I Reject Quests

Chapter 215: Prelude (6)

Chapter 215: Prelude (6)

Rewen did.

He made out the best of the resources given to him.

He used [Observe] to view Luciana's stats, and saw that she wasn't anyone to be personally worried out. From that moment on, he had a backup plan when everything is fucked for him, i.e., taking her as a hostage and somehow negotiating with the organization. Back then, it wasn't a feasible idea for obvious reasons and he hoped to get benefits from the system while fighting straightforwardly with his opponents.

Unfortunately, it didn't go as he had planned. 

The system stopped giving him benefits and it only got riskier and riskier for him.

After his second battle against the two squads, he thought about modifying his weapon to increase the chance of winning against the next group he was going to fight against. However, the moment he got the notice that he would not be fighting against a single squad but two, he completely abandoned the idea of even fighting against them.

Eight Rank 2 Mages are not the same as eight Rank 1 Mages.

With no other options left, he used the "back-up" plan and successfully pulled it off.

Using the knowledge he gained from learning [Elementary Mana Physics] and [Computer Programming], he bought "Touchable Sense Water" and linked three separate devices.

First, to a [Distributor]. The candy which Luciana was forced to swallow was not a device and there was no way he could link it with "Touchable Sense Water". The most he could do is control it. There's not much to control about an explosive. It just needs an indicator to go "Boom" and what else works as an indicator better than an on-and-off switch powered by mana? 

Second, to his telephone. He had recorded an electronic voice mail on the telephone and by linking it with "Touchable Sense Water", he would call the IAU (Immediate Action Unit) of the State Police Administration. As for the voice mail, it was only a single line: "Terrorists are on to me." He didn't need to say anything more. 

The authorities keep track of everything going on. They know almost everything about a person. It was only a small matter for them to track down the telephone, figure out the sender of the voicemail, track the person's location and follow him.

That begs another question: Why was an organization like REAL WAIFUS CORPORATIONS LIMITED roaming freely in the town in that case?

The answer is: They weren't. They had hidden everything about them down to the tiniest details. While they might possibly know that there's a dangerous organization in the town, they couldn't track them unless they (organization) decided to approach them on their own behalf. That's what happened with Rewen. He encountered an unofficial member of the organization and then the organization decided to approach him. There's also the fact that he had offended Luciana and even if he hadn't crossed paths with the unofficial member of the organization, he would get targeted by the organization anyways.

Currently, the authorities had tracked him as well as the organization down. 

The young doctor quietly looked at Rewen. His face was not good. After all this time, he had finally got a branch of his own. How could he bear to abandon it so quickly? But he knew that neither his strength nor the strength of his men was enough to contend against the commander units under a District Expert. 

'Since my branch is going down anyway, why don't I bring down the one who brought my branch down?' He was naturally referring to Rewen, the sole person responsible for the inevitable fall of his branch. 

Rewen watched as everyone around him became suddenly alert and raised his hand. "So you people really don't care about the life of someone you protect, huh. Very well"

The people around him suddenly went quiet and subconsciously took a step back. Luciana's eyes were bloodshot red.

Upon seeing this, the young doctor coldly laughed. "Bluff all you want. You and I both know that you don't dare to kill her. Keep your bluff to yourself."

Hearing him, everyone felt their confidence returning.

Rewen smiled. "It's very interesting. Out of all people here, I thought you might be the most familiar with my prowess. I am disappointed."

"What do you mean?" The young doctor's eyes squinted.

"Sir, I think he might be stalling for time. Whatever we do, we have to be quick. It's better if we just start running."

The young doctor didn't say anything and just looked at Rewen in silence.

"Did everyone forget that I fought Rank 3 Mages all by myself? If I want, I could easily kill Luciana and run away." Rewen wasn't lying. He had one more [2x Power Spike] that he specifically reserved for this scenario. He knew that even after knowing that the authorities are after them, they wouldn't necessarily leave him alone.

One could say that it was very weird for him to reveal his card. Why bother letting them know that you could do this and that?

The answer to this is simple. He had already fucked up the relationship between him and REAL WAIFUS CORPORATIONS LIMITED. He didn't want to be on bad terms with the close ones of Luciana. As much as he didn't want to leave her just like that, he had to save his own ass first. The moment he kills her, not only would he be targeted by the organization but he would also be targeted by those close to her.

He was tired.

That's why he laid out the proposal for a peace treaty.

The young doctor understood the hidden implications of the sentence and he re-evaluated his judgement of the red-haired young man. 

"Alright. Let's go, guys. I'm done playing the villain."

The young doctor jumped onto the nearest building and climbed up. "The Travil Town Branch of REAL WAIFUS CORPORATIONS LIMITED is hereby disbanded! Y'all can either follow me or go your separate ways. Of course, first, you have to deliver Luciana to a safe place." As soon as he said that, he jumped off the building.


He disappeared mid-air.

The sudden action made everyone confused.

Dorothy sighed, then looked at the others. "Come, follow me."

"What about him? Should we just leave him alone?"

"He has to be lying!"

"Yeah. Boss made a decision in haste."

Commotion erupted. According to them, they were just about to "win".

Dorothy had a neutral look on his face as if he had expected the reaction. Looking at the sky, he sighed again. "Section 10.1, page 54. What is the purpose of our union? What do we live for? Is it money? Is it fame? Is it power? Maybe. Our primary reason, however, for existence is to make the life of a common man miserable. We are disgusting. We are the filthiest of the filthiest. The feces you pick up from the gutter that hasn't been cleaned in years would be purer than us. Learn that. Know that."

As soon as he completed what he had to say, he started running.

The members of the organization looked at each other.

"I'm leaving! I'm not going to take responsibility if anything were to happen to Miss Luciana." A Rank 3 Mage was the first one to follow Dorothy.

"Hold up! I'm leaving as well." 

"Fuck! Now that the branch is disbanded, I'll return to the country to take care of my parents. I don't want to make things any more complicated than it already is."

Gradually, everyone including Luciana left. Before leaving, Luciana gave Rewen a sharp look.

Rewen responded with a cold glance. 

A while later, he was all alone in the alley.

He inserted his hand into his pocket and took out chewing gum, then threw it in his mouth. There was no particular reason why he was eating chewing gum. He discovered that it was in his pocket for some reason. Therefore, he decided to eat it because why not?

'Damn, the heat is unbearable.' He thought, before going to the shade and sat down on a public bench.

Not knowing what to feel, he blanked out for a while. A few seconds later, he opened his mouth. "Is that it?" There was no sense of joy in his tone.

From start to finish, everything went according to his plan. He wasn't disappointed because of how underwhelming it was. He wasn't an adventurer. The feelings behind the question - "Is that it?" is much deeper than that.

He thought that after everything was done, he would receive enlightenment of sorts and everything would get clear to him. Nothing of that sort happened. He was still as confused as he previously was. 

He wanted to abandon the self-deprecating thoughts.

He wanted to form a rigid belief system.

He wanted to form a distinct character.

He wanted to start anew.

Just then, he heard the sound of footsteps. Turning his head, he saw a bald man with a mustache and heavy build walking towards him.

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