I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 822  Hostility

Chapter 822  Hostility

While the old Patimura and King Leon hold the malicious killing aura, they also notice Nabe's state of mind and condition.

'Tch… We need more time.' thought the old Patimura.

*BUSSHHH* A burst of golden yellowish aura erupted from the old Patimura as he clapped his hand [Mandraguna - Selfless Act]. *DONG* *DONG* *DONG* A golden wave erupted from the old Patimura and spread to the surrounding area.

The yellow-golden wave clashes with Angus' malicious bloodlust aura. The two energies seem to have two opposite natures. They restrain one and the others. For a moment, the malicious aura stopped from spreading further. Even Nabe recovered her state of mind.

Still, the old Patimura knows this is only momentary. He noticed the malicious aura was not pure energy but aura. The malicious aura is an intangible thing that somehow affects the surroundings. In contrast, [Mandraguna - Selfless Act] is an energy wave, a tangible thing.

In other words, the malicious aura couldn't be destroyed, only suppressed. Unless they destroy the source, they can only suppress it with another opposite energy. Moreover, the old Patimura also notices that this malicious aura slowly consumes the golden wave.

In just a few seconds of the clash, he could feel his Mandraguna depleted rapidly. It is like oil gets burned. This shows how dangerous and powerful this kind of Malicious Aura is.

As they think of another solution to contain the aura, a deafening sound is heard inside the metallic tower, along with strong invisible waves. Most of the people surrounding them couldn't perceive this invisible wave.

However, the three seventh grade could feel boundless energy from it. This energy makes them subconsciously fear it. If the previous malicious energy is enough to hit them mentally. This invisible energy is like an infinite universe that suddenly appears before them.

Fortunately, it only happens for a split second. Still, the impression is deeply stuck in their mind. *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* With the weakened malicious aura, the metallic tower slowly crumbles as if they are losing its structure to support it.

Through everyone's sharp perception, two figures stand in the middle of the crumbling tower. One of them is bare naked and leaning toward the others.

From the loose standing and position, they could guess this person is already knocked out while the other is supporting him.

After Angus had a rough passionate kiss with Jayna for a while, he finally calmed down from his crazed state before being knocked out from exhaustion in both mind and body. Jayna noticed his state and immediately leaned forward to hold his beloved man.

At the same time, she also held the new sword in her hand. Before Angus goes unconscious, he has already told Jayna about the sword through their bond. It is also at this moment Jayna wakes up from her crazed phoenix state.

Still, it somehow leaves her in a relentless state and could only glare at the cold out Angus. She feels like getting teased by Angus before getting thrown into a cold pool to calm her mind.

[Blink] Suddenly, the two of them are being held by King Leon before getting teleported outside the tower.

"Jayna, what happened?!! Are you okay?" asked King Leon as soon as he brought out the two of them.

Hearing this question, Jayna recovers and looks at his worried father and everyone. She thought for a moment before replying.

"It's none of your business." said Jayna coldly.

Without waiting for everyone's reply, she walked away while bringing unconscious her beloved man to the nearby camp. Despite this rude behavior, no one dared to respond as they could feel a dangerous fiery aura from Jayna.

No one knows why the fourth princess suddenly becomes this fierce, but they could only leave it to King Leon to handle. Seeing Jayna's sudden behavior, King Leon wants to stop her but decides not to do anything.

King Leon notices Jayna's exhausted state. Although they create a lot of commotion and trouble, she doesn't need to explain herself to everyone now with her status. Not only is she strong, but she is also the fourth royal princess.

If King Leon reprimands her now, their repaired relationship may end up getting worse again. This is the last thing he wants to see. Besides, he knows it is not too late until Angus wakes up and explains to everyone.

"Hahaha… You have a tough child, Leon. Guess, the blood of Dipo is still running." said the old Patimura.

"Jacob evacuated the area and secured the perimeter. I don't want anyone to approach this area until further notice." ordered King Leon while ignoring the old Patimura.

Under King Leon's order, they slowly brought the knocked-out people and evacuated the area. Fortunately, only a few people stay in Angus' base camp. Hence, they only need to evacuate a few people and bring out the unconscious.

During this time, Nabe also did not stay idle either. Seeing there is some trace of malicious aura in the tower area, she decides to barricade the place with complex spells and slowly research it.

Seeing this, King Leon decides not to bother her and gathers the important people for another emergency meeting.

"I don't think I need to tell you, but no one shall know about what happened here. Anyone who leaks the information will be executed immediately." said King Leon coldly.

"Yes, My Lord." replied everyone.

"Alright, let's talk about migration. Duchess Amberblaze, how is the progress?" asked King Leon.

"There are some problems with the old ones. But, they start to be obedient when a sword is near their throat. With their current speed, it is estimated around two weeks for a complete migration." replied the Duchess.

"Two weeks? Good. Duke Jacob will also help you after he finishes his task. Make sure no one is left behind. According to that girl, the whole area will collapse soon." said King Leon.

"That girl?" asked Duchess Amberblaze.

"The girl you brought not too long ago. Her gift is useful for this kind of thing." said King Leon.

"Oohhh… I see. Then, we should evacuate Angus and Jayna from here." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"It's okay. Leave them to me. Moreover, it is better for them not to move around first," said King Leon.

"What did you mean?" asked Duchess Amberblaze.

"Angus' bounty in the black market was somehow raised from two million to ten million. In fact, the bounty does not come from our kingdom but from outside. His real bounty is about Twenty million in our current gold coin."

"Some underworld brokers decide to put different bounties with lower prices in our kingdom. For now, they should stay here until they recover." said King Leon.

"Twenty million?!! Excuse me, My Lord. Can you tell me more details about it? I also heard about it before but thought it was just some petty fallen noble or merchant. To think it comes from the outside and so much." said Duke Jacob worriedly.

Two million Heart gold coins are a lot, especially with the current rise of Heart Kingdom. Still, it is not impossible to gather. If some fallen noble or wealthy merchant joins their money together, it is still possible to gather such money.

With Angus' brazen attitude and nature, he may offend these people during one of his outings. However, it is a different case for twenty million gold coins. This is an enormous amount of money that is enough to buy a medium-sized kingdom.

It is a lot of money that only some big organizations and kingdoms have. Therefore, the one that targets Angus should come from an extensive and deep background to gather this kind of money.

"Calm down, Duke Jacob. Our intelligence squad is still working on it. You should know how hard it is to find this information, especially from the outside." said King Leon.

"Yes, My Lord." replied Duke Jacob.

Afterward, King Leon instructed more about the migration before approaching Jayna and Angus' tent. Entering the tent, King Leon finds a familiar fiery feather close to his neck.

King Leon didn't react to this dangerous feather and focused on his daughter, who was tending his beloved man in her lap. Angus sleeps peacefully on Jayna's lap without any sign of waking up.

On the other hand, Jayna holds her new sword over Angus as if ready to cut down anyone approaching them.

'Such hostility… Just what happened?!!' thought King Leon inwardly.

"What do you want?" asked Jayna coldly.

"Can a father see his own daughter?" asked King Leon.

"... Leave! I am not in the mood to talk." said Jayna.

"Jayna…" called King Leon softly.

"Leave…" said Jayna once again.

Jayna spoke more softly this time, and King Leon could feel her perturbed mind. He knows Jayna was also affected by the previous malicious aura from before. Hence, it is better to let her calm down until Angus wakes up.

"Alright. If you have anything, just ask. I have some Royal Guards on standby." said King Leon before turning around.

Before coming out from their tent, "I am sorry, Father." said Jayna in a low voice.

King Leon stops for a moment but does not turn around.

"Just do what you have to do. I will always support you." said King Leon before leaving the tent.

"Thank you, Father." said Jayna.

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