I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 8: Four People

Chapter 8: Four People

TL: waterlemon

Word count: 1027

Wen Qingling had tried before, the blood anemones grown from seeds could not restore a zombies human form and consciousness. Only the blood anemones grown from his blood had this effect.

The business for the clinic was dismal. Wen Qingling was incredibly idle. Spreading out his spiritual power, he found a thrilling performance to watcha battle between four people and two Butchers!

Though they were up against the Butchers who had thick skin and flesh, the four people did not fall behind in the slightest. Wen Qingling found the reason for that soon enough.

Three of the four were ability users. There was one fire ability user who desperately threw out large fireballs without care, causing loud booms to resound non-stop; there was one wind ability user, flying around the area on wings made of wind, hacking away, spilling blood and flesh. 

There was also an earth ability user, constantly turning the area around the Butcher into mud, making the Butchers feet sink into the ground. Coupled with the Butchers originally slow reaction, this caused the Butcher to become meat on a chopping board.

The last one did not use any special abilities. It was hard to ascertain whether he was an ability user or not. However, he was more ferocious than the other three ability users. 

He had black hair, black eyes, and a cold expression on his face. Narrowly sliding past the Butchers large axe, he sliced open the Butchers belly with one cut.

The fire ability user jumped to his feet and shouted at the man, asking him to resolve matters quickly and not disgust others.

With his next strike, the man cut off the Butchers arm. The large axe fell to the ground with a resounding boom.

With his third strike, the man directly decapitated the Butcher, its large head rolling onto the ground.

Using the same moves, he cleanly resolved the remaining Butcher in three strikes without a second of delay.

At this moment, Wen Qingling instinctively felt some danger and wanted to retract his spiritual power. The man who had his head bowed while cleaning his knife abruptly looked up. His eyes were sharp. It was as if he could see Wen Qingling.

Wen Qingling:  

Where did these four pop up from?

He had been wandering around Ling City for two years, and he had never heard of them. If they were an ability user squad situated in the area, with such strong strength, they would be very famous.

After all, ability users were the minority. For abilities related to nature like theirs, the number of ability users was even lower. Yet today, Wen Qingling was able to see three at once.

They were probably outsiders.

Whats in the sky? Ji Rong followed the man in looking up at the sky, but found nothing.

Xiao Hen sheathed the knife. Done? We should go.

Shi Chong collected the crystal nuclei of the Butchers, and the four of them continued their journey.

Ji Rong: The legendary City of Zombies is indeed worthy of its name. Even Butchers appear in pairs.

Xiao Hen: You only saw the Butcher. There is something else here. 

The feeling of being watched from before was gone. The observer must have left.

The four people halted their steps. 

From the front came a group of zombie dogs. There were more than a dozen of them. Their bodies were so rotten that you could see their ribs. One by one, they stretched out their necks, salivating. With low roars, they rushed up to encircle the group. 

Second grade evolutionary lifeform, Shepherd. Was this what you meant by something else?! Ji Rongs scalp was going numb.

He would rather fight to the death with a Butcher than face a Shepherd!

The zombie dogs roared and rushed toward them. The four of them immediately turned and started running away, attacking as they escaped.

The Shepherds dogs were very difficult to deal with. They were fast, agile and even had a tracking ability. Being targeted by them was akin to having something stuck to you with superglue! The only way to avoid this was to kill them all, or locate the Shepherd and kill them off. 

Shepherds had always been cunning and would only use their control ability while hidden deep in the shadows. Once the pack of zombie dogs were dead, as long as the Shepherd was still alive, it would be able to find more pets to continue its hunt.

The two fireballs that Ji Rong sent both did not hit the mark. The zombie dogs were incredibly agile and had great jumping ability.

Fuck! Boss, come on, hit the dog!

Xiao Hen flipped his wrist. The long knife in his hand disappeared, replaced by a sniper rifle. He then disappeared from the spot, reappearing on the roof of a neighbouring building. 

From that position, he exploded the heads of the zombie dogs one by one.

The sniper rifle was equipped with a silencer and did not cause much noise.

After the group of zombie dogs was killed off, Xiao Hen did not leave the roof. He was trying to find the Shepherds hiding place.

A few minutes later, a dwarf-sized zombie dashed into the group of zombies at a rapid speed. Xiao Hen tracked it through the rifles scope. The moment the small zombie showed its head, it was taken down by a single shot.

Xiao Hen retrieved the gun and once again reappeared within the team. The sniper rifle in his hands had already turned back into a long knife.

Ji Rong gritted his teeth.

If I catch that rascal, I will definitely beat him until he no longer looks human!

He Lin habitually observed the terrain. 

The density of zombies here is too high. Its very easy for evolved zombies to appear.

Ji Rong jumped to his feet, annoyed.

Dont jinx it anymore, I need rest!

Xiao Hen cut in.

You should pray that the rascal wont be killed off by the evolved zombies here. Otherwise all this effort will be for naught.

TN: Surprise ML! And the promised double release~

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