I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 182: Come And Duel With Me!

Chapter 182: Come And Duel With Me!

Because it seemed to cause some serious misunderstanding, Yuei Vu took a lot of effort to explain to Chika that the Dark Magician Girl was his card spirit, a partner who fought side by side, and things were not what she thought

To prove it, he also asked the Dark Magician Girl to perform a switch between the spirit form and physical body in front of Chika, which finally roughly explained the situation.

Yuei Vu let out a long sigh of relief: Huh~ You should understand, right?

Chika nodded in confusion, hesitated for a moment, and then looked vigilantly at the place where Dark Magician Girl disappeared.

It meansshe is with you from morning to night every day, right?

Yuei Vu:

It feels like she still doesnt listen at all

Please, she is a spirit, a spirit!

Who among serious duelists would have any dirty thoughts about their own spirit? Do you know?

However, Chika-chan obviously didnt think so at all, and now there was only one word floating on her silver head


The efficiency of the Kaiba Corp was also really astonishing, highlighting the character of their president who was vigorous and decisive. Its only been one day since the end of the competition, yet the new trophy has already been delivered to the door by several men in black.

The one who led the team was Uncle Isono againYuei Vu very much suspected that this uncle might also have a lot of background. As a referee, he was able to remain calm in the face of all kinds of supernatural phenomena, and he always seemed to be running errands for the Kaiba Corp, so he must have a backstage role.

Another interesting point was that on the second day after the Battle City competition ended, the president finally adopted Yuei Vus suggestion earlier, and deleted the restriction that Fusion Monsters cannot attack in the turn they are Fusion Summoned

He remembered that in the original animation, the president seemed to delete this rule after Battle City ended.

As for the reasonYuei Vu personally thinks its not hard to guess.

Before the competition, when Yuei Vu went to talk to the president about this matter, Kaiba waved his hand and said that he would not consider it at all, reasoning that if I fusion summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and launched an attack quickly, wouldnt the opponent be killed without any power to fight back?

And now, after the competition, the president, who was shut down by Yami Yugi, found that things were indeed different from what he thought. The current president looked back at Yuei Vus original suggestion, and cant help but feel that what he said seems to have some truth

Of course, since Fusion Monsters could attack during the turn of summoning, the clause Spell Cards can be used during the Battle Phase must naturally be deleted.

Otherwise, you could let the monsters used as fusion materials attack first, and after the attack was over, you could fuse the material monsters to continue attacking. After the attack, you could even use De-Fusion to restore the materials to the state before fusion, and then continue attacking

In short, in the end, the president has now adopted all his suggestions. Although concepts such as spell speed, chaining, and timing of card effects have not been introduced, for the time being, the duel rules were finally closer to the real card environment familiar to players.

It didnt matter what the reason was, what mattered was the result.

This wave, this wave was the victory of pure HERO.

Now that painful rule was deleted, Yuei Vu said that he was going to take off!

Can you imagine how painful it is to play a fusion HERO deck with that kind of attack limit?

Even if Yuei Vus duelists Rank has been improved, learned Kaibas 502 glue technique to draw the Polymerization and the Quick Attack card together, but the fight was still very painful.

To be honest, the impact was quite large.

If it werent for the Pot of Greed and Card of Sanctity in his deck to fill up the upper limit, a Fusion HERO deck, which was already at a loss of resource, would consume an extra Quick Attack for the attack declaration, would explode on the spot.

Yuei Vu was in a good mood about this, and felt that the president has finally done a good thing!

Of course, he certainly couldnt be arrogant about this.

Even if he got the title of Duel King, it didnt mean that he has graduated at the full level in this world. He knew this very well.

In fact, similar to many online games, the dueling monster card game was constantly updated. The environment would change, and the upper limit would continue to increase.

So there was no such thing as graduation in this game. As the version was updated, players and NPCs will continue to become stronger.

What todays Duel King represented was just glory, and it didnt explain anything. Yuei Vu was very clear that most of his advantages lay in the advanced version of the card deck construction and awareness. Now his Rank was 7, and although he could be regarded as one of the top duelists, it was still far from the upper limit.

Not to mention others, lets talk about President Kaiba. After losing this competition, he may have closed the door to do research and prepare to reprint his wife (Blue-Eyes White Dragon) with a new vest

The higher you stand, the harder it will be for you to fall. Becoming a Duel King brought benefits, but at the same time, there must be corresponding risks. Next, Yuei Vu must continue to improve and must be faster than others, in order to maintain the status of the version leader.

Of course, it would be more convenient for him to harvest leeks in the future.

However, there were rumors on the Internet that deleting the restriction of fusion monsters unable to attack in the turn of summoning was Yuei Vus opinion.

Then someone suggested that Yuei Vu, the Duel King, was actually the consultant for Kaiba Companys duel monster module. It was said that he is one of the few duelists recognized by Seto Kaiba, and President Kaiba also attached great importance to his opinions. The current rules of dueling monsters were largely influenced by Yuei Vus opinions.

Although no one knew where the news leaked out, it was not a bad thing for Yuei Vu and those related to him.

For example, at Nightcrawler World, the gifts President Kawasawa Gai received in the past two days almost piled up into a hill.

Every three days or so, high-level officials from underground organizations came to give gifts to express their opinions. Every so often, someone called to greet him, expressing that I had been fascinated by your Duel King for a long time.

This was also a matter of course. The duelists in the other world played cards every day, so they naturally respected the top powerhouses who have the title of Duel King, and they spared no effort to the bigshot who have the right to speak and affect the rules of the game.

Its just that President Kaiba had a weird personality, and he sneers at the Shadow Duelists.

Ever since, Yuei Vu, who has the title of Duel King and is rumored to have a high voice with President Kaiba, has become a favorite in the eyes of major organizations.

However, because Yuei Vu made it clear that he wanted to rest for a few days after the game, he was too lazy to care about it, so all related matters were handled by Nightcrawler World on his behalf.

President Gai was busy receiving gifts and meeting guests these days. He traveled outside every day, listening to the Shadow Duelists from all over the world trying their best to flatter him. His ears were almost getting lice.

These days, waves came after waves, making our president feel tired

However, some people may be good at playing cards, but not at phrasing people. It may be that others have snatched up all the rhetoric that could be boasted. A buddy looked at the severely stunted, hairless, chicken-like President Gai, and for some reason, he said Tall, powerful, and handsome Come on, the presidents face turned black when he boasted

How did you speak? Do you have to be taught how to bootlick?

Why dont you just say that I have elegant hairstyles?

Yuei Vu is happily scrolling through the forum, watching the impact of these changes on screwball players. At this moment, Chika approached quietly.

Do you want to eat the apple?

Ah? Oh. Yuei Vu came back to his senses, Okay.

Do you want me to wash it?

Okay, thank you for the trouble~

Do you want me to peel it?

Uh okay.

Do you want me to cut it?

Yuei Vu:

Whats wrong with this girl?

Why does it seem that since I came back yesterday, she looks a little abnormal?

Could it be just because I have earned the title of Duel King?

Chikas expression now was as stable as an old dog, but in fact, she was panicking in her heart.

At Yuei Vus own request, in fact, the store no longer paid him wages.

After all, the title of Duel King not only meant glory but also came with commercial effects. As long as Yuei Vu thought about it, he would never lack money.

Chika felt that it would not be surprising if one day he said he would move out of the store and say goodbye, but Yuei Vu didnt seem to have this intention until now (although she didnt know why).

Chika once speculated whether Yuei Vu would continue to stay in the store just to get in touch with those bunch of jumping weirdos every day But she quickly dismissed this idea because she thought it was too absurd.

Before, she was often able to help Yuei Vu. As a senior, she could still teach him how to handle some store affairs, but now she was deprived of even this opportunity.

All of this was to be blamed on that weirdo named Snow Wave!

This guy was guarding the door of the store every morning before dawn, running errands for Yuei Vu from dawn to dusk, and doing all the work he could do!

The most frightening thing was that according to Chikas observation, this guy didnt seem to eat, drink or rest. Its just a ruthless working machine!

Regarding the state of his granddaughter, Itou Shin saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

Why is my Chika so shy?

Thinking back then, when I was five years old, I was recognized as a garden grass by the kindergarten, and at the age of seven, I would chase after the beautiful big sister and ask for contact information

Why didnt my granddaughter inherit any of these excellent gene?

And this boy Yuei Vu is also annoying.

My Chika is so cute, and she also works so hard, but he is like a piece of wood and doesnt respond at all!

Uncle Itou Shin, who became angrier and angrier, finally couldnt hold back and jumped in front of Yuei Vu without saying a word.

Hey, kid! Uncle Shin said with his waist in his arms, Come and duel with me!

Yuei Vu: ?

Chika: ?

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