I Opened a Clinic in the Apocalypse

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

TL: Moonlit

Lu Tianjin didnt waste any time and said directly, I sense that Xu Shengfei is moving. Shes heading north, possibly leaving the city.

If Xu Shengfei really left the city, there was no way for Lu Tianjin to catch up on his own. Without Wen Qinglings help, he couldnt even climb a wall. As a zombie, he felt extremely embarrassed.

Wen Qingling said, with a disdainful expression, Do you want to keep chasing each other like this forever?

Lu Tianjin remained silent.

Seeing the disgust in Wen Qinglings eyes, Lu Tianjin tried to explain himself, Its very inconvenient for me to move like this.

Wen Qingling remarked, You even realize how bad you smell?

Lu Tianjin replied,

Am I to blame for having the scent of a zombie?

After hesitating for a while, Lu Tianjin said, Qingling, can you

Wen Qingling interrupted, No.

Lu Tianjin sighed.

Wen Qingling continued, Youve consumed humans. Even if they werent pure humans, you still ate them.

Lu Tianjin tightened his withered hand hidden in his black robe. The zombies you saved, they must have tasted flesh and blood since they didnt go into hibernation. What criteria did you use to save them?

Wen Qingling looked at him and said, Do you think conscious hunting and unconscious hunting are the same?

Lu Tianjin fell silent.

Wen Qingling spoke again, Dont accuse me of disregarding our two years of brotherhood. By protecting Xu Shengfei, even though you know she harmed me, our brotherhood has already dissolved. Besides, I dont owe you anything.

On the contrary, if anyone owed anything, it was Lu Tianjin who owed him even more.

Wen Qingling didnt know if Lu Tianjin remembered his gratitude, but Luo Fengjue seemed to remember it on his behalf.

However, it didnt matter anymore. Gratitude or grudges, Wen Qingling no longer cared. He did what he wanted to do, free from emotional constraints, free from power constraints, free from worldly constraints. This feeling made him more comfortable than when he was still human.

Lu Tianjin said, I said it was for the sake of the base. Do you believe me?

Wen Qingling replied, I dont care about your reasons anymore, no matter what they are.

After standing in silence for a long time, Lu Tianjin finally said, Lets go, Ill take you to find Xu Shengfei.

That was the only thing he could do now, to put an end to his indecisiveness, his unrealistic ideas, and his excessive kindness. He wanted to settle things once and for all with Xu Shengfei.

Wen Qingling glanced at him and didnt say much. He led Lu Tianjin away from humans, approaching the concealed city walls. The city was restricted, and it was more suitable for Lu Tianjin to act outside the city.

At the northern gate of the central mega city, several military vehicles roared away from the city and headed towards Li City in the distance.

In the spacious military vehicles, Xu Shengfei was wrapped in a black robe, with people sitting on both sides of her. She knew that no matter how much she did for Yin Cheng, he would never fully trust her.

Her ability was the root of Yin Chengs wariness.

But Xu Shengfei didnt care about all this. Their relationship was based on cooperation and mutual use. Xu Shengfei wanted to leverage Yin Chengs power, and Yin Cheng needed Xu Shengfeis ability. Most importantly, they shared a common enemy: Wen Qingling.

Or perhaps on Yin Chengs side, the Xiao Hen Squad should also be added.

There were five people in the military vehicle, aside from Xu Shengfei, they were all Yin Chengs trusted aides and members of his squad.

Yin Cheng sat in the co-pilot seat and still had some concerns about this operation. Are you sure it will be foolproof this time?

Xu Shengfeis voice was hoarse and unpleasant, Dont worry, theyll be guarding against zombies and corpse creatures, but they wont expect humans, especially their own kind.

As long as Wen Qingling wasnt present, her undead would have nothing to fear.

Yin Chengrui nodded. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once successful, our long-standing goal will be achieved, and you will become a great contributor to the central mega city.

In the previous operations, they were hindered by the Xiao Hen Squad. Now that the Xiao Hen Squad was in Ling City, there was no way they could ruin his plans.

Just the thought of returning to Central Mega City, implementing the secret plan of introducing undead, hiding them in the various districts of Central Mega City, and then coordinating an attack when the time came, seizing Central Mega City completely and turning it into the private property of the Yin family Yin Cheng firmly believed that no one in Central Mega City knew about the undead. Xu Shengfei acted very cautiously, and he had personally seen the undead. They were identical to humans, and if they didnt reveal their identities, it was impossible to distinguish them as abnormal beings. This plan was perfect. However, after he returned, he was completely dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of blood tests.

When he learned from his grandfather about the purpose of the blood tests, he was almost knocked unconscious.

His plan hadnt even been implemented yet, but it was already doomed to fail. Even if the First District guarded the northern gate and could become the breakthrough point for the undead, the other three gates would be sealed shut. Once they discovered any abnormalities in the blood, the existence of the undead would undoubtedly be exposed. Such a perfect assassination weapon, Yin Chengrui didnt want to give up on it under any circumstances.

The one putting him in such a dilemma was the Third District!

They have valid arguments. In the first district, they dare to refute the claim that the undead doesnt exist. In the third district, they displayed the corpses of the undead in front of everyone as evidence. There is no room for the seven major powers to doubt.

There is no need for doubt; it must be Xiao Hen who has returned. He brought news and delivered the samples of the corpses. Xiao Hen did all of this ahead of his return while still smugly planning for the future!

Yin Cheng has never hated Xiao Hen this much before.

Yin Cheng closed his eyes and opened them again, filled with malevolence and fierceness. If he couldnt kill Xiao Hen, he would kill his father first, cutting off his escape route. Lets see what hes capable of then!

Xiao Hen went all the way to the command headquarters of the third district and was stopped downstairs.

Xiao Hen pulled down his mask. Its me.

The guard was shocked. When Xiao Hen escaped from the command headquarters, almost the entire force of the headquarters was mobilized to chase after him, but they naturally couldnt catch him. If it werent for the post-apocalyptic human evolution, Xiao Jiang and Old Xue would have had a stroke by now.

The information they knew was that Xiao Jiang didnt allow Colonel Xiao to go to Ling City, but Colonel Xiao defied the military order and went there on his own. It had been a long time without any news from him, and they were all worried, unsure if Colonel Xiao was alive or dead.

The guard didnt expect to suddenly see Xiao Hen and immediately exclaimed, Colonel!

Xiao Hen:

He quickly pulled up his mask and looked around like a thief. Is Xiao Jiang here?

The guard stood upright. If it were someone else asking, he definitely wouldnt reveal Xiao Jiangs whereabouts, but the person asking was Xiao Hen, Xiao Jiangs only son. He could reveal some information.

The guard said, Xiao Jiang is not here.

Xiao Hen was taken aback. This person who always stayed at the command headquarters, how could he suddenly leave the headquarters?

Xiao Hen originally wanted to ask where Xiao Jiang had gone, but considering the guards duty, he didnt want to make things difficult for him. Even if he asked, the guard might not know, and even if he did know, he couldnt disclose it to the outside. Asking would be pointless.

Unable to find Xiao Jiang, Xiao Hen went to find Old Xue, but Old Xue was also not there.

Xiao Hen suddenly had a bad premonition. Since he had been transformed by Wen Qingling, his premonitions had always been accurate.

Without hesitation, he snatched a military vehicle, narrowly avoiding being shot into a sieve. It was his facial recognition that saved him. He rushed all the way to the east gate, honking the horn continuously. The horn was his urgent plea.

Xiao Hen leaned over the window and asked the guard at the gate, Did any military troops leave the city?

The soldiers under Xiao Jiangs command all knew Xiao Hen and immediately stood at attention, saluting. Reply, Colonel, yes!

Xiao Hen: When did they leave?

Guard: Almost two hours ago.

Xiao Hen slammed the steering wheel and didnt waste any more time. He overtook the vehicles, brushing against the wall. The cars side mirror was knocked off and caused a series of screams from the waiting queue.

Inside Frostfall City, a new wave of clean-up was underway.

General Xiao sat in the car with a stern face, commanding the scene, while Old Xue followed closely. The longer the cleanup operation went on, the darker General Xiaos expression became.

General Xiao: Are you sure this will happen?

The officer in charge of city cleanup seemed slightly nervous. He didnt expect both General Xiao and Old Xue to be present. It happened like this yesterday. Perhaps the commotion caused by cleaning up the zombies attracted that thing

Before he could finish speaking, a loud noise erupted, and a large building in front of them collapsed halfway. Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a massive black figure slowly emerged. As the dust settled, General Xiao and Old Xue finally witnessed this white monster with their own eyes.

Both of them were shocked. They were certain that such a white creature, resembling a pile of fat, had never appeared before.

This creature no longer belonged to the category of mutant animals or corpse beasts. No matter how hard they tried, they couldnt discern its original appearance or guess its species. They were sure that such a creature had never existed on Earth before!

Outside, there was already a chaotic uproar. Countless energy projectiles were fired at the enormous white monster, but they caused no harm. Instead, the excessive energy projectiles created a layer of white light on the surface of the monsters body. The scene was incredibly eerie, causing both General Xiao and Old Xue to furrow their brows.

The giant white flesh mountain slowly wriggled forward, ignoring all the attacks. As the white flesh mountain advanced, its front end slightly lifted such a familiar movement!

The on-site commander quickly picked up the in-car loudspeaker. Retreat! Its about to spew venom!

The soldiers who were attacking immediately ceased their actions and turned to run.

Pff! A bunch of mucus sprayed out, with a long range and abundant volume. Two soldiers who were running at the rear were glued to the ground by the murky, transparent slime. Other soldiers hurried over to help.

The white flesh mountain moved slowly, providing enough time for the soldiers to rescue their comrades. However, the viscous slime was extremely troublesome. It had high corrosiveness and toxicity, and its thick, sticky texture suffocated the soldiers more than being submerged underwater.

Learning from yesterdays experience, the group of people wore multiple layers of gloves. Even if one layer corroded, there were still several layers left. They desperately tore and scraped off the viscous venom to save their comrades.

At a time like this, daggers and long knives were completely useless. It took a long time to pull them out after stabbing, and it was faster to use their hands.

By the time they finally pulled the two individuals out of the mucus, their bodies had been corroded beyond recognition. The rescue attempt had failed.

The measures they had come up with today were clearly ineffective. They could only retreat even further. Despite witnessing the venom of the white flesh mountain yesterday, they continued to experience casualties today.

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