I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 311 Another Rage

The orb cage that was created from the water covered Steve's entire body. But Steve will not give up and just keep quiet even though his body is covered by water which continues to regenerate even though his fire is blazing.

All of Steve's teeth gritted and began to corrode because it was getting overwhelmed by the heat from that cursed tree fire.

However, Steve didn't care about that. All he cared about now were the enemies in front of his eyes. Which is Erend who now preparing for another attack to follow this water cage.

After he got confirmation that he could kill Steve to end this, Erend could finally attack more freely.

Erend channeled his Magic energy into the water cage that trapped Steve. So that every time Steve exploded a fire from within his body and vaporized the water cage, another layer of water would be created again to replace the water that had just vaporated.

Erend didn't only do that. He stretched his arms forward and controlled the water.

He was about to create another attack to stab Steve's body from all directions of the water cage.

Sharp blades like spearheads began to form around Steve's body. Steve realized all the water that made up those sharp edges.

His remaining instincts screamed that now he was in grave danger. So Steve takes a bigger portion of the Magic energy from the cursed tree.

Because of that action, the cursed tree happily complied with Steve's request. It realized that now in a world previously untouched by Magic, now that its power was starting to awaken.

Steve felt the Magic energy in his body overflow. The surge of huge Magic energy overflowed from a source he didn't know about - and he didn't care about.

Erend who saw that a change had occurred to Steve widened his eyes. The reddish fire was now getting darker and full of a sinister aura.

Erend now not only feels the heat from Steve's fire. But also the ominous and suffocating feeling of something ancient and filled with vengeance.

With that, Erend felt that he had to fight even harder than this. So he could kill Steve more quickly.

Erend controlled the sharp blades of water he created around Steve's body to stab his body.

The sharp blades moved simultaneously toward Steve's body. However, an explosion of red-black flames also erupted from within his body.

The burst of power that was stronger than before and appeared suddenly made Erend caught off guard. So he couldn't maintain his water cage around Steve's body.

The water cage immediately evaporated into white mist which also immediately disappeared engulfed in Steve's fire.

Steve immediately lunged at Erend after he was released from the water cage. In an instant, he was in front of Erend and reached his blistered hand toward Erend's neck.

Erend who realized that, immediately fired a jet of water from his hand to push Steve.


The water shot succeeded in pushing Steve backward and thwarting his attack.

After that, Erend immediately created a puddle of water under Steve's feet.

A moment later, from the puddle, water emerged with tremendous thrust until it formed a pillar of water that covered Steve's body.

Erend could see Steve's silhouette in the water pillar. If he felt pain, Steve seemed to be unable to scream anymore because most likely his throat had been burned.

Erend didn't let the opportunity pass him by. He darted toward Steve and swung his punch coated in water Magic toward Steve's face.


But unexpectedly, Steve caught Erend's fist before it could hit his face.

That surprised Erend because it turned out that Steve was still able to react well amidst the onslaught of the water pillar he had created.

Steve's head popped out of the water pillar. By now all of his hair had almost been burnt away and only a few strands of hair were left hanging weakly.

Steve's eyes now turned red with black pupils. Making his appearance even more terrifying.

Erend gritted his teeth. His determination to immediately kill Steve became even greater. He swings his punch with his other hand.

But this time Steve also managed to hold the punch.

However, Erend did not stop there. He stamped his foot on the ground and amplified the force of the torrent from his water pillar that was still hitting Steve.

It had an obvious effect. Steve's grip on both hands loosened. His mouth opened in a soundless scream.

Erend pulled his hands and grabbed Steve by the neck as he pushed him off the pillar of water.

Steve fell to the ground and immediately spread fire and heat from his body around. Plants and trees were burned by the black-red flames.

Erend was on top of Steve's body and continued to choke him. He also poured water all over his body and his hands that were choking Steve's neck.

Steve stared at Erend with wide eyes. This made Erend's anger also overflow. It was as if there was an old grudge when he saw those eyes that rose in Erend's heart.

He had never felt that feeling before when he saw Steve's eyes like that.

Yet now, when he saw those red and black eyes from this close, Erend just felt that rage boiling.

Erend lifted one hand from Steve's neck. He coated the water Magic thicker than before in that hand. Then he punched Steve in the face.


Erend's fist which was coated with water Magic crushed the bit of Steve's remaining skin.

Then he hit him again.



Erend kept pounding his fists with the same strength and ferocity. Yet Steve didn't look like he was in any pain still looking at Erend with those disgusting eyes.

Suddenly another explosion sound was heard from the direction of the facility.

The sound of the explosion distracted Erend so he turned his head reflexively.

Steve took that opportunity to punch Erend in the direction of throwing him over his body.


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