I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 169: I Will Use This Card To Defeat You

Chapter 169: I Will Use This Card To Defeat You

Im going, Kaiba!

Come on! Yu Gi !

Duel! x2

Finally came the fateful showdown that everyone loved. At this time, both Yugi and the Kaiba of the warring parties have already boarded the duel stage. They continued the destiny match which has begun thousands of years ago.

Yami Marik, who has been thinking about doing bad things all day, has been eliminated, and the atmosphere of the Duel City Finals will be much more relaxed. There was no Shadow Game, no gamble, and no companion who was trapped in the darkness and must be rescued (Bakura who was on the hospital bed have been forgotten).

Now that there was no such pressure, all they needed to do at this time was to do their best and fight for themselves.

The crowd in the front row was already in place, and the melon seeds and peanuts were ready. The audience in the players live broadcast room was also in high spirits, they were brushing some world famous paintings, green knot work and other things of unknown meaning.

This time it was President Kaiba who went first. The president, whose win rate was predicted to be less than 1% by players, actually got the first turn. In players eyes, he was a walking dead.

However, the president unconsciously even delivered the second line: As long as we duel, the wind of battle will be noisier. Yu Gi ! I want to bury you in this duel!

The president shouted in a full and affectionate voice, especially the pronunciation of the phrase Yugi.

However, Yami Yugi said that he was not interested in anyone other than AIBO, and waved mercilessly: Draw the card, Kaiba!

So the duel started quickly.

The development on the Kaiba side was similar to the original animation. First, he used the XYZ cannon formation. He combined three monsters X-Head Cannon, Y-Dragon Head and Z-Metal Tank, and summoned the combined monster XYZ-Dragon Cannon (ATK 2800), quickly suppressing the situation.

Then Kaiba struck while the iron was hot and said, Because it is a combined monster, it can be used as three tributes, so the XYZ-Dragon Cannon, which was regarded as three monsters, was used as the sacrifice

I directly summon Obelisk the Tormentor!

Obelisks God Hand Crusher exploded the guarding monsters on Yugis field. President Kaiba raised his arms and started laughing three times, proudly saying: Yugi, did you see it? This is the god I control Obelisk, the God of Destruction! Obelisk is unbeatable! You have no chance of winning without an Egyptian God!

Yugi: To be honest, Im a little disappointed, Kaiba.

What did you say? President Kaiba suddenly frowned.

As we all know, men were most afraid of being told that they were incompetent by their loved ones.

No monster is unbeatable. If you dont realize this, it means that you are nothing but a duelist who only relies on powerful monsters. Yugi closed his eyes and said coldly, In the previous duel, even the absolutely invincible The Winged Dragon of Ra has been beaten by Yuei Vu.

If that doesnt give you any inspiration, Kaiba, it means that as a duelist, you are far worse than him!

Kaiba gritted his teeth angrily: Yugi !

As we all know, in addition to being afraid of being told that they were incompetent by their loved ones, men were more afraid of being told that there is someone who is better than you by their loved ones.

Ill show you this turn. My turn, draw! Yugi raised the tone, I summon Gamma The Magnet Warrior. Then I activate the Spell Card Ties of the Brethren! Pay 1000 Life Points and select 1 face-up Level 4 monster I control. Special Summon 2 Level 4 monsters from my hand or Deck with the same Type as the selected monster! (animation effect)

Come on, Beta The Magnet Warrior, Alpha The Magnet Warrior!

Then he lookded at Kaiba: This is the Spell Card I want to use to defeat the god Brave Attack!

What? Kaiba was shocked.

Brave Attacks effect Add together the ATK of all Attack Position monsters I control, and attack one of the opponents monsters. At the end of the Battle Phase, destroy all Attack Position monsters I control! said Yugi.

[Gamma The Magnet Warrior, ATK 1500]

[Alpha The Magnet Warrior, ATK 1700]

[Beta The Magnet Warrior, ATK 1400]

Total attack power4600!? The presidents face suddenly changed color, The attack power actually exceeds that of Obelisk?

Come on, magnet warriors! Yugi shouted, Break the god for me!

The three magnet warriors were linked together by the Spell Card effect, and they flew forward one by one, and hit Obelisk with an iron head skill.

Although each of them was instantly shattered when they hit, each of them did their best to leave a tiny crack in the god. The three of them made concerted efforts, and the crack became bigger and bigger. The God of Destruction let out a low growl, and his body disappeared with a burst of blue light.

(Obelisk: Im so cracked)

The presidents ace card was easily eliminated, and the situation that was absolutely beneficial to Kaiba became uncertain again. Such a huge change must not have a small impact on President Kaiba. You could see that he has a low head and a sullen face at this moment as if he suspected that his life was being ridiculed and autistic

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Kaiba suddenly laughed, and even the audience outside was startled.

Very good, Yugi! Thats how you are worthy to be defeated! Kaiba laughed, not only did he not autistic, but his gaze toward Yugi became even more scorching.

I knew you were not a duelist that couldnt deal with a single god. If you only have this kind of skill, it would be too boring!

Here, Yugi successfully solved Kaibas God Card, but at the same time, due to the side effect of Brave Attack, all the monsters on his field were also destroyed.

In other words, now his field was empty, and it was also Kaibas best offensive opportunity.

Kaiba didnt waste time here. He performed a unique duel skill which was called 502. First, he played a Card of Demise to refill his hand, and then directly fused three Blue-Eyes White Dragons on the hand.

The next thing to do was to sing a summon chant with his soul: Lets let you see the strongest and most extreme dragon in history, transcend the boundaries of time and space. Come! Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, ATK 4500]

Yugi looked at the three-headed white dragon that crashed down in front of him and showed his teeth and claws.

A monster that surpassed the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!?

Thats right! This is the final evolution form of the Ultimate Dragon! Hahahaha!!! Kaiba laughed, And let me tell you Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons effect. Once per Duel, if I have Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in my Extra Deck, this card can attack 3 times!

Yugi was even more shocked: The attack power is 4500, and it can attack three times in one turn!?

The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling: Wow, President is cheating, right? Why do you play the Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to fight the Duel King now?

Could it be that the president made some calculations and felt that he couldnt beat Yami Yugi without jumping off the building, so he made a special trip to print a new card

Kaiba continued: Then open the set card on the field: Spell Card Quick Attack! Let the fusion monster attack this turn!

Perfect! Invincible! The strongest! President Kaiba fell into the intoxication of the Ultimate White Bride, Attack and kill Yugi for me!

Yugi waved his hand: Activate the Trap Card Mirror Force!

The Trap Card was flipped, and the barrage suddenly exploded.

6666! The holy power of Hanoi!

Yami Yugi, your innocence has been corrupted! Youve already set Hanois holy power, yet pretending to be a coward as real as a master actor

Neo Ultimate Dragons jet of white light blasted through the air, slamming into the translucent barrier. The white shock rushed away and counterattacked back, instantly blasting the Kaibas Neo Ultimate Dragon, and with a cry of grief, the dragon exited the stage miserably.

Blue-Eyes! Kaiba shouted angrily as he looked at his wife who had just appeared and died before she even had time to exhale a breath.

Butit doesnt matter!

Activate Spell Card Dragons Mirror! Kaiba played the last card in his hand, This card can Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, by banishing Fusion Materials listed on it from my field or GY!

I banish three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my graveyard! Come, my ultimate servant

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! ! !

Sure enough, no matter how fancy or beautiful the new vest was, in the end, it still had to rely on the power of the classics.

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon (Classic Edition), Fusion Summon!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, ATK 4500]

When Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is in my Graveyard, any effect of Spells, Traps, and monsters will be ineffective against the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on my field! Kaiba shouted, And the Ultimate Dragon cannot be the target of any effect from the opponent!

The attack power was 4500, and it had almost absolutely invincible complete resistance.

The truly invincible blue-eyed ultimate dragon!

It should be noted that Card of Demise only let players draw a total of five cards at most, but among five cards on the presidents hand, three of which were Blue-Eyes White Dragon, one was Polymerization, and the last one was Dragons Mirror. So coincidentally, it was almost like the deck never shuffled.

It could only be said that this wave was the achievement of 502 the superglue.

This time its game over for real! President Kaiba laughed, Ultimate Dragons attack cannot be stopped, and any card effects are invalid for her!

Be gone, Yugi! From now on I will inherit the title of Duel King and take a new step!

This wave looked really stable, and the ultimate dragon, which had absolute resistance, was already a monster that was comparable to the Egyptian gods.


Yugi said nothing and put a card in his hand into the graveyard: I discard Kuriboh!

Here again, the invincible Kuriboh.

Discarding the Kuriboh from the hand could turn the battle damage to 0, and it was effective against monsters who were unaffected by card effects. Kuriboh said that even if the gods come, it could still block the damage for you.

Damn President Kaiba gritted his teeth, looking at the fluffy Kuriboh, he felt as if he had seen the enemy of his life.

Did you survive this turn with this trash fish monster again, Yugi?

Although very smart, President Kaiba was really the type who never had a long memory. Many times he has been defeated by Kuribohs, but the next time the president still insisted on saying it was a trash fish monster. At this moment, he has committed the taboo again

Its the last turn of Yugi.

My turn, draw! Kaiba! I will use this card to completely smash the darkness in your heart! Activate Spell Card Polymerization!

I fuse Dark Magician and Buster Blader in the hand!

Fusion Summon! Dark Paladin!

[Dark Paladin, ATK 2900]

Dark Paladins attack power will increase by 500 for each Dragon monster in both graveyards!

Its useless! Kaiba shouted, Even so, it cant compare to the attack power of my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

Its not over yet! Activate Spell Card Soul Release! Banish up to five cards from both graveyards!

I will remove the Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in your graveyard from the game so that the invincible resistance of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon will disappear!

And then I play this card! Quick-Play Spell De-Fusion!

The presidents face changed suddenly: Damn Yugi! Could it be Could it be that you had already guessed that I was going to summon the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!?

The presidents face was full of astonishment, like the trump card at the bottom of the box was seen through.

Using De-Fusion, release the fusion of Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Yugi waved, Then if all the Fusion Materials that were used for its Fusion Summon are in your GY, you can Special Summon all of them to your field! (Animation effect)

However, all the Blue-Eyes White Dragons in your graveyard have been banished by the effect of Dragons Mirror, so Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon disappears, but Blue-Eyes White Dragon will not return to your field, Kaiba!

The presidents expression gradually distorted: Damn Yugi

Then I will also use the Spell Card Quick Attack! Fight, the last blow! Yugi issued the final order, Dark Paladin, attack Kaiba directly! Super Magical Shadowless Slash!

Kaiba: Ahhhhh!!!

Kaiba, LP 0

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