I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 91

Chapter 91 – Golden Fishing Hook (3)

Weeks had passed.

During that time, Najin seemingly wasted time without undertaking any significant assignments. To be more precise, he acted in a way that seemed wasteful to others.

A coward afraid of an unexpected assailant.

To those aware of the inner situation, Najin played his role so as to appear ‘just so.’ However, the weeks spent in such pretense were anything but wasted for Najin. Mulling over his conversations with Karan, Roselin, and Merlin, Najin reflected.

On his inner self and his Imagery.

Najin had undergone rapid changes over the last six months. A single event had turned his life upside down, shattering the rules he had lived by for 18 years and compelling him to break free from his long-standing nest and take flight.

His body had kept up with these swift changes.

But Najin’s soul had not.

The disconnect between soul and body was what held Najin back, and it was what he needed to overcome. What caused this disconnect? After weeks of contemplation, Najin finally reached an answer.

The outline became clear.

It felt within reach.

Yet, Najin knew all too well that enlightenment, the answer, was not easily obtained. Simply sitting cross-legged in a secluded room and meditating wasn’t enough to grasp it. Human growth always required dramatic circumstances.

“I’m just the beginning.”

“The Order has many hounds to unleash. Many. And they will tirelessly seek your life.”

A good opportunity was presenting itself. What had been a crisis until recently, Najin now saw as an unparalleled opportunity.


Najin opened his eyes that had been closed.

“Are you ready?”

Upon opening his eyes, he saw a girl with golden eyes sitting before him. Dieta. Her lips curved into a gentle arc as she posed the question, and Najin nodded.

“I’m ready.”

Kapman Theosis had said,

No one knows who the hunter is and who the prey is. Najin truly believed that statement.

He was ready.

Now, it was time to reverse the roles of prey and hunter.

“One, Jerold Orton.”

Dieta spread her fingers.

“Originally a demon hunter active in the demon lands. Retired from the battlefield for some reason. His whereabouts were unknown after retirement, but he has been confirmed to be working as a bounty hunter.”

Four documents were laid out on the office table. Each document contained a portrait along with brief information, and Dieta was pointing at them as she spoke.

“Sword Seeker in realm. Armed with a greatsword.”

She spread a second finger.

“Two, Klaus Aten. Former commander of the cavalry of the Prollea Kingdom. Disappeared after the disbandment of his unit. Armed with a lance about 3 meters long. Realm equivalent to a Sword Seeker.”

A third finger.

“Three, Basaus Malek. A soldier who served on the front lines adjacent to the demon realm. Armed with twin swords. Realm of a Sword Seeker.”

And lastly, the fourth.

“Four, Tyler Verkaniman. Leader of a disbanded unit created to execute deserters. Armed with a greatbow. Realm of a Sword Seeker.”

After a brief introduction of the four, Dieta exhaled shortly. Tapping the documents on the table with her finger, she continued.

“This is roughly the number of individuals identified so far. There are about a dozen others showing suspicious movements, but they are not of Sword Seeker realm. Those who have reached the realm of a Sword Seeker ‘must’ report their realm and information to the empire… But there was no such report for them.”

She handed Najin another document. It featured a portrait of someone wearing a robe, their identity unknown.

“This individual is somewhat noteworthy, but there’s no information available. Identity and realm unknown.”

With a long sigh, Dieta’s expression was one of incredulous amusement.

“At least four Sword Seekers, and about ten Sword Experts? Even a considerable noble family’s knight order wouldn’t mobilize this many. The Arbenia ducal family has three Sword Seekers, and this is… well…”

She let out a hollow laugh.

“They’re determined to kill you, going to such lengths. I didn’t expect them to play such a strong hand.”

Dieta shook her head, surprised by her investigation’s findings. Watching her, Najin too was astonished, albeit in a different direction.

“…How did you find all this?”

How she managed to uncover all this information was beyond him. During this time, Najin had sensed ‘suspicious movements’ and gazes, but at most, he had detected a few experts and only one Sword Seeker. And that was only possible due to his superhuman senses.

Yet Dieta had succeeded in accurately fishing out even more individuals than Najin, despite not possessing his keen senses.

“I told you, this is my domain.”

To Najin’s astonishment, Dieta simply shrugged it off.

“My trading company holds the most influence in Cambria. The gold I distribute can circle the city in a single night. It took me five years to build such a distribution network and to dominate the city’s resources.”

The net cast by the gold-swallowing snake.

“Collect rumors, throw bait, gather informants, and then distribute gold among them to create more rumors. Repeat this process a few times, and you’ll filter them out. Roughly.”

She rolled a platinum coin in her palm.

“Even if they are Sword Seekers, in this case, they are individuals not affiliated with any group. Even if they have means of communicating with the Order, it would be limited. No matter how exceptional they are…”

Dieta smirked, tapping her eyes and ears.

“You only have one pair of eyes and ears, right? How many informants do you think act as my eyes and ears? And they don’t even realize they’re informants.”

The entire city was her eyes and ears.

That’s what Dieta was saying. Hearing how she ‘fished’ them out, Najin was impressed.


‘Yes, Merlin?’

-I don’t usually say things like this, but you better not make an enemy out of the girl in front of you.

‘I think so too.’

Najin agreed with Merlin. He felt fortunate that Dieta was an ally and his first friend. He was certain that having Dieta as an enemy would have been extremely troublesome and unnerving.

“I’m really glad Dieta is my friend.”


“Yes, suddenly.”

Dieta chuckled.

“Well, anyway… Once you’ve caught them, obtaining further information is easy. Gathering information on a Sword Seeker is surprisingly simple.”

“Simple, you say?”

“Sword Seekers are considered potent threats. From a national standpoint, even if they’re not strictly managed, they need to be ‘known.’ A Sword Seeker wreaking havoc could easily destroy a territory in no time.”

That’s why whether they are commanders of knight orders or leaders of units, there’s always an attempt to place a cap on them and keep them under control. As Dieta shrugged, she continued.

“Once someone reaches the realm of a Sword Seeker, records of their activities, identity, and personal details are as clear as day. Just scratching the surface reveals a lot. Well, the empire’s Royal Guards, front-line special forces, and rangers are exceptions…”

Dieta spoke nonchalantly.

“Even they become an open book once they retire. Take Kapman Theosis, for example; as soon as he retired, all his information was disclosed. It’s a form of deterrence, a warning not to engage in untoward activities. And active Royal Guards and special forces… the Order wouldn’t be able to touch them no matter what tricks they use.”

Fishing for the bait took time, but wrapping things up afterwards was quick, she explained.

“So, what’s the plan?”


“Even if you’ve ascended to a Sword Seeker, you’re up against at least four Sword Seekers and about a dozen Sword Experts. Facing them alone is exceedingly difficult.”

It was a fact Najin had to acknowledge. The Order had sent more than he anticipated, and he couldn’t possibly confront them all.

“That’s why we made a plan.”

“Right. If you had said you’d face them alone, I would’ve grabbed you by the collar right then.”

Najin gave a wry smile.

As Dieta was setting the bait and beginning to fish, Najin had been planning with her. Now, which of those plans was the best course of action?

Both exchanged knowing smiles, certain they were thinking the same thing.

“Of course, this still poses a danger. Ultimately, it all depends on how you handle it.”

She flicked the platinum coin she’d been rolling in her palm.

“But it’s worth the gamble, isn’t it?”

Najin caught the coin Dieta flicked.


With an exasperated look, Dieta regarded Najin. The fact remained that Najin would be risking his life, and all Dieta could do was increase his odds of success as much as possible.

Dieta and Najin stood up.

It was time to act according to their agreement. Before moving forward, Dieta took a step towards Najin, straightening his disheveled attire. She then pressed against his chest with the back of her hand.

“Don’t get hurt, okay?”

“Considering the opposition, that might be difficult.”

“Ah, how did I end up dealing with someone like you…”

Dieta grumbled. After a deep sigh, she looked up at Najin.

“Don’t die. Can you promise me that?”

“I think I can promise that.”

“Then, that’s enough.”

Dieta stepped back.

“Take care. And don’t forget to come back and say hello.”

“They’re on the move.”

The Order’s hounds hidden within the city whispered. They were scattered throughout Cambria, collecting information while moving along the city’s outskirts.

Though the number of these operatives reached twenty, they never gathered in one place. Instead, they formed small groups of two or three, sharing information and passing it down the chain.

Five formidable individuals led the hounds. A natural hierarchy and chain of command had formed.

Those in command had amassed countless experiences on various battlefields and knew precisely how ambushes and assassinations should be executed. Therefore, they waited for their moment in the shadows.

“The target will head north along Ahmeti Road on the 12th night, presumably on a mission. He’ll be accompanied by adventurers, but they won’t pose a problem.”

Having obtained the list of those participating in the mission, they knew there were no individuals to be wary of.

“We’ll strike here. There must be no variables. The Order has warned us. Beware of individuals capable of turning the tide despite the disparity in strength.”

Inexperienced fools not yet Sword Seekers.

To capture one such fool, five operatives of Sword Seeker caliber were deployed. Yet, these five did not question the Order’s judgment. Whether bound by enmity or some other fate, they knew all too well the severity of High Priest Orland.

If he had made such a decision,

There must be a reason.

They cross-referenced the information they gathered, paying particular attention to any involvement by the Dieta Trading Company. According to the information provided by the Order, the mission’s target was in a favorable relationship with the head of the Dieta company.

“Nothing here.”

“Same on this end.”

However, no involvement from the company was confirmed. The mission had been issued by the Central Guild, and the young man named Najin was venturing outside the city to fulfill the minimum mission quota required to maintain his ‘Red rank.’

A mission reluctantly undertaken. And inquiries into Najin’s movements over the period revealed no connections with the head of the company.

Although they couldn’t access the city’s center, Najin was well-known in Cambria, making it easy to track his movements. Information about Najin flooded in from all corners, and they collected it diligently.

Of course, one must not place too much trust in the deluge of information. That’s why they periodically met to cross-verify and confirm the data. And when all twenty operatives had ‘identically’ confirmed their findings, they were ready to act.

The prey had left its nest.

It was time for the hunters to make their move.

They considered themselves the hunters and didn’t fundamentally doubt this fact. Though not complacent, they believed they had the upper hand.

But they were unaware.

Unaware that all the information had been manipulated.

Unaware that they were being swept away by a current someone else had created.

Unaware that a golden fishing hook was already embedded in their necks.

Unaware that the roles of hunter and prey had already been reversed.

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