I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 55: I'm even willing to spend a billion to buy it!

Chapter 55: I'm even willing to spend a billion to buy it!

Sixty million... sixty million!

Lin Yun'er was completely stunned. She thought that even if the boss was so solemn and hesitant, the price might be a bit more expensive than the one posted on the Internet.

Then figure out how many times to double it, and it's about a million, right?

Good guy, this went straight to 60 million!

"Boss, are you exaggerating too much?"

Lin Yun'er frowned tightly and couldn't help speaking to Gu Xin.

A pet sells for 60 million?

But those videos posted by Gu Xin have also been in the store, didn't they all say 200,000 or 300,000?

"This price is really not excessive, beauty, so let me tell you the reason for the price of dreepy."

Gu Xin guessed Lin Yun'er's reaction and sighed in his heart, but he was still patiently preparing to tell Lin Yun'er the value of the quasi-legendary.

Although he doesn't have any hope, his attitude is his attitude. As a boss, he is also obliged to respond to the guests' doubts.

"Tsk tsk~ I was still intimidated by the price.

Chen Yun looked at the two who were talking and was amazed. Thinking about how a few days ago, he was also surprised by the price of Larvitar.

"Although understandable, the price is a bit scary."

Ouyang Xin glanced at Chen "160" Yun, not everyone is the second generation of Mega rich like you, and tens of millions can be obtained by opening their mouths.

Even if it is Ouyang Xin herself, she can't afford tens of millions, but the family can get it together, but use all the money to buy a Pokmon?

Ouyang Xin couldn't make this decision.

"So it depends on whether this beauty has the capital to win this dreepy.

Chen Yun was noncommittal and glanced at Lin Yuner, who frowned. Although the girl was shocked, she didn't seem too rude to hear the price.

Drawing a Quasi-God Pokmon shows that the person's luck is indeed overwhelming, but it does not mean that he can get this Quasi-God larva!

You still have to have the capital to completely take down this quasi-god!

Chen Yun took a picture of dreepy on Pokdex, and then opened vX.

Larvitar is not a foodie: @Everyone, (picture)

Larvitar is not a foodie: Brother Meng, come and watch, the second quasi-god has been drawn!

Feeling the movement of the phone, Ouyang Xin took a look and looked at Chen Yun speechlessly.

It seems that after Mr. Chen got Pokmon, the mature and stable Mr. Chen in the past is gone forever...

And just a few seconds after Chen Yun's message was sent, the Pokemon Home group chat exploded instantly.

From Mitsumi to Big: What the hell! Another quasi-legend? Ahhhh! I forgot to smoke it today! It was supposed to be mine! Mine!

It's a male fox: it's outrageous, has there been a lot of customers in the boss's store these past two days? How could ssr be released so soon? (Stunned.Jpg)

It will turn into a dragon:

The most honest person: Brother Yun, who is this God? It looks weird.

Miss Ben is a big school girl: @Larvitar is not a foodie, Brother Yun, did the boss say what it is called?

Larvitar is not a foodie: his name is Dolong Messia, as for what the owner of Attribute has not mentioned yet, the customer still doesn't know whether she will buy it or not.

From Mitsumi to Big: Woohoo...it should be mine! I'm so sad!! (wheezing.JPG)

Seeing the poor news of Chu, Chen Yun almost laughed out loud.

In the entire Pokemon House group chat, he, Bai Qianqian, and Chu Pity are the only ones who can buy quasi-God Pokemon at present.

Moreover, Chen Yun had no doubt that if Bai Qianqianchu took pity on these two junior girls who were drawn to the quasi-god, they would definitely jump up excitedly and buy the juvenile of the quasi-god.

Because there is no doubt that the price of quasi-gods is indeed enough to dissuade too many people.

Although Ruan Xinyi and Ruan Youxiu had very high backgrounds, what Chen Yun knew was that the wealth of the Ruan family was not so exaggerated.

If the Ruan brothers and sisters dare to buy the quasi-god Pokemon with a base of 60 million, Chen Yun estimates that Uncle Ruan will be able to sweep the two brothers and sisters out of the house...

Chen Yun turned his attention to Lin Yun'er, and now he was looking at this girl.

"Every quasi-legendary Pokmon is precious, and we can guarantee that every Pokmon we sell in the store is extremely talented."

"The price of 60 million may seem high, but for every quasi-god larvae sold in this shop, it will definitely only be worth the money.

Gu Xin seriously explained to Lin Yun'er the meaning of the name Quasi-God Pokmon, and solemnly guaranteed the gold content of the Quasi-God larvae.

"Is it only weaker than the existence of mythical and legendary Pokmon..."

Lin Yun'er heard the words in silence, and looked at this picture of Dragon Messiah in Pokdex with extreme hesitation.

After listening to Gu Xin's detailed description, she can probably understand the existence of quasi-god Pokmon, but...

Sixty million!

"If you have seen the video I posted, beautiful, you should have seen the quasi-god Pokmon.

"Mr. Chen's Larvitar, after it finally evolves in the future, is actually one of the quasi-gods.

Seeing that Lin Yun'er was just hesitating, Gu Xin's eyes lit up.

What does the hesitation mean? It means that this girl has the purchasing power!

If she doesn't have the purchasing power, then she should be heartbroken and regretful at the moment, rather than the extremely obvious hesitation at the moment.

"Is Larvitar a quasi-god hatchling?"

Lin Yun'er was startled and looked at Larvitar, who was sitting on the ground beside Chen Yun's feet. She was quite impressed by this little dinosaur.

Because in the video, this little guy directly hangs Lin Sheng's Fennekin head on, showing a very strong performance.

It turned out to be a quasi-god larvae.

"Boss, can I see dreepy?"

The fair and innocent face had a disturbing look on her face, Lin Yun'er clung her fingers together, and after hesitating for a while, Lin Yun'er whispered to Gu Xin.

She still wanted to see dreepy before making a decision.

She did take out 60 million, because her family is very good, and she is also a wealthy family in Hangzhou.

And her parents dote on her very much, even if she spends 60 million to buy a pet, they will definitely agree to her.


Lin Yun'er was very entangled and hesitant, to be honest, she never spent more than one million bills since she was a child.

This time, 60 million suddenly jumped out, and she felt distressed.

"Of course, please wait a moment." Gu Xin smiled politely and walked towards the cubicle.

"Mr. Chen?"

"Is something wrong, beautiful lady."

Chen Yun raised his brows lightly when he heard the words, and replied with a smile to Lin Yun'er.

"Your Larvitar?"

"I also bought it for 60 million. Miss, is it worth it?"

"Yes, I don't know if I should buy it or not." Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, she really wanted to hear what Chen Yun thought.

Today's network is developed, and Chen Yun's identity has actually been picked up in the comment area...

The top chaebol of the magic capital, the young president of an emerging company, he started his own business at a young age and is worth 30 million.

So Lin Yun'er never doubted whether this was a scam, and it couldn't be a scam at all, after all, these living creatures had already appeared in front of her eyes.

"Whether it's worth it is not something that others can give you the answer, but depends on your own heart, beautiful young lady." Chen Yun's tone was calm.

"Pokmons are amazing creatures, and I love them so much that I'm willing to trade money for these cute and reliable friends.""

"But it's just my personal opinion. Sixty million is not a small amount. I can understand your mood."

"But what I want to say is that opportunities don't come every time. If I can, I really hope that the person who draws the dreepy is me, not a bystander now."

Chen Yun shook his head sadly, yes, if he was the one who drew dreepy, he would still buy this dreepy.

After all, this is a quasi-God Pokmon!

In the future, if you hold two quasi-gods in your hands, wouldn't it be invincible to fight all over the world?

You say old-fashioned? Can he count? We are just starting out. The cute Rookie family is full.

Can you count him in? Make a fuss.

"But it's just a pet..."

It's hard for Lin Yun'er to understand, although when she saw the video, she really wanted such a cute and intelligent Pokmon.

But the 60 million barrier in front of her really made her want to back down.

"Miss, Pokmon are not pets in the ordinary sense, and you may not have had intimate contact with them, but they actually give me the feeling that they are more like friends and companions that can accompany you, rather than simple pets.

Ouyang Xin couldn't help but said, although she hasn't been in contact with Vanillite for a long time, this little guy who is always lively and cute with a healing smile and can fly around has already had a very important place in Ouyang Xin's heart.

"Actually, you don't have to be so entangled in beauty, because the first Pokmon you draw may indeed mean that you have a fate with it, but it does not mean that you have to choose it in 3.4."

"If the boss is here, you can spend some money to redraw it. If you think the price of dreepy is too expensive, you can completely give it up and draw it again.

"It's just that I think you will definitely regret it in the future.

Chen Yun smiled lightly, he had no doubt that if Lin Yun'er really gave up Dolong Messiah this time, she would definitely regret it in the future!

Lin Yun'er was silent when she heard the sound.

"See Diancie and Manaphy?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Yun pointed to the two little cuties who were snuggling together and watching anime.

Lin Yun'er nodded.

"If the boss has an idea to sell, I'm even willing to spend a billion or even two billion to buy one of them."5

Chen Yun's speech is not fast, but the firmness in his words is extremely clear.

Yes, he is willing to spend a billion on Diancie or Manaphy because he thinks it's totally worth it.

But what kind of boss doesn't sell it at all!

Ouyang Xin rolled his eyes obscurely on the side, and sure enough, Mr. Chen's technique was still so skilled.

Lin Yun'er:

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