I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 17

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 17

True Beginners (2) – [Ultimate Fighter]



As the duel began, the opponent rushed forward first.


Activating the charge skill to increase speed and close the distance.

The challenger’s character was a Night Martial Artist, Hoken.

If we were to list three characteristics of Hoken:

– Hoken is tough.

– He’s pretty cool.

– The modeling is really well done.

Simple, powerful, and with cool effects.

Already the word ‘martial artist’ stimulates the taste buds, and Hoken, fitting his title of Night Martial Artist, was shrouded in black mist.

Moreover, when he activates his ultimate move, flames ignite from that black mist.

In other words, it’s the Black Flame!

Generally, if a guy doesn’t seal the Black Flame Dragon in his heart or right hand by the age of 15, is he even a man?

This guy Hoken really hit the mark on that sentiment.

“So, he was very popular.”

With suitable combos, easy skill activation commands, and manageable difficulty in controls, coupled with good performance.

Right after its release, Hoken quickly rose to fame, occupying the top 3 monthly popular character positions in Ultimate Fighter for a year in a row, aimed at beginners. That was Hoken.


Evading the charge of the oncoming challenger, the dark girl leaped backward.

Utilizing the speed pulled by the rushing device, the challenger hastily stuck close behind.

As the distance narrows, it’s common sense that the martial artist has the upper hand.

But what does “beginner-friendly” tri-sin technique mean to Hoken?


To the experienced, it meant not just the application method but even the dissecting technique was visibly astute.

Especially for the dark girl who had long turned from experienced to rotten water.


As if the dark girl had been waiting, she struck the ground again.

However, this time, in the opposite direction.


At that moment, the challenger’s face was filled with confusion.

The character the dark girl had chosen was Gudoja, Yeder.

Being a mage character casting spells from the staff she held.

In Ultimate Fighter’s basic knowledge, close range is for martial artists, mid-range for swordsmen, further distance for spear users, and a few steps apart for mages to have the upper hand.

However, a mage character letting go of her staff and leaping backward?

In an instant, the dark girl closed the distance and twisted the challenger’s arm with her own, using the challenger’s force to throw them away.


– She pulled off “that grab”!

– Why are you engaging in close combat as Yeder lol

– She even mimicked Hoken’s motion for the grab lol

– Domination ON

– Everything becomes delicious


With the sound of bones shattering, the challenger was sent flying.

Of course, characters in [Ultimate Fighter FD] are all superhumans far surpassing human limits in the setting.

With a healing factor always active in their bodies, a broken bone is nothing, it heals in 0.1 seconds.

Hence, the only way to defeat characters in Ultimate Fighter is when their life force, HP, which triggers their healing factor, is completely depleted.


Therefore, the challenger forcibly raised his broken arm and immediately took a guard stance.

The opponent didn’t follow up with a combo on the one caught by the grab, floating in the air.

So, there’s only one thing the opponent can aim for.

Utilizing the brief stiffness caused by the grab.

But since he had already taken a guard stance, if he endures the impending impact, he can prevent the combo attack…


The bewildered challenger looked ahead.

Why isn’t she doing anything?

And then what they saw was-

“Guys. What’s she doing?”

Raising her staff high, the dark girl gathered her magical power.

– Mol? Lu

– Eekkk

– Thought you’d follow up with a combo

– Pfft eekkk, forgot you’re a Yederin

Contrary to the challenger’s thoughts, the dark girl never intended to deliver an additional blow to her opponent from the start.

Why would I? I’m a Yederin.

Instead, what she did was prepare to unleash her ultimate move.

True to her role as a mage character, Yeder’s ultimate move was [Kwaaang-!].

Despite its lackluster name, it was a devastating attack that summoned a meteor from the sky to strike the opponent dead-on.

In its presence, even guarding was rendered useless, with the only way to evade being to escape the range of [Kwaaang-!].

Of course, one should have moved out of the way long before.

Or disrupt the opponent’s focus with an attack before its activation.

However, while the challenger was solely focused on guarding, Yeder had completed her ultimate move preparation.

Unbeknownst, meteors had already been summoned.

The challenger’s eyes widened at the sight.


He was a wizard character, right?

And then.


The massive meteor crushed the challenger.



The screen filled with a knockout notification.

Simultaneously, a single alert rang out.



– Final blow with Yeder’s ultimate CLEAR!

The dark girl struck a victorious pose with excitement on her face.

Because the mission was at stake for everyone.

The reason she inefficiently resorted to using her ultimate move to defeat her opponent was precisely due to this.

“Oh, that was so close. Thank you, Mr. Doco Coffee. I’ll enjoy this 30,000 won!”

– No way; this went too smoothly;

– Kato

– hahahaha, sweet victory

– Mission accomplished

– Yeah, too close~

“hehehe. Thankfully, this opponent wasn’t too tough this time.”

The dark girl remarked, looking at the chat window.

– Gotta try harder next time.

– Baekddakyi is in the workshop, lol.

– Actually, when you reach that level, you start to want to explore the workshop a bit, lol.

– In general, beginners have no fear.

Just now, the opponent’s estimated tier is probably around Platinum high (1500-2000).

I couldn’t be sure.

Because Black Girl had turned on the private information setting.

In that case, you can’t see the opponent’s information either.

Usually, streamers don’t use this setting much for broadcasting, but Black Girl, whether she’s on air or in the workshop, always keeps her information private.

In cases like ranked games where the private setting couldn’t be used, it was inevitable.

It’s a habit she formed since she first started playing fighting games.

Because of the nature of fighting games with few female users.

In Ultimate Fighter, all information, including gender, is disclosed (in fact, it’s like that in most games to prevent harassment), and once they know they are female, many users try to add them as friends or act in a strange way.

Above all, when the opponent wins, there were many guys who appeared in front of her more conspicuously than when the information was private, trying to provoke her.

Especially, there were a lot of trash guys who used s*xually suggestive taunting gestures.

– Now, one left.

– Are they camping the workshop missions like this?

– The third one earlier was a bit tough.

“The third one? That guy, right? The Black Guy.”

– Really?

– Wow.

– How do you know?

– Seems like the Black Guy sniped again;

The Black Guy was once a fervent fan of Black Girl, but now he’s turned into a malicious sniper.

He was called the Black Guy because his nickname during his fan days was Black’s Husband.

He has long been banned and expelled from Black Girl’s broadcast.

As a result, he became more malicious, reaching the Gold Diamond level with an ELO score of around 2500, showing quite a skill, becoming a sniper who targets Black Girl several times.

“Just watch his movements. It’s like a habit. He’s decent at fighting, but he only knows a few combos properly.”

Being at the Gold Diamond level is considered quite high, enough to hear whispers of being a top-tier in the workshop.

However, even so, among ordinary people, he’s considered good, but for Black Girl, a former pro, he falls far short.

“Anyway, there’s only one left now, right? Yes!”

Thanks to that, Black Girl easily defeated the Black Guy, and even the Platinum tier challenger from earlier, achieving 4 consecutive wins out of the 5-win mission.

Actually, it’s natural, isn’t it?

No matter how infamous the workshop is known as the lair of demons, Black Girl is the pinnacle of those demons.

She was deeply submerged, rotten, even turned into oil, that Black Girl.

“Well, isn’t the next challenger coming? I’ll take on snipers too. Everyone.”

– Look at that confidence.

– Be the sacrifice of my mission, wow.

– Are we crazy, lol?

– Ugh; I remember getting wrecked by a single headshot from that random sniper last time.

– Yeah, I regret sniping for no reason, now I have PTSD too.

Only one step remains until clearing the mission of achieving a 5-win streak.

Taking that one step seemed incredibly easy.

And at that very moment,

The Dark Girl and her viewers were unaware.

[1:1 Duel, Only for True Beginners]

-This message appeared in the eyes of someone who had just purchased the game for the first time today.


A sound effect announcing the entrance of a new challenger rang out.


The Dark Girl gazed at the challenger who had just appeared at the perfect moment.

Finally, the opponent who would be the final sacrifice for the 5-win streak.

Due to private information settings, their opponent’s history could not be viewed.



-hahahaha, look at the newbie being cute.

-What is that person doing, hahahaha?

-Can you believe they still have beginner’s luck in the game?

Just by observing their actions, one could guess the opponent’s experience.

Swish- Swish-


Throwing punches and kicks into the air, even attempting jumps from the void, moving their body around.

But that’s not all.

Since the match hasn’t officially started yet, they are currently in waiting room mode.

Therefore, they can try out different champions.

The opponent, presumed to be a newbie, moves around a few times before selecting a different character.

And once again, they jump around or strike the air.

-hahahaha, picking Kim Bong-pal?

-Do you know how to use Bongtopascal kick?

-Put them in, newbie, hahahaha

-Oh, they changed.

-Steve is good. Easier to handle for a newbie than Hoken. Also, Rich has a longer range.

-hahahaha, you don’t like that one either?

Viewers chuckled at the newbie’s evident inexperience.

Then, there was a scene that made these viewers burst into laughter even more.


-hahahaha, what are they doing?

-hahahaha, are they trying to cross over there?

-Oh, that’s a wall over there.

Crossing over to the end of the map, they collided head-on with an invisible wall.

In the lobby mode, each player is placed on either side of the map.

The current map in play, one of Ulpar’s national maps, is called “Tuhon,” a volcano-shaped map.

At both ends where the players’ bases are located, rivers of lava flow.

Given the heat is also simulated, feeling the warmth is natural.

However, beyond that, it seemed the opponent wanted to take a stroll along the lava river, walking towards the obstructed wall.

“Ugh. This feels like a total dead-end. Can we really crush newbies like this?”

– Are we really crushing them?

– Protect the newbie!

– Stop the bullying!

– Rushing in, wow

“But I also want to protect, you know. You walked over here on your own. Missions need to be completed. Oh, I really don’t want to do this either.”

-(Smiling at the thought) Don’t want to do this

– Lower your tone and speak

– You really wrote that only for total beginners

– That’s right, lol, you called it

– Just because of that, you’re a total beginner for real

– hahahaha

“hehehe. Anyway, I’m ready to go. But, I’m using this.”

The Dark Girl said so, choosing her character and getting ready.

She chose Yamazaki, the forest shaman known as the best trash character in Ulpar, due to its difficult controls and mediocre performance that even pros avoid.

Difficult to handle, not a character whose performance improves in the hands of a pro, just a trash character through and through.

From Noble mtl dot com

– Didn’t she have a 12-game win streak with Yamazaki last time?

– Yeah, that mission + YouTube views made it sweet lol

– Seems like she sold everything up to “Geumgangseok” with that lol

Of course, despite its lackluster performance compared to other high-performance characters, in the hands of a top player like the Dark Girl, taking down opponents up to the level of “Geumgangseok” is no different from child’s play.

Hence, even though she was penalized, it was practically a meaningless penalty in front of an opponent presumed to be a newbie.


But the opponent had already completed character selection and was ready.

There’s no turning back now.


The opponent’s character is Steve, a newbie-like performance character.


[1··· Fight-!]


As the battle began, Steve rushed forward.

“hehehe. Newbies really do seem fearless.”

Watching this, the Dark Girl chuckled with a puzzled expression.

Actually, isn’t there such a saying in Ulpar?

Someone picked the poop-head Yamazaki? That’s because they got bored and wanted to beat up a newbie as a poop-head pro, so press the retreat button.

The Dark Girl took her stance.

How should I show the severity of Elpha to this newbie without being too harsh? Maybe it’s better not to be too cruel in case they quit right away.

So, at first…


That moment.

Just a brief pause as she glanced at the chat window.

Suddenly, her view turned upside down.

Before she knew it, her body was floating.


“Ugh, no, what is this!”

Followed by the opponent’s attack.

She tried to counterattack belatedly, but it was already too late.

Helplessly being attacked in mid-air-

Thud, thud, whoosh!, thwack- pow- bam-!

The Dark Girl was left defenseless.

“Ah, ugh. Wait- ugh! Time, time!”

She couldn’t counterattack.

The opponent’s combo continued without giving her a chance.

As a result.





-What’s this

Along with the chat box filled with viewers’ confusion, a single mark appeared on the screen.


The perfect mark.

The symbol of my greatest humiliation in Elpha.

To decipher the meaning of that English word, it means losing without landing a single hit.

“No, again, show it again! Again!”

With a flushed face, the Dark Girl shouted.

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