I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 6: It can actually dance in the Pure Land of Bliss!

Chapter 6: It can actually dance in the Pure Land of Bliss!

"Ha~ it's nothing good again."

The teenager lying on the bed hit Yawn and swiped station B boredly.

His name is Lin Sheng, and he just finished playing the game and he was going to take a break from watching videos, but he couldn't find any refreshing short videos.

Lin Sheng pouted, but then he found a small video with over 10,000 likes.

"Shocked, he actually did such a thing to his pet?"

"This is the title from many years ago."

Lin Sheng couldn't help but be speechless. The 'Shock' series has been famous for a long time, but as time goes by, most of the videos with such titles are selling dog meat.

But the classics are still classics, and Lin Sheng was still interested and clicked in.

"Tsk tsk~ The number of likes exceeded 10,000 in three hours. This is a bit of a critique."

Lin Sheng glanced at the release time of the video, which was released at 2 o'clock this afternoon.

The video begins with a rather clean room.

A classic Bliss Pure Land background music slowly sounded, and Lin Sheng, a senior otaku, instantly felt his DNA moved!

"The song has a pair of coins!"

Fingers jog at the speed of light like lightning, and in just a few seconds, open the barrage input box and finish typing and click send, all in one go.

Then Lin Sheng continued to watch, but the next moment, Lin Sheng's eyes instantly widened!

The camera moved slowly, and a cute creature in a white dress was reflected in the camera.

Ruby's big eyes are bright and clean, two slender hands are holding a beautiful flower fan, Contest's elegant breath is so clear even across the screen.


Although this is not a human being, Lin Sheng was still amazed by the beauty of this creature.


But then Lin Sheng was even more shocked, and even uttered an elegant Mandarin.

As the prelude to the Pure Land of Bliss moved forward, this beautiful creature also slowly waving the flower fan.

Although the lower body is due to diamond ore, it is different from the original dance, but its upper body structure is too similar to that of humans.

The smile was graceful and graceful, and Contest's figure was too beautiful.

It's really laughing!

the most important is...

This beautiful creature that danced and jumped in the air actually clicked with the music beat card!

It's so special that it will get stuck!

Lin Sheng was shocked to see the dancing beautiful little guy in the video, his eyes that were originally stunned because of the shock slowly lighted up!

What the hell!

This is definitely not CG, Lin Sheng is sure of this, because his family is wealthy and smart since childhood, he also asked his parents to hire a tutor to learn some computer technology.

This is definitely not cg! So, is it true?

But what animal is this? Seeing the title, it should be a pet, but I haven't seen it at all.

If there really is such a beautiful pet that can even bungee jump in the pure land, it would have been uploaded on the Internet long ago!

Lin Sheng hurriedly opened the barrage. He had the habit of swiping videos about the barrage because...

The moment the barrage opened, the entire phone screen was instantly occupied by various barrages, and the beautiful creature could no longer be seen clearly.

But Lin Sheng was used to it, what he needed was the information of this creature!

"Beautiful! Diancie is so beautiful!"

"Woo~ Mom, I'm in love, she's actually winking at me!!"

"I want to buy a Diancie for a lot of money! The labor and management have to marry it in this life!"

"One can't or at least shouldn't... Never mind, Diancie! My Diancie!"

"What kind of fairy is this cute, beautiful and cute, and can dance, my God!"

"Ah Wei, hurry up and walk through the process! Forget it, I'll do it myself, awsl!"

Lin Sheng instantly caught the pet's name in these barrages, Diancie?

sounds amazing!

Lin Sheng turned off the barrage, and stared at Diancie who was dancing gracefully without blinking, with a normal smile on his face unconsciously.

Soon, the Pure Land of Bliss finished playing, Diancie spun gracefully, the flower fan folded and crossed her hands in front of her, and she bowed gracefully in a salute.


Lin Sheng finally couldn't help it and sent a barrage.

He even felt the upbringing and politeness far beyond most people in this Diancie, just like a noble lady Normal who received higher education since childhood.

This is so outrageous!

"Hello everyone~"

And it was at this moment that a clear male voice appeared.

In the camera, a clean and handsome boy walked up to Diancie, it was Gu Xin.

Lin Shengqiang held back his hand, he even wanted to say "stay away from my wife" just now!

But thinking about it, people can't at least shouldn't be like this, Lin Sheng still held back his power.

"How about Diancie's performance, everyone? This is my little princess. It took me a long time to persuade Diancie to agree to shoot this video."

Gu Xin said with a smile, and beside Gu Xin, Diancie seemed to understand Gu Xin's words, and lowered his head slightly to cover his face with a flower fan.

It's shy!

"Maybe many friends are curious about Diancie, right? I can solemnly declare that there is no second Diancie in the world, and those who want to acquire Diancie don't have to chat with me privately."

"Diancie is a very important family member and I would never sell it."

When he said this, Gu Xin's voice was serious.

Lin Sheng was silent. He did plan to privately message Gu Xin that he wanted to acquire Diancie, but it seemed that it was obviously difficult.

"But in addition to Diancie, I have other very magical pets here. Like Diancie, they will bring you a refreshing feeling. I run a pet store, and everyone is welcome to come."

"The address of the shop has been pinned to the top of the comment area, trust me, this shop"

When the wind changed, Gu Xin said with a smile.

"Hey~ Say goodbye to our lovely friends."

Diancie tilted her head slightly, her big eyes were squinted into crescents, and she waved her small hands in a gesture of farewell.

Simply bleeding!

But the next second, the video is over.

"Pokmon pet shop."

Lin Sheng hurriedly entered the comment area. The number of comments in the comment area had already reached 10,000+, but Lin Sheng was not surprised at all.

He looked at the address left in the top comment, Magic City, he happened to be in Magic City too.

In this case...

to see? *

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