I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

TL: Moonlit

Wen Qingling did not go to the Core City and instead met Yuan Chen at the clinic. There was not even a single bodyguard by his side, and the clinic was empty, with only Wen Qingling alone. It could be said that he had no airs and no facade at all.

Yuan Chen couldnt gauge Wen Qinglings depth and felt that the rumored Lord of Civilization was too young and seemed lacking in sophistication.

Yuan Chen cautiously introduced himself and then asked Wen Qingling the reason he sought him out.

Throughout the conversation, Yuan Chen kept staring into Wen Qinglings eyes. Similarly, Wen Qingling liked to look into peoples eyes when speaking because that was the only way to better understand the other persons thoughts and intentions.

Wen Qingling said, I want to ask you how you persuaded your cousin to give you control of the Yue County Base.

Yuan Chen smiled and said, My brother and I have had a good relationship since we were young. After graduating from college, we went our separate ways and were busy with our own careers. In the post-apocalyptic world, we thought there were no more relatives left, but unexpectedly, we were able to see each other alive.

I also heard about the situation in Ling City. Thats why I brought the people from the base to seek refuge here. However, too many people came over, and Xiang County and Xu County are already overcrowded. Housing is extremely tight. When we passed by Yue County, we discovered a base there, so we decided to settle there first and make further plans.

Later, Yuan Li suddenly approached us. We didnt know he was still alive, and we were extremely happy. We talked about the situation here, and he invited me to live in the Civilization City. Due to the regulations of the Civilization City, only I could come, and the survivors who came with me couldnt. I couldnt just abandon them. After discussing with Yuan Li, we decided to establish Yue County Base so that we can accommodate more survivors.

Yuan Chen sighed, This is also thanks to Yuan Li. I didnt know he had the ability to control the zombie horde. Hes truly amazing.

Yuan Chen looked into Wen Qinglings eyes and smiled, Now that the Yue County Base has been established, its okay if Im not there occasionally. I promised them that one day we would live in the Civilization City. Now that youre back, I wonder if we can move and live there?

Ji Rong:

Is this person out of his mind?

The rules state that outsiders cannot live in the Civilization City, and Wen Qingling himself established those rules. How can he have the audacity to ask Wen Qingling to change them for him?

Wen Qingling remained expressionless, seemingly lost in thought. Ji Rongs heart skipped a beat. Could it be? Is the boss really considering this?!

Wen Qingling said, How many people do you have? Where do you want to live?

Yuan Chens smile was warm. The leadership team will definitely move in, around a hundred or so people. As for the place to live, it would be best to be closer to the Core City. It depends on your arrangements, Lord.

Wen Qingling said, Currently, the population in the Civilization City is still scarce, and theres plenty of space available. You can choose where you want to live.

Ji Rong:

Whats going on? Has Wen Qingling been bewitched?!

Yuan Chen politely said, What do you think of the inner city?

Wen Qingling nodded, Its fine. Let me know where you want to live, and Ill arrange it for you as soon as possible

Hold on! Ji Rong felt increasingly suspicious. City Lord, outsiders are not allowed into the civilized city. Its a rule.

Wen Qingling replied, I made the rules, and now I allow them to live here.

Yuan Chen looked into Ji Rongs eyes, Master Ji, from now on, we are on the same side. I am not an outsider.

Ji Rong was momentarily dazed, but when he regained his senses, he had a favorable impression of Yuan Chen. He smiled and said, Thats right, we are on the same side. Its only natural for us to move to the civilized city.

Yuan Chen smiled, City Lord, I am more skilled in governance. I heard that the management team in the civilized city is severely lacking talent. I wonder if theres a position for me?

Wen Qingling asked, What position do you want?

Yuan Chen replied, I think the position of Deputy City Lord would be good enough.

Wen Qingling slowly curled his lips and said, Isnt Deputy City Lord too low? Should I give you the position of City Lord instead?

Yuan Chen was taken aback and looked at Wen Qingling strangely. He was very confident in his hypnosis ability. Since awakening his powers, except when facing opponents whose strength surpassed his, he had to be cautious. Since reaching Grade D, his hypnosis had become more than a hundred times stronger, almost invincible. No one had been able to escape his hypnosis and brainwashing.

Yuan Chen was confident that this young City Lord would be no exception.

However, he knew when to stop. If his demands were too excessive, it would trigger a strong resistance in the person under hypnosis, leading to a high risk of control failure. He didnt want to repeat the same mistakes and end up being hunted down again.

Being cautious like steering a ship for thousands of years, Yuan Chen smirked and said, City Lord, dont joke with me. At best, my abilities only qualify me as Deputy City Lord. The position of City Lord belongs to you, and I would never dare to compete with you.

Wen Qingling asked, If I want to give it to you, would you dare to take it?

Yuan Chen continued to gaze at Wen Qingling, using his strongest mental power. He saw Wen Qinglings gaze momentarily lose focus, and only then did he feel relieved and smiled, If you dont want to be the City Lord, I would be more than happy to take the position.


Yuan Chen was slapped and fell to the ground.

The force of this slap was not small. Yuan Chen felt like his brain was shaken, lying on the ground unable to get up for a while. His mouth was filled with a metallic taste as he spits out two teeth. Half of his face immediately swelled up.

Wen Qingling said in a low voice, Psychic ability, hypnosis. Are you controlling and brainwashing people with this?

Yuan Chen couldnt believe it and looked at him, Its impossible, how did you

Why wasnt I hypnotized by you? Wen Qingling swept his mental power over Ji Rong, causing him to regain his clarity. Before you laid a hand on me, did you bother to find out what my ability is?

Yuan Chen sat dazed on the ground, Wood element and psychic element

He had long learned about Wen Qinglings abilities from the Blood Corpse that is, from Yuan Lis mouth. Dual elemental abilities sounded formidable, and Yuan Chen was a bit worried. Thats why he tested the waters at the beginning, only to discover that Wen Qingling seemed unaware. So he slightly increased the intensity of his hypnosis. He wanted to see if he could control Wen Qingling. If successful, he would strike it rich, gaining control over the entire civilized city, Xiang County, Xu County, and Yue County Base. He would become the ultimate winner in life. Even if there was a risk of failure, he was willing to try.

He asked Yuan Li about the nature of Wen Qinglings psychic abilities. Within each major elemental ability, there are many sub-abilities. For example, Yuan Chen himself possessed a hypnotic ability, which was a branch of the psychic elemental ability called hypnosis. Hypnosis could control a persons behavior by inducing a hypnotic state. At an advanced level, it could even modify or erase the targets memories, which was incredibly powerful.

Based on the information he received from Yuan Li, Wen Qingling liked to use his psychic power to explore the outside world. Yuan Chen assumed that Wen Qinglings psychic power belonged to this category of abilities. As long as his hypnosis was effective, he believed he could control Wen Qingling.

Little did Yuan Chen know that Wen Qingling possessed both wood elemental and psychic elemental abilities. And he wasnt just proficient in specific branches of these abilities; he had mastery over the entire elemental spectrum of both elements. Although there were many unexplored branches within these abilities, Wen Qinglings true potential had been underestimated.

Wen Qingling had never used his hypnosis ability and hadnt even thought about developing it. He considered such abilities beneath him. He believed that there was nothing that couldnt be solved through force. If necessary, he would resort to violence instead of manipulating others. He had no patience for that.

Ji Rong regained his senses and realized how foolish he had been to admit that Yuan Chen was on his side. He became angry and grabbed Yuan Chen, delivering a beating to vent his frustration.

Yuan Chen was shocked to see that Ji Rong, a major general, had no restraint and freely beat him, making him cry out in pain. With a swollen face and bloodied visage, he begged for mercy.

Ji Rong threw the cowardly Yuan Chen to the ground but still felt unsatisfied. He kicked him again and said, Youre quite something, being able to mesmerize someone with just a glance. Were you the one behind Chang Boheng and the people from Yue County Base?

There was no need to ask; the truth was that Yuan Chen was behind it all.

Terrified and in pain, Yuan Chen remained silent.

Ji Rong, not satisfied with his silence, continued to punch him.

Wen Qingling intervened, Enough beating. I still have questions for him.

Yuan Chen, lying on the ground with a face full of blood, resembled a pigs head. He pleaded, I I really cant take it anymore Please stop

Ji Rong sneered, Youre not even close to reaching your limit. Now, its me beating you. The City Lord will have a turn, and with a single punch, youll be done for.

Yuan Chen remained silent.

Yuan Chen was terrified and burst into tears, Wh-what does the City Lord want to ask? I I will definitely definitely tell the truth

Wen Qingling coldly looked at him, You learned something from the Blood Corpse, didnt you?

Yuan Chens swollen eyes squinted, What what Blood Corpse? I dont know anything about it. I dont even know who Blood Corpse is

Wen Qingling had been observing him all along and knew he wasnt lying. Yuan Chen genuinely had no knowledge of the Blood Corpses identity.

Wen Qingling said, Do you know the criteria for living in the civilized city?

Yuan Chen cried, If I knew, I would never have risked hypnotizing you, City Lord

Ji Rong didnt believe him, Did you ask your cousin?

Yuan Chen replied, I did. He said only non-humans can live in the civilized city. The civilized city is not a place for humans I asked him several times, and thats what he always said. I thought he was indirectly insulting me

Ji Rong fell silent.

Indeed, that was not an insult. The civilized city was indeed not meant for humans.

Wen Qingling banged the table, You should consider yourself fortunate for having a less intelligent brain. Otherwise, you and your cousin would be dead by now.

Yuan Chen was indeed talented, but he missed the most critical secret due to his twisted thoughts, focusing on the construction of Yue County and the plan to attack the civilized city. He never expected that his cousin would be capable of controlling a horde of zombies.

Upon further reflection, it was understandable. With the emergence of various extraordinary abilities, it wasnt surprising to encounter someone with the ability to control zombies. It could be said that Yuan Chens ambitions were quite audacious.

In reality, if he had known that the civilized city was inhabited by zombies, he would never have dared to enter.

Wen Qingling didnt kill Yuan Chen. Similar to the Blood Corpse, he bound Yuan Chen and hung him on the city wall. He wanted everyone to witness the consequences of causing trouble in the civilized city and its affiliated bases.

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