I Reincarnated As A Stick

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: Blazing Through the Ranks

Within the Celestial Plane, Kurohana’s space.

A few hours had passed since Argentum had acquiesced to the request of both Aurus and Kurohana, the latter two believing that he had the power to turn the tables around in the war against the demons.

“… and I guess that’s the last skill I need to form that skill set,” murmured Argentum as he let out a sigh of satisfaction, watching as the shard of energy hovering above his palm disappear not long after. Obtaining a couple notifications from the system in response, he then went ahead and commanded the system to bring up his skill list.


As a holographic screen appeared in front of his field of vision, he could not help but admire the sheer quantity of skills he now had in arsenal, compared to just a few hours ago where he only had two to his name. Thanks to Kurohana’s authority as a divine craftsman, it was simple for her to get her hand on any skills Argentum needed, even ones that she thought would prove to be useless in the grand scheme of things.

However, after sensing the aura surrounding Argentum grow stronger even after learning those skills, she could not help but take a look at Aurus, who only lightly smiled at her in response.

Looking through his skill screen, he eventually stopped at a certain screen, focusing on the skills that had appeared after he had obtained a few certain skills. These skills were the skills that he had obtained after forming ‘skill sets’, something Aurus was all too familiar with as Argentum asked him this question. “Do you think I’m missing a couple more skill sets?”

“Let me take a look.” As Aurus said those words, Argentum went ahead and turned the screen around to let his original body look at it. After a moment of silence, an expression of understanding appeared on Aurus’ face as he told Argentum, “That’s what you’re planning to do, huh.”

Argentum could only nod in response. “So, am I missing something?”

“You’re missing the Tenacious Mana skill set, the Damascus Mana skill set, and the Ten Heavenly Cores skill set,” Aurus told him, sending Argentum a strand of energy containing information on the following skill sets he mentioned. “In the strand of energy are the skills you need to form those sets I just mentioned.”

Absorbing the strand of energy, Argentum then looked through it before sending a couple strands of energy to Kurohana, who prompted a few shards of energy to appear out of thin air in response.

As Argentum retrieved those shards of energy to absorb them, Kurohana could not help but look at Aurus once more. “What did you mean by your previous statement? What’s Argentum planning to do?”

Hearing that, Aurus told her, “He’s going to choose a class that’ll allow him to contribute more in the war. A class that’s far from the frontlines, but has the firepower to cause extreme chaos.”

“You’re telling me…” Listening to Aurus’ explanation, she quickly understood.

Aurus nodded in response. “Yes.”

“He’s going to become a mage.”


‘You have greatly exceeded the minimum requirements to create a Tempering technique. Would you like to create a Tempering technique?’ Receiving a notification from the system just as he was finished forming the third skill set Aurus mentioned, Argentum could not help but look at it for a bit as he wondered if he was fully prepared.

“Hmm… I’ve got [Lesser Origin Affinity] unlocked, so that’s one. With the help of the Sage’s Liquor Kurohana gave me, all of my skills are at the peak of Tier 9 Mortal, so that’s two. Yeah, I guess I could start forming the Tempering technique,” he murmured to himself before confirming the prompt from the system.


At the very next instant, a great amount of light was emanated from his body, taking on various colors as an aura unbefitting of someone that was still a Rank 0 Animate surrounded him. Looking at Argentum with a hint of surprise, Aurus and Kurohana could not help but look at each other for a bit, thinking that there was a chance that they might actually turn the tides with Argentum’s help.

Eventually, everything died down as the light emanating from Argentum’s body gradually disappeared. Soon, a notification resounded from his system, informing him that his Tempering technique had been created.


‘You have created the Tempering technique [Transcendent Omniscience, Limitless Arcana].’

Reading through the notification, Argentum went ahead and commanded the system to show him the description of his newly created Tempering technique, nodding in satisfaction as he grabbed a flask that seemed to contain purple liquid before drinking it.


‘You have fully mastered your Tempering technique. Would you like to advance to the next rank?’

“Man, Sage’s Liquor is definitely a pretty useful item. To think it could bring all of my skills from Tier 0 Mortal to the peak of Tier 9 Mortal. Not only that, it’s pretty tasty too.” Accepting the prompt from the system once more, a flash of light surrounded Argentum’s body yet again, eventually dying down a couple minutes later as the aura around him had solidified.

At this moment, Aurus could not help but look at Argentum before letting out a light cackle. “Now that he’s become a Rank 1 Animate…”

“There’s nothing much holding him back anymore.”


Just as Kurohana was about to ask Aurus as to what he meant by that, a slightly suffocating pressure emanated from Argentum’s body as a great amount of energy appeared out of nowhere. Feeling this energy, Kurohana quickly realized what it was. “The Animate Spark? Is he only going to start using it?”

As if he was giving an answer to her question, the great amount of energy then disappeared not long after as the aura surrounding Argentum greatly intensified for a second before solidifying…

Only for it to happen again…

And again…

And again…

And again.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding…

‘You have become a Rank 1 Animate. An Ascension technique has been automatically created with your Tempering technique as reference. The Ascension technique [Endless Magic, Sage of True Boundlessness] has been created. Your class has been changed to Transcendental Acolyte of Lesser Origin.’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits of Rank 1. You have broken through to become a Rank 2 Animate. Your class has been changed to Transcendental Wizard of Lesser Origin.’

‘Your Ascension technique has…’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits of Rank 4. You have broken through to become a Rank 5 Animate. Your class has been changed to Transcendental Sage of Lesser Origin.’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits of Rank 5. Please undergo through an Existence Tribulation to ascend the shackles limiting your species, allowing you to access the higher grades.’

Taking a look at the last few notifications he had received, Argentum gave Aurus a quick glance, prompting the latter to throw him a couple of things. “There you go, Argentum. [Light Affinity], [Dark Affinity], and a Reality Shard.”

“Thanks.” Catching all of the things that were thrown at him, he quickly absorbed the two shards of energy that contained [Light Affinity] and [Dark Affinity] respectively before chugging a couple vials of Sage’s Liquor to max both of the skills to the peak of Tier 9 Mortal. Then, he sat down cross-legged as he raised the small iridescent crystal he held towards the light. “Who would think that a small crystal like this would help people comprehend their Ideas and bring it up to the Conjecture level with no problem? And at the limit of what could be considered a Conjecture to boot?”

“To be honest, even I was surprised we could get Reality Shards here,” Aurus could not help but let out a chuckle in response. “At first, I thought Reality Shards were just a thing that existed in ISE. But Kurohana told me that they also existed here as well, so just imagine how shocked I was when I knew.”

Flashing a light smile in response to his original body’s words, Argentum then closed his eyes as he allowed his energy to absorb the small crystal he held, prompting it to break off into small fragments not long after.


Soon, an image started to form above Argentum’s body, a planet that vaguely resembled Earth in its appearance. Gradually, this image became more and more solidified, eventually reaching a point where the two watching this scene unfold felt like the planet above Argentum was tangible. However, before they could let their curiosity get the better of them, the image quickly compressed itself as more and more planet-like objects appear above Argentum.

At first, there were only two of these planet-like objects, then three, then four…

Eventually, eight of these planet-like objects appeared above Argentum’s head as all of them revolved around a larger planet-like object, to which Aurus could not help but exclaim, “Wait a minute…”

“Ain’t that the solar system?”


‘You have comprehended the Idea of Inferior Origin.’

‘You have broken through the limits of the Idea and turned into a Theory. You have comprehended the Theory of Lesser Origin.’

‘The skill [Lesser Origin Affinity] and your Theory of Lesser Origin has shown great compatibility with one another, forming a resonance that has affected your Theory. With the assistance of [Light Affinity], [Dark Affinity], and your Theory, the skill [Lesser Origin Affinity] has been upgraded to [Greater Origin Affinity].’

‘You have solidified the basis of your Theory, forming a Conjecture. You have comprehended the Conjecture of Greater Origin.’


Just as Argentum had obtained the notification that he had formed his Conjecture, the aura surrounding him then intensified once more as multiple clouds filled with dark lightning appeared above his head. Noticing this, Kurohana and Aurus could not help but pay a bit more attention.

“An Existence Tribulation of the highest tier…” Kurohana muttered.

“Eh. He’ll be fine,” said Aurus in response as he shrugged his shoulders.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not long after the clouds had formed, multiple bolts of dark lightning struck at Argentum, only for an iridescent barrier to appear around him. While doing so, he went ahead and absorbed a great portion of the energy coming from the dark bolts, utilizing the energy to reforge his body as the aura surrounding him now gave off the feeling of vastness.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Eventually, once nine bolts of dark lightning were shot at Argentum, the clouds above his head disappeared as Argentum now gave off hints of the power that Kurohana currently wielded, the power of divinity.

Crackle… crackle…

Opening his eyes, Argentum slowly stood up as his skin started to crack before falling off, revealing skin that was as smooth as jade, yet had the power of the gods themselves.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding…

‘You have successfully passed your Existence Tribulation. Your Ascension technique has reached greater heights.’

‘You have broken through to become a Rank 6 Animate. Your species has been changed to Primordial Human (Quasi-Divinity). Your class has been changed to True Sage of Greater Origin.’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits…’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits of Rank 8. You have broken through to become a Rank 9 Animate. Your class has been changed to Ancestral Sage of Greater Origin.’

‘Your Ascension technique has reached the limits of Rank 9. Please ascend your Conjecture to a Principle to gain access to the world above mortals.’

As he looked at both Kurohana and Aurus for a bit, the slightly suffocating aura Argentum gave off instantly disappeared without a trace as he gave the two a suggestion. “Hey, I just got an idea.”

“How about you summon a couple more people to help out and give them the same things you gave me?”

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