pulling a lace out. 

Wordlessly, she snapped the lace tight and poked her tongue out. She worked on it fast, curling the lace into her mouth and looping it around her tongue twice before pulling it tight. The knot slid down the lace, and she tugged on the licorice lace like a lead, waggling her eyebrows at Brandy as it tugged on the edge of her lip.

"Oh, that's pretty hot." Brandy swallowed. "Morgan?"

"I can do better." Morgan smiled. "What do I get for it?"

"A Murkrow plushy, of course."

"Ah! That's not yours to give," the Purrloin wagged a finger at Brandy. "You pay for your own things."

"You top her, and I'll top you." Brandy said, "How about that?"

"I'd love to see you try to top me." Morgan laughed, reached forward to tug at the licorice lace, and pulled the Purrloin over the desk towards her. 

Morgan leaned like she was about to kiss her but stopped short, snapping her lips over the knot in the lace instead. A few cheek swelling motions, and she showed the knot half undone before taking it back for another swirl and then proudly presenting the unknotted lace. 

"You're out of your league, kitty cat." Morgan growled, "But I love watching you try to keep up."

"I did the hard part."

"Oh, I'm sure you believe that." Morgan patted her cheek. "But my trainer’s about to show you just how fucked you aren't getting today."

Morgan pulled the lace off her and presented it to Brandy. "You used to date a cherry. This sort of trick should be easy."

Brandy hadn't actually been much good at those cherry stem knot-tying tricks. Cherry could do it flawlessly, but Brandy could never quite get it down. She'd need a little help. Luckily, she had some right to hand. Brandy took the licorice lace between her teeth and slipped under the brim of Morgan's hat to kiss her, pushing the lace into her mouth with the tip of her tongue. They couldn't speak like this, but Brandy took Morgan's hands and squeezed her palms. Her eyes wordlessly pleaded for help.

Morgan pulled through. She wrapped her tongue around the lace and started to wind it into a neat coil. The tussle their tongues made doing this weirdly pleasurable, and Brandy felt all the sensations Morgan was feeling slowly bleed through. Foul Play shared feelings, and Morgan was letting Brandy feel the lace between both their tongues. It took some getting used to; it was a really good kiss, and there was some grinding going on below that was incredibly distracting, but the ability to feel both their bodies moving made reacting to Morgan's work so instinctive it was like reading her mind almost. She didn't need to prompt Brandy to hold the lace while she spun it, nor to pull with her teeth to tug it tight. When their tongue tips touched in their mouths, a wet slurp as Morgan passed the lace back, Brandy knew she had to repeat the trick and did it with an ease she'd never been able to find before. Morgan hadn't just shown her how to do it; she'd made Brandy feel every step. Burned it into her memory.   

It took a few minutes, mainly because they were just enjoying it so much, but eventually their bodies parted and then turned to stick out tongues at the Purrloin. The lace hung between them, both their tongues tied up in intricate knotted nets. 

She let out a long, hot sigh, her tail swishing so hard that she knocked a few of her plushies off their hooks. 

"You're going to win that tournament, aren't you?"

Brandy bit through her lace and grinned as she began to chew it up enough she could speak. "We're going to crush it."

"Fuck. You really are out of my league." the Purrloin sighed. "Not got a spot for a second Dark type?"

"I'm hogging the spot, sorry," Morgan said, "Besides, you'd break the hearts of all your customers. I'm sure you get plenty of repeats. You might not be the best, but you're pretty good."

That made the Purrloin puff up again, and she extended an open hand to them both. 

"One kiss from each of you, and you can have the plushy. Final offer."

Morgan looked at Brandy and grinned. Then they both went for her, the Purrloin yowling as she was pressed back onto her desk. She was squished under their bodies but not unhappy about it. She purred like a generator as Morgan's tongue swirled around her cheek, and Brandy kissed her neck. Her tail flicked up to wind around Brandy's arm, but that didn't save her from Brandy's fingers as they pinched her nipples through her tight shirt. It got a gasp, and they both dove on her open mouth like it was a race, their lips mashing together and their tongues squirming over each other to try to stuff the Purrloin's cheeks. 

The stall table creaked under all that weight. Brandy had a fleeting worry it was going to collapse before the Purrloin's tongue slithered out to join them, her jaw stretched wide to accommodate them both and a long, happy moan rumbled out of her throat. She did her best, but she had to tap out eventually, the poor thing. 

Brandy and Morgan kept going until the Purrloin was able to stretch her tail far enough to grab and throw the Murkrow plushy at them. The plushy bopped off Morgan's hat, making her pull back to hold it on. 

"Full set, I am happy."

"I can't fucking move." The Purrloin was still lying on the desk, her ears perked. "Fucking trainers. Impossible creatures."

"Sorry," Brandy laughed. "But not sorry."

"No, you aren't," she replied, not a hint of venom in her tone. "Go show your Murkrow a nice time. I'm going to stay here and turn into a puddle."

"She's going to take me flying," Brandy smiled, gathering all the plushy prizes in her arms. "It's going to be magical."

Morgan slapped Brandy on the butt and gave it a squeeze. "You did a good date, Brandy. Let's stash everything and then I'm going to tie a bow on this night."

"I get to keep my clothes on," Brandy smiled. "You said I could if you enjoyed this."

"I did, but I can still convince you to take them off." Morgan grinned. "And I do love a challenge."

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