I Really Didn’t Want to Increase My Favorability!

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Although its called a beginners tutorial, its just a paragraph. The basic idea is that you earn points when the favorability rating reaches 10, and different people earn different points.

The favorability system only activates for people who meet certain conditions, requiring physical contact to a certain extent.

While increasing favorability, you also accumulate the Chinese zodiac energy corresponding to the person. Collecting all twelve zodiac energies unlocks the ultimate reward.

However, the other person didnt mention what the ultimate reward was. For now, he doesnt need to worry about it, or maybe hell never complete it in his lifetime.

With the sound of the bell, he headed upstairs. The last two classes in the afternoon were the old teachers math classes.

No one wants to be late for this class because if youre late, you have to stand outside the door for a full 90 minutes.

Speaking of classes, although Linshui City is just an ordinary county-level city, its high school is quite unique.

In regular high schools, the study workload is intense; there hasnt been a Saturday off since the first year, with only one day off on Sundays.

Typically, classes run from early self-study at 6 or 7 in the morning until 10 at night.

But a few years ago, Linshui City experienced an unexpected incident. On the same day, two students from two different schools collapsed during the night of self-study due to health issues and academic fatigue. One of them even passed away.

So, to prioritize student health, the night self-study was canceled, and an extra class was added during the day.

Because of this, missing even one class could mean missing out entirely, and when aiming for a university, neglecting a single class is not an option.

Descending against the flow of people, he returned to the classroom. As soon as he opened the door, a blast of cool air hit him.

Looking up, he noticed someone hadnt turned off the fan. The teacher would likely grumble about it again.

Back at his seat, he took out his math book, leaned on the desk, listened to the sound of the ceiling fan, felt the hot wind from outside, and felt the cool breeze above. He suddenly felt like crying.

Honestly, he missed his home in his past life, not for the 5.5 million but for the sense of unfamiliarity. While he had family and friends here, having just transmigrated, he wasnt used to it.

Really, I still feel like I havent grown up.

Before the tears could come, he held them back, pressing down the moisture at the corners of his eyes.

At that moment, he heard a soft creak from the adjacent chair, and a gentle voice spoke, Xu Lin, Im truly sorry.

Class Monitor, Ji?

He lifted his head and saw those clear, gem-like eyes shimmering in the sunlight outside the window.

Ji Yun was beautiful, but if anyone were to point out her most beautiful feature, those who had seen her wouldnt say her face; they would definitely say her eyes.

Xu Lin, I didnt really mean to express dislike for you or have feelings for someone else. I just genuinely dont want to be in a relationship right now.

Were students; lets study well and get into a good university. Look, your eyes are all red. When our classmates come back, theyll mock you. I have tissues here.

I didnt cry. Xu Lin didnt take the tissues, but she still stuffed them into his pocket.

Ji Yun, you dont need to comfort me. I should apologise to you.

Ji Yun was slightly stunned, not quite understanding why he suddenly apologized. Seeing Xu Lin heading upstairs on his own, she hurriedly caught up, intending to console him.

After all, compared to the riffraff in the class, Xu Lin had good grades and seemed like a reliable and honest guy in normal conversations.

He had been daydreaming in class today, and she wondered if it was because of the confession incident. She didnt want his grades to suffer because of such reasons.

Ignoring those who never studied was one thing, but she still wanted to talk to Xu Lin.

Why do you say sorry?

Actually, I didnt confess because I really liked you. Its more about my own selfish motives. If you had accepted, it would have been even more unfair to you. Now, youre comforting me, so I naturally have to say sorry.

What selfish

Before she could finish, a group of people walked in, and she stood up, returning to her seat across the aisle.

Xu Lin, why did you come back on your own?

Li Bin tossed a basketball towards him, and he caught it, dropping it to his feet.

Its so hot, and besides, I dont know how to play basketball.

Whats there to know or not know? Just shoot the ball.

Li Bin sat next to him, a sweaty smell hitting himnot unpleasant but not pleasant either.

Dont lean on me; youll make me all sweaty.

The seats are too close; theres no way around it.

Li Bin!

The two started teasing each other, and not far away, Ji Yun looked at Xu Lin with a smile, but many questions surged in her mind.

Like, what was the selfish motive he mentioned?

Yun, whats wrong?

Ji Yuns deskmate, Zhuo Yan, also sat down and followed her gaze.

Suddenly, she smirked. Looking at Xu Lin?


Haha, just look if you want; its no big deal.

This Xu Lin is quite interesting. He looks honest and doesnt cause trouble. I didnt expect him to confess in front of so many people. It seems our Yun has great charm.

No, I always feel he might not really like me.

Ji Yun thought of what he said and became curious.

Huh? Liking someone is all about looks. I dont believe any guy can resist falling for the school flower, Ji.

Zhuo Yan, there are quite a few beauties in our school. I dare not call myself the school flower, Ji.

Speaking of which, our school might not be the best, but there are quite a few beauties. No wonder many boys have been choosing our school recently.

A few minutes later, the bell rang, and the chubby but stern class teacher, Zhao Gang, entered the classroom, starting a consecutive 100-minute math class.

As the sun outside descended, the class also came to an end. Ma Zhiyu in the back whispered, Xu Lin, Li Bin, wanna play games after school?

I have a promotion match today!

Li Bin excitedly chimed in, but Xu Lin shook his head.

Why wont you go?

No reason; Im going home.

Xu Lin, come up and solve this problem.

Xu Lin looked at the dissatisfied teacher, feeling a headache. Others might avoid getting called on, but he always got picked, though luckily, he knew the answer to this question.

He walked up quickly and solved it in a breeze, but some students below laughed. He paused, then heard the teacher knock on the blackboard.

Which one did you write!? Anyway, you got it right. Go back and dont daydream; tell your parents to come.

Okay, okay! Xu Lin nodded continuously, and the teacher let him return to his seat.

Ten minutes later, the bell for the end of class rang. Class monitors hurriedly wrote down homework assignments on the blackboard for their respective subjects.

Most students took out their pens to jot them down. Of course, some directly packed their bags and rushed out of the classroom. Then Ma Zhiyu approached him.

Xu Lin, theres an event tonight. Play a game online, and you can get a new skin.

I have to study, bro. Xu Lin said helplessly, though he wasnt really eager to study.

Its just that he hadnt played League of Legends for several years before transmigrating and had become more of a spectator. Playing now would be embarrassing.

Study for what? Besides class, Ive never seen you study.

Li Bin slung his backpack over his shoulder, looking as if he held imperial authority.

Okay, I will be honest. I have a date with a girl. Can you guys not disturb me?

Damn, you can even come up with this excuse. You just confessed to someone this morning; where did this girl suddenly come from?

That just shows how good my skills are.

The three of them continued their noisy banter from upstairs all the way to the parking shed, where they took their bicycles out of school. They then noticed a crowd gathered not far away.

Xu Lin, not interested in the commotion, planned to walk around, but Li Bin patted his shoulder.

Its Ji Yun and that guy from next door.

Xu Lin looked over and saw Ji Yun and her deskmate, Zhuo Yan, being blocked by Zhang Kang and a few others.

Zhang Kang was the other person who confessed to Ji Yun this morning. His family runs a KTV, more like karaoke rooms with some entertainment on the side than a serious one.

Business is good, so people jokingly call him a tall, rich, and handsome guy, though apart from being tall, the rest doesnt quite fit.

Ji Yun, come to sing with us.

I have so much homework, and if Im late going home, my parents will be worried. Im sorry, Sudent Zhang.

Ji Yun forced a smile, turned the bicycle, and prepared to leave.

But after pushing it a few steps, she was blocked by two guys from the other side. The tomboyish Zhuo Yan, who was by her side, flared up at that moment.

Hey, Zhang Kang, are you crazy?

Zhuo Yan, are you crazy?! We just want to treat you guys to singing, dinner, or maybe barbecue. After that, Brother Zhang will drive Ji Yun home. One of the guys blocking Ji Yun said:.

Ji Yun couldnt keep her emotions stable at that point; her expression turned cold.

Zhang Kang, Ive told you before that I am not interested in a relationship. So what do you mean by doing this?

Ji Yun, lets not talk about being boyfriend and girlfriend. Just have a meal and play a bit; no big deal.

I wont go out with you.

Ji Yun furrowed her brow and looked around, hoping a teacher would appear. Some classmates who knew her initially thought of approaching, but upon seeing Zhang Kang and his group, they hesitated and sighed.

However, at that moment, a wheel suddenly inserted itself from the side, and an expressionless, handsome face appeared among them.

Ji Yun, lets go. Why bother with him? Xu Lin didnt look at the others; he just gestured to Ji Yun.

Xu Lin? She was initially confused, but then she instantly realised.

Zhang Kang, dont block the way, okay?

Who the hell are you?!

Zhang Kang dropped his small, ghostly motorcycle and approached, taking advantage of his height to loom over Xu Lin.

What does it matter to you who I am?!

Xu Lin sneered, looking like a hoodlum. As a result, Zhang Kang got furious and suddenly slapped him.

There was a crisp sound, and Xu Lin staggered backward, falling to the ground with his bicycle!

Xu Lin!

Ji Yun was also startled, immediately abandoning her bicycle and running to Xu Lins side.

But as her eyes fell, she saw Xu Lin sneakily smile at her.

Just then, a low growl erupted from the edge of the crowd. Whats going on here?!

Police officer, Zhang Kang assaulted someone; thats him!

Someone in the crowd shouted, and other students joined in, adding their voices to the uproar.

At the same time, students made way, and two police officers briskly approached Zhang Kang!

Crap! Zhang Kang, standing there, stared at his reddening hand, completely dumbfounded.

His few buddies behind him quickly hopped on their bicycles and slipped away, getting several metres away.

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