I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 274 He Back

It's always the same place whenever you look at it. Barren wasteland with only red sand which is slightly sandy.

The cracks in the ground were like gaping wounds in the skin that could never heal.

The clouds that were there were reddish and orange. Like a combination of blood and flames burning the sky.

And though those clouds were quite thick and filled every inch of the sky here, they only rained once every fifty years.

Then when it rains, what falls from the clouds is not water. But a reddish liquid that will melt whatever it hits.

Even so, all of that doesn't matter because in this place there are no plants or other living things.

There is only that tree. Standing alone in the middle of a vast land whose actual extent is unknown.

That place was in a secret dimension that sealed the tree along with its power.

A great power capable of corrupting anyone who interacts with that tree.

Both weak creatures who can't use Magic, to creatures with strong Magic abilities like Elves will not escape the effects of the tree's corruption.

Then, once the influence of the tree has entered a creature. It's almost impossible to completely get rid of it.

The influence is like a virus that will enter into whatever it feels fit.

Then they reproduce to become stronger and become an even greater danger.

However, at this time, a Portal suddenly appeared in the middle of that vast land.

The sinister-looking black vortex appeared carrying someone who set foot in this place without hesitation.

He jumped out and put on a weak smirk in the middle of his pained expression.

Sweat dripped down his forehead indicating the struggle he was going through to survive and just to stand in this place.

"(Finally... I arrived at this place.)"

Laston stepped with a stumbling on the red sandy ground.

He pulled his leg and stepped with a clear sign of struggle.

He suddenly winced at the pain in his stomach. The wound that the Dragon gave him back then still couldn't heal completely.

That made Laston have to squeeze his Magic energy even harder to survive.

He must also continue to get supplies from sources that are obtained with so much risk.

He has to do that so he could survive and avenge everything that had happened to him.

"(I have to hurry!)"

Laston knew that he couldn't stay in this place for too long.

This place has too much pressure on his current weak and dying condition.

If he was still at his peak body and power, Laston believed that he wouldn't have to worry about the pressure of this place.

Laston once again reminisces about the events of that time.

He was close to winning the fight against Saeldir, Aerchon, and Aurdis.

Even more, when he summoned all the forces he had at that time. The Daemons of Calamity, and the Ogres Kingdom. Who he manage to persuade to come to his aid.

But that damn Dragon messed up his victory that he can see in plain sight.

"(This is all because of that Dragon!)"

Laston gritted his teeth imagining the Dragon's figure.

Everything he had prepared was destroyed by him.

Now the grudge that Laston has is not only directed at the Elves but also toward the Dragon.

Finally, after limping for several minutes, Laston arrived in front of the tree.

The dry, reddish tree bark looked like the flesh of a tortured creature.

Laston pressed his right palm against the tree and felt its roughness.

After that, Laston felt a very strong Magic sting that made him groan in pain.


The pain in his chest and stomach screamed telling him to stop and step back.

But Laston was already here. He couldn't just walk away before he got what he wanted. Or at least reach the most limit.

Laston sent his Magic toward the tree. He channeled the remaining Magic energy within his body.

However, after only a few seconds Laston did that, and he knew he couldn't do it any longer.

Laston pulled his hand away. Then he fell onto the red earth.

"(Still not enough. I have to leave now and come back later.)"

Once he realized that he had reached his limit, Laston immediately stood up - albeit with great difficulty - and walked away.

When he felt the distance was enough, Laston reopened the Portal to leave this place.

He stole a fleeting glance at the tree. Before finally stepping into the portal.


"(What do you mean we weren't supposed to find out about that tree?)" Aurdis asked after hearing the answer from Saeldir.

Saeldir continues to eat. But he also continued to answer Aurdis' questions.

"(This is just my assumption. There seems to be a reason why the previous Elves didn't destroy the tree and instead sealed it in a dimension,)" said Saeldir.

"(Yeah, you said that. Isn't that because trees tend to corrupt anyone?)"

"(Yeah. But... Somehow that's quite weird,)" Saeldir said.

"(With their power, those Elves should have sealed the tree, then destroyed it in that dimension.)"

"(Is that possible? Destroying a dimension?)" Aurdis stared in disbelief.

Saeldir nodded. "(It's only a small dimension and more than ten powerful Elves are doing it. It's very possible.)"

"(But they didn't do it...)" Said Aurdis. Anxiety began to approach her.


"(We can't possibly know what's really in there because all the records have been destroyed or hidden,)" Aurdis said.

"(Someone maybe still knows about that.)"

Aurdis turned to Saeldir. "(Who is that?)"

"(The King. Your father.)"

Aurdis seemed to flinch because she just realized that.

Her father had been gone for too long that Aurdis had forgotten about his existence.

It was also because Aurdis no longer thought of her father and had lost respect for him.

A King who chooses to go drown himself in sorrow while his kingdom is threatened.

Aurdis also knows the pain of losing her mother. However, she never ran.

"(You're right. We should get him back. Or at least should ask him directly.)"


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