I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

TL: Moonlit

The high-level officials from various regions rushed over and asked, Whats happening? Why the urgency?

Xiao Jiang tried to adjust his expression and didnt immediately confront them. Instead, he recounted the situation witnessed by Xiao Hen to the high-level officials.

Everyones faces turned pale. Not to mention whether there were foreign zombies being attracted, even if it was just the zombies within China gathering together, it would still be a terrifying flood.

This disaster couldnt be described as a mere zombie tide.

Now the most important thing was to investigate the situation. If there were indeed foreign zombies being drawn in, then this would no longer be a disaster limited to China alone but a catastrophe for entire Asia and even the world.

Reconnaissance aircraft took off from the central giant city and flew towards various border areas to search for the source of the zombie flood.

The emergency orders were issued, and the real challenge had just begun.

As expected, as soon as Xiao Jiang mentioned his despicable sons request, the conference room exploded. The commotion was even louder than the bargaining of the market aunties. Xiao Hen coldly watched it all unfold.

Civilized City.

Ji Rong, He Lin, and Shi Chong stood on the city wall with serious expressions. The number of zombies outside the city was decreasing. They were inexplicably being attracted and gradually leaving. The number of zombies was decreasing.

If all these zombies were to leave, when Wen Qingling returned, they wouldnt know how to explain it. But they couldnt tether these zombies to prevent them from leaving either. It was truly a dilemma.

Just when they were racking their brains to retain these zombies, Wen Qingling returned with a large group of people.

Ji Rong and the others hurriedly went out of the city to greet them.

Wen Qingling didnt waste any words. His voice appeared in the ears of all the high-level officials, Meeting at the City Lords Mansion.

Wen Qingling had never spoken with such seriousness before, which made everyone extremely cautious. No matter what tasks they had at hand, they immediately set them aside and rushed to the City Lords Mansion for the emergency meeting.

The newly appointed Zombie General of the Northern Direction and the Lord of the Northern Direction went together. The researchers they brought back would be assigned by dedicated personnel.

By the time Wen Qingling arrived at the conference room, all the high-level officials had already gathered.

At a glance, Wen Qingling saw a little girl in a princess dress and almost thought she had entered the wrong place.

Why are you here? Wen Qingling asked.

The little girl was none other than Mo Yu Rou, the leader of Rong City, who excelled in sonic attacks. If she hadnt shown up on her own, Wen Qingling would have almost forgotten about her.

The little girl made a funny face at Wen Qingling and said, I heard that Civilized City is recruiting leaders, so I came here to sign up~

Song You Shan, the little girls mother who came with her, anxiously tried to stop her and explained, There are no survivors left in Rong City now. They heard that Civilized City has detoxification agents and vaccines, so they all joined this base. Even the zombies in Rong City have almost left. We didnt know what to do, so we came here.

Wen Qingling understood and didnt ask any further.

Jiang Lan and Wen Zheng also participated in this meeting. They had been handling many matters in Civilized City, so they were the most knowledgeable about the situation.

How many people are currently in Civilized City? Wen Qingling asked.

No one knew the answer to this question better than Jiang Lan. Currently, there are over 30,000 civilized zombies and over 120,000 new humans.

It was too few, still too few.

Civilized zombies were transformed by consuming blood anemones, while new humans were those who took the transformation agent. The supply of blood anemones was limited and couldnt be provided indefinitely. However, the production of the transformation agent should be continuous. But due to a severe shortage of manpower, the quantity of the medicine was limited, resulting in such a small number of new humans.

Wen Qingling asked, How many people are in the three affiliated bases now?

Ji Rong replied, Xiang County currently has over 600,000 survivors, Xu County has over 500,000, and Yue County has just over 100,000. Survivors are arriving continuously every day. Xiang County and Xu County have reached their population limits, and now only Yue County can accept a large number of survivors.

With such a small number, facing the terrifying zombie flood, it was estimated that they wouldnt even have a chance to catch their breath.

Wen Qingling said, Its very dangerous outside recently. If possible, try not to go out. Also, I need energy. There is no limit to the supply of crystal nuclei and beast crystals. Sell detoxification agents and vaccines without setting a limit.

Wen Qingling had encountered abandoned cities and zombie floods on the way, and all the zombies had been summoned and left their original cities, gathering in the northeast direction.

That direction was where Yunjing City was located.

Wen Qingling faced a great threat. If he couldnt become stronger quickly, he might die in this disaster. He needed a large number of crystal nuclei and beast crystals to enhance his power.

Ji Rong reported the situation of the zombies outside the city, which Wen Qingling already knew and didnt need him to say more.

Wen Qingling ordered someone to bring Xiao Hen back. In such a critical situation, he couldnt afford to worry about others lives. He had never concealed his selfishness and wouldnt agree to risk his own people.

Ji Rong hesitated a bit. If the Giant City is truly in danger, he wouldnt come back.

Wen Qingling glared, Wont he stay there waiting to die?

Ji Rong fell silent.

Wen Qingling made the decision, Send a helicopter to bring him back.

Ji Rong stood still, unmoving. Even if he dies there, he wont come back.

Wen Qinglings gaze turned cold, making Ji Rong feel a chill from head to toe. He mustered the courage and said, If the Central Giant City is wiped out, there will be hardly any survivors left in China. Looking at the current situation, even Civilized City may not be able to hold on unless you can take down the big boss. Can you?

In the past, Wen Qingling would have unhesitatingly told him that he could. He could just die a few more times if necessary.

But this time was different. He constantly felt a sense of crisis, an unprecedented feeling he had never experienced before. Even when facing the Level 8 evolved General, he didnt feel this kind of pressure.

Ji Rong looked very serious. If not, after the Central Giant City is wiped out, it will be our turn, Civilized City. I understand this, and the leader understands it even more. Thats why he wont come back. Even if he dies in battle, he will keep the danger away from the Civilized City.

Wen Qingling stood up, his gaze clear and calm. No zombie can rise above my head, and its the same for the one in Yunjing City.

He walked out of the conference room.

So what if he had to fight desperately? Wen Qingling had never been afraid.

Xiao Hen didnt want danger to reach Civilized City, and Wen Qingling felt the same way.

After the meeting ended, Wen Qingling began seclusion. All the crystal nuclei and beast crystals in Civilized City were continuously sent to him. His daily task was to absorb energy, constantly absorbing energy. He wanted to enhance his strength as much as possible before the big boss in Yunjing City went on a killing spree. But he lacked the energy to reach the tenth level.

In just a few days, he had absorbed all the available beast crystals and crystal cores. There was still a significant gap to reach the ninth level, let alone the tenth level. He realized that it might be difficult to deliver the beating he imagined to the one in Yunjing City. In fact, he might end up being beaten instead.

Wen Qingling stood on the city wall, looking at the desolate scenery outside the city. He felt a sense of impending defeat.

He had recently reached the eighth level, the perfect time to beat the General. But instead of the General coming to be beaten, the king of Yunjing City wanted to come and attack him. Wen Qingling suspected that they were in collusion, a united front against him. It seemed that he was being ignored, standing alone as a useless zombie.

Wen Qingling was very angry. He vented his anger over the General not coming to be beaten, his resentment towards the old king of Yunjing City, and the frustration of not having crystal nuclei and beast crystals, all in a roar of rage directed at a high-level zombie.

The receding flood of zombies stagnated, aimlessly spinning in place. Then, a few zombies started to turn back, followed by a dozen, then dozens more More and more zombies began to return.

Ji Rong and others stood together on the city wall, their eyes almost popping out. The receding flood of zombies suddenly split in the middle, and the zombies behind started heading towards Civilized City.

It was so densely packed that at first glance, it looked like the zombies were surrounding the city.

The crowded zombies continued returning to their original positions, resuming their days of waiting for redemption.

Wen Qingling was very satisfied with this scene. He thought that his zombie little brothers were eager to please their zombie dad. They were quite adorable!

The sound of helicopter propellers came from afar as several helicopters flew towards Civilized City.

Wen Qinglings spirits lifted as he knew that Xiao Hen had returned.

A few days ago, he had wanted to send someone to bring Xiao Hen back, but Ji Rong persuaded him not to. Wen Qingling had said that with the Wen family bloodline, it was impossible not to consider his own interests a little.

Seeing Xiao Hen descend from the helicopter, Ji Rong felt like his face was being slapped.

Something was wrong, very wrong. It was completely against the leaders style of doing things. According to the leaders character, he should be guarding the Central Giant City, not taking a step away. Why did he come back now?

Ji Rong, He Lin, and Shi Chong followed along, intending to find out what was going on.

Wen Qingling strolled over slowly and asked, Are these helicopters also mine?

Xiao Hen replied, If you want them, you can keep them all.

Wen Qingling nodded and said, I saw the helicopters and armored vehicles you brought.

Xiao Hen asked, Do you like them?

Wen Qingling grinned, showing his pleasure, and said, I must like them.

Xiao Hen also smiled, holding Wen Qinglings hand. His fingers were cold, and Wen Qinglings body temperature was much lower than Xiao Hens.

Wen Qingling didnt pull away and allowed Xiao Hen to hold his hand.

Come and see if you like the things this time. Xiao Hen led Wen Qingling to look at the large wooden boxes placed on the ground. Soldiers were still unloading them from the helicopter, and several large wooden boxes were placed on the ground.

Wen Qingling looked up at Xiao Hen, his eyes questioning what was inside the boxes.

Xiao Hen squeezed his hand and said, Open and see.

Wen Qingling didnt hesitate and opened one of the large wooden boxes. It was filled with crystal nuclei and beast crystals.

Wen Qingling: !!!

Wen Qinglings face showed astonishment and shock. Where did these come from?

Seeing a whole box full of crystal nuclei and beast crystals, Ji Rong and the others also gasped. There were so many, and they filled several large boxes. How many zombies and corpse beasts had to be killed for this?

Xiao Hen didnt say much. After all, it wasnt easy to get the financial resources of the Central Giant City. Those old fellows pretended not to know when it didnt involve their own interests. Only when it affected their own benefits would they kick up a fuss.

After a few days of negotiation with those old fellows, Xiao Hen finally managed to get them to give up all the financial resources of the First, Fourth, and Sixth Districts. Even if someone took over those districts in the future, they would be left with an empty shell as the financial resources had already been drained.

In addition, the Third and Seventh Districts voluntarily contributed half of their financial resources to the rewards.

The Second and Fifth Districts couldnt just sit idly by since Wen Qingling had indeed helped them a lot, and it was only fair to provide some crystal nuclei and beast crystals, even though it was painful for them.

Therefore, the Second and Fifth Districts gave up thirty percent of their financial resources, which was enough to fill several large boxes.

Wen Qingling looked at Xiao Hen, then at the large wooden boxes, then back at Xiao Hen.

Xiao Hen chuckled at his teasing and asked, What are you looking at?

Wen Qingling put on a serious face and said, I suspect that youve sold yourself.

Xiao Hen replied, No.

Wen Qingling doubted, Then are they stupid? Willing to give up so many crystal nuclei and beast crystals?

Xiao Hen said, These are your rewards.

Wen Qingling glanced at the helicopters and armored vehicles parked nearby. Wasnt this a bit disrespectful to them? They seemed to be worth nothing?

I suspect some part is missing hmmm especially the first part

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